Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1639: Female Hades

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Chapter 1639 Female Hades

Li Wuming was so frightened that his legs were softened, his face was bloodless, his cold sweat was as big as soybeans, and he was paralyzed like mud.

How could he be so unlucky, the few females he met were either tigresses, female yakshas, ​​or female **** kings, finally there was a normal Ye Qingqing, but everyone already had a master, and Lu Mo was a male Hell, even if you kill him, you don't dare to provoke him.

Oh, bad luck!

"Grandma, grandma, it's not that I don't say it, it's the dominatrix, no... Miao Tianxiong threatened me, if I dare to say it, she will castrate me, I dare not say it!" scolded myself for being nosy just now.

What about the little life in someone's stomach, it's not his seed, so what does life and death have to do with him!

Miao Tianxiang's eyes flashed with excitement and joy. It seemed that what Qingqing girl said was probably true. Tianxiong had something to hide from her.

"If you don't tell me, I'll castrate you now!"

Miao Tianxiang sneered again and again, her eyes shot cold, murderous, but she wanted to laugh in her stomach, she could be a grandmother soon, haha!

Li Wuming burst into tears, his face turned pale, he was a father-in-law sooner or later, what should he do?

Ye Xunmei looked amused. He knew Miao Tianxiang better, but the more fierce he said, the softest in his heart. On the contrary, she had to be careful when she smiled Yan Yan.

"You fool, who does Tianxiong listen to? As long as you satisfy Tianxiang, Tianxiong can really castrate you." Ye Xunmei reminded with a smile.

Li Wuming's eyes lit up, yes, why didn't he think of it!

"That's what happened..."

Li Wuming explained everything that happened that night one by one, without even leaving out the details, Miao Tianxiang's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"You saw Tianxiong sleeping with that Ding man with your own eyes?"

"I didn't dare to take a close look, I just looked at it from a distance. It was very intense. I must have fallen asleep. It's more than once, an hour or two!" Li Wuming confessed honestly, and didn't dare to tell a lie.

He slept a lot that night, had a beautiful dream, and the **** didn't come back, at least for more than an hour.

The smile on Miao Tianxiang's face became even stronger. For more than an hour, she even took the booster medicine. She was alone with her husband and wife. She had done what she had to do!


"Tianxiong checked her body before, and the doctor said that the chance of having a baby is almost Even if she treats Ding Ba like that, she can't have a baby!" Miao Tianxiang muttered to herself.

Li Wuming couldn't help but said, "The doctor didn't say that he must not give birth. Maybe the female yaksha and Nading are born with eight characters, and the shot will go off!"

It's not uncommon. He has encountered it before. The couple has been married for seven or eight years and can't have children. It's okay to go to the hospital for examination, but they can't give birth. , born in less than a year.

According to Feng Shui, this kind of situation means that the eight characters do not match. There is no relationship between husband and wife in this world, and they have to leave after they are married.

Miao Tianxiang smiled and nodded, "That's right, the doctor didn't say it would never be born, so I'll call Tianxiong to come back for an ultrasound."

Just as she took out her phone, she remembered something again, tugged at Li Wuming's ear, and reprimanded, "Sister Tianxiong, what a dominatrix, next time you call me to castrate you!"

Li Wuming covered his ears in pain, complaining incessantly, he would be castrated at every turn, not a **** or something, bad luck!

Rebirth of ninety hot wife and husband

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