Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 595: Wizards Iron Egg

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Lu Mo didn't think much, and said lightly, "Qingqing is in the room. 35xs"

Tang Yuanyuan responded in a small voice, and ran into the room with a blushing face. Tie Dan wanted to follow him, but was stopped by Lu Mo.

"Don't interfere with their studies. What happened to the ancient poem I asked you to memorize yesterday?"

Iron Dan's face was bitter at once. I really don't know which battalion commander has made a mistake. Why did he suddenly make up for his culture?

Are you giving your sister-in-law extra lessons?

But he didn't take the university entrance exam, so what would he do with those cultures?

"I... I remembered it, but I didn't remember it all..." Tie Dan hesitated, wanting to cry without tears.

He couldn't even remember the name of the ancient poem.

But he did remember it last night, and read it a dozen times, but this ancient poem was like a lullaby, he fell asleep while he was reading it, and he couldn't remember a single word after waking up.


"Recite as much as you can, carry it!" Lu Mo said.

He really remembered to supplement the culture for Tie Dan after he supplemented the lessons for Ye Qingqing. This kid's culture is so poor that he can't even count the numbers. The military camp in the future will definitely develop towards informatization. .

It happened that he was free now, so he simply tutored Iron Dan.

Tie Dan's mind was blank, he opened his mouth to think for a long time, and then a word popped out, "Goose...goose...goose...goose..."

Lu Mo asked him to choose one of the 300 picture books of Tang poems for elementary school students, and he picked this one at a glance, as if the teacher taught it when he was in school, but he gave it all back to the teacher.

"Brother Jiuqu Xiangtian, if you don't give money for nothing, I will slap you to death!"

Tie Dan held back for a long time, barely remembering a few words, and after thinking about it, he felt that it should be almost the same. He memorized it all at once, and looked at Lu Mo happily.

Ask for praise!

He will memorize ancient poems, and the battalion commander must praise him!

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Tie Dan's voice was so loud that Ye Qingqing in the back room could hear it even in the yard, holding his stomach and laughing, unable to stop.

Ouch mom... Tie Dan is so talented!

Why let him back it out.

Tang Yuanyuan also smiled and squinted, covering her mouth and gurgling, the cola was broken.

"In the future, if you are in a bad mood, you will find Tie Dan to recite ancient poems, and you will ensure that the happiness will bloom." Ye Qingqing finally stopped laughing and wiped her tears with a handkerchief.

Tang Yuan Yuan nodded vigorously.

The veins on Lu Mo's forehead kept jumping, and he resisted his anger and asked, "What does this poem mean, do you know?"

Give this kid another chance!

Tie Dan scratched the back of his head, this time he answered very quickly, and said cheerfully: "I think this is the case, there are people in the village who keep geese, and there is a liquor seller named Xiang Tian, ​​who took the geese for nothing and didn't give money, let him The goose seller was slapped to death with a slap, this kind of person will definitely not kill him with a fist..."


Lu Mo couldn't take it anymore, he slapped Tie Dan on the forehead, grabbed the cake in his hand again, and reprimanded with a dark face: "I'll slap you to death first, then give me back again, if tomorrow If you can't memorize it again, you're not allowed to eat!"

A good Tang poem made this fool crooked to the Huangpu River. If King Luo Bin heard it, he would probably be so angry that he would come back to life!

Tie Dan flattened his mouth in grievance, and summoned up the courage to defend, "Batch commander, I don't need to go to college, so I don't need to..."


Lu Mo slapped again, "You have to study even if you don't go to university, hurry up and recite it!"

No matter what Tie Dan does in the future, it's always good to learn more cultural knowledge. He doesn't know how long Tie Dan will follow him, but as long as he still follows him now, he will take good care of this silly boy!

Ye Qingqing in the room listened to Tie Dan's explanation. Tears burst out again, and her stomach hurt from laughing. Tang Yuanyuan took out her carefully made pastries from her bag, which were also her favorite, and put them in front of Ye Qingqing.

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