Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1488: The murderer is Sang Liangjie

Ye Qingqing ran in and saw the old lady lying on the sofa who was unaware of her affairs at a glance. Her face was pale, and there were terrifying pinch marks on her neck, which had turned black and purple.


Ye Qingqing was taken aback, tears welling up in her eyes, she did not dare to approach, for fear of seeing bad news.

"Don't worry, there is still a pulse."

Lu Mo's words made Ye Qingqing calm down instantly. As long as there is still a pulse, she will definitely be able to save the old lady.

First, I straightened the old lady's body, pricked the acupuncture point with gold needles, and fed a few drops of spiritual spring water. The old lady's complexion improved and her breath became stronger, unlike the agony Gossamer, who almost stepped into the gate of hell.

"What's wrong with Mom? How could this happen, Liangjie?"

Sang Huaiyuan and Sun Qiuyun also rushed back, and they were horrified when they saw that the old lady was covered with gold needles, and they couldn't find Sang Liangjie. Sang Liangjie.

"When we arrived, the door was open, and there was only the old lady in the room." Lu Mo said.

He looked around the sofa, thoughtfully, pointed to the overturned chair and said, "The old lady resisted before fainting, but she only knocked over the chair, and there was no movement elsewhere, which means there are two possibilities."

"What's the possibility?" Sang Huaiyuan asked anxiously, his eyes turning red.

It's about his mother and son. He is just an ordinary person now, and he can't calm down at all.

Lu Mo continued, "The first situation is that there are so many gangsters that there is no chance for Sang Liangjie and the old lady to resist, but this situation can basically be ruled out. There are no messy footprints on the floor."

"The second situation is that the gangster is an acquaintance, and he was caught off guard before he could resist. This is the most likely possibility."

Lu Mo actually has a guess, and he thinks this possibility is the biggest, but he dare not say it, because he guesses that Sang Liangjie is a gangster, and the old lady can only kick down the chair in time, even if she is old and weak , but if the gangster rushed in from the door, the old lady had no time to leave the sofa and deal with the gangster for a while.

The most suspicious thing is that although the old lady is old, Sang Liangjie is young and strong. What was he doing at that time?

Apart from a knocked over chair in the living room, there was no sign of a fight at all. Apart from the possibility that Sang Liangjie was the murderer, Lu Mo couldn't think of any other reason.

But he can't say this right now. It's baseless and unsubstantiated. Saying it will make Sang Huaiyuan and his wife grumpy.

After listening to Lu Mo's analysis, Sang Huaiyuan's face changed greatly, "Who would want to harm our family?"

His first reaction was a political enemy. He will be replaced in the second half of this year. Many people want to pull him down. It is not impossible to send someone to harm his family.

Ye Qingqing had already pulled out the golden needles from the old lady's body. Hearing the words, she said, "Why do you bother to guess, the eldest grandma will wake up immediately, she knows what happened best."

The old lady didn't catch her breath for a while, and she looked very dangerous, but as long as the breath eased, it would be fine. After a while, the old lady groaned and slowly opened her eyes.

"Mom, are you awake?" Sang Huaiyuan and his wife looked at her happily.

When the old lady saw her son and daughter-in-law, she was relieved and asked in a hoarse voice, "Where's Liangjie?"

"Cousin is not at home, grandma, who hurt you?" Ye Qingqing asked.

The old lady's face changed, her expression was gloomy, Ye Qingqing's heart sank, and she exchanged glances with Lu Mo. It seemed that their guess was right, the murderer was Sang Liangjie.

Sure enough—

The old lady said slowly, "It's Liangjie...he..."

: . :

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