Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1777: 1 step late

The staff hesitantly glanced at the water in their hands. The foreigners are real. They use big buckets to fetch water, and several buckets of water are poured down. I'm afraid the consequences will be a bit of a nuisance!

"Come on, why are you hesitating?" Edward cried out angrily.

The staff no longer hesitated, and splashed Julie on Julie's body, instantly turning into a chicken.

The eyes of several male guests were straight, sly, I didn't expect that looking at the petite and exquisite Princess Julie, her body was so hot, it was a feast for the eyes!

Julie was full of shame and anger, and tightly covered her face, her hatred for Ye Qingqing was even deeper.

Fortunately, my body is not so uncomfortable, and my vision has recovered, but I still can't see clearly, and there is still a little burn, just like a real rubella, my head is dizzy, and the wet dress is close to the body. uncomfortable.

"stop looking!"

Edward felt the explicit eyes of the male guests intentionally or unintentionally. He was jealous, and had a bad feeling of being cuckolded. He took off his suit and put it on Julie to block some of the spring light.

"Your Highness can go to the lounge to change clothes." Mrs. Dylan apologized.

"Okay, thank you ma'am, can I let my nanny Mrs. Wu come in too?"

Julie said in a low voice, she looked really pitiful, of course Mrs. Dylan had no objection, and asked someone to call Mrs. Wu in the lounge outside, which was the lounge for the guests and entourage.

Mrs. Wu came in quickly, with a small box in her hand, which contained spare dresses. She and Julie went to the lounge on the second floor together, holding the small box tightly.

Ye Qingqing ran until she was out of breath, and it was considered to be in the back garden. She could vaguely hear the sound of panting and crying. She secretly screamed. She raised her skirt and ran to the source of the sound. The skirt is too long. It was in the way, but fortunately the diamond-encrusted layer outside was untied, otherwise she would be exhausted.

Finally arrived, but seeing the scene in front of him, Ye Qingqing's heart sank to the bottom, but he was still a step late.

She blocked Roger and whispered, "Turn around!"

Roger didn't see anything, but he knew something bad must have happened, so he turned around obediently.

Bazaar was already awake, and she was scared. When she saw Ye Qingqing, she was embarrassed and scared. She was stupid and didn't know what to do. She was embarrassed and scared and kept crying.

"Fuck you!"

Ye Qingqing was so angry that she kicked one away, and even gave them a fist on the back of their neck, and they were all knocked unconscious. What made her strange was that Kagel and Gongsunlin were not there, but they came out together just now.

She didn't have time to think about it, so she helped Bazaar up, "Leave quickly!"

"What should I do... I've lost face..." Bazaar wept bitterly, dying of embarrassment.

Ye Qingqing got a headache from her crying. She picked up the torn dress from the ground and put it on for Bazaar. Seeing that she only knew how to cry, she couldn't help shouting, "Don't cry, leave quickly, someone will be here later."

Bazaar was so frightened that she stopped crying, her face turned white, and she groaned when she took a step. Her body seemed to be torn in half, and the pain was unbearable.

"Hold on, Gongsun Lin is not with you?" Ye Qingqing asked.

"No... I know... I'm dizzy, I don't know anything, will something happen to her too?" Bazaar was worried about her friend, and thinking about her own experience made her tears flow even more fiercely.



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