Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1684: Be a life coach again

Ye Qingqing was very happy when she saw that she had loosened up, and continued to lobby, "No one taught me, it's all my own understanding, teacher, think about it, you don't need money for what you do in this society, you need money to drink water, eat, and shit. Well, the big deal without a man is just emptiness and loneliness, and if you don’t have money, you’re going to die.”


Mao Fangfei couldn't help laughing, this statement is too exaggerated, where is it?

"Teacher, you have never lived a hard life. You don't know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt are when you're not a home. You can't walk without money, and you don't have any dignity. You're not even as good as a dog. Teacher, don't you want to travel around the world? Don't want to own a house of lipsticks? Don't want to come. A trip that just goes away?"

Ye Qingqing continued to bewitched, and every sentence hit Mao Fangfei's heart. What this girl said was her dream when she was young, but she failed to realize it.

"What do you think, who doesn't actually want to? But how many actually do it? It's because most people are short of money. If they don't have money, they just walk away and go around the free park, but they are reluctant to buy it. mineral water!"

Mao Fangfei laughed again, this girl is too cool, like a joke, but she has to admit that what Ye Qingqing said really makes sense, and she doesn't know where this girl is so young, so many life philosophies.

"These are all taught by your parents?"

Ye Qingqing shook her head, "My mother died when I was very young, and your father has only recently met each other. It was all I learned from my painful real life. Every sentence is the truth. In short, please remember, teacher. I have a word, it is better to be rich if you have a father and a mother, I will support you with both hands and feet when you divorce, teacher, and leave the **** as soon as possible, but the money that belongs to you must not be given up!"

Ye Qingqing talked incessantly, but Ye Qingqing's mouth was dry, but the water in the lake could not be drunk, sigh, I just hope that she can make this eldest lady who doesn't know the sufferings of the world change her mind.

Mao Fangfei's expression was even more surprised. She didn't expect Ye Qingqing's life experience to be so tragic. She thought Ye Qingqing was a little princess spoiled by her parents!

"I see, thank you for reminding me."

Mao Fangfei finally decided to follow Ye Qingqing's advice and compete with the man.

Although she didn't know how much property her husband had, only the villa he lived in, but her sister-in-law was a lawyer and would help her in lawsuits.

Ye Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief, she could be regarded as saving the little lamb who had gone astray, she reminded again: "Teacher, you have to act fast, find a good lawyer with experience, be quick and ruthless, it should be that you can't even give a dime. Let go!

Mao Fangfei pursed her lips and smiled. You passed away in a flash, and returned to her cold appearance. She said lightly, "Go back to class, don't miss class again, or I will still give you zero points!"

Ye Qingqing asked tentatively, "Teacher... that I am really here to save people. You see, I have also done the review. Can I get a zero score at the end of the term?"

"can not!"

Mao Fangfei was decisive, turned around and left, when she turned around, she saw Ye Qingqing's mourning face, the corners of her lips raised, and her eyes filled with a smile.

In fact, she has decided to cancel the zero-point treatment for these two girls, but this girl is very interesting, let's hang it for a few days.

Ye Qingqing pouted, she is really selfless, she can be regarded as Teacher Mao's life mentor!

A score of zero appears to be a foregone conclusion.

There were no pathology classes for a few days after that, and Ye Qingqing didn't see Mao Fangfei either, so she didn't know her situation, but she felt that Mao Fangfei was a smart person. I don't know, there is no lower limit to the shamelessness of the Phoenix man, including his family, which is more vicious than the blood-sucking worm!

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