Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1813: just a springboard

Mrs. Wu is still quite optimistic about Prince Edward. This man has a noble status, is devoted to Julie, and obeys his words. Even if Princess Luo is a little unhappy, it is not a problem, as long as Prince Edward is loyal to his daughter.

Who in the world can be a mother who can truly beat her children!

No matter how unwilling Princess Luo is, it is useless. As long as Edward is determined to marry, the royal family has to agree. At that time, her daughter will become a high-ranking princess, a hundred times more noble than Princess Luo Shizi of T country.

"Do you think you should make your relationship with Edward public? Let's create public opinion first and blow the wind up?" Mrs. Wu suggested.

Julie and Edward are in love with each other now, and they are a young couple who are officially in love, but Julie asks Edward not to disclose it for the time being. Mrs. Wu doesn't understand her daughter's thoughts too much. She has caught such a good husband-in-law, why should she hide it? write!

"Don't worry about this matter, I have my own opinion." Julie's tone was not very good, and there was disgust in her eyes.

She was so stupid that she didn't see her real purpose until now. How could she really marry Edward? This man was naive and cowardly, not her good match at all. She just wanted to use Edward to enter that circle.

That circle brought together elite men from all over the world. They were the fifth king of diamonds that girls all over the world dream of marrying. Edward was really nothing in it. Although he was the heir to the throne, the ranking was too low. The probability of becoming a king was too low. Almost zero, her target is not the Duchess, but the Queen!

Being told, Mrs. Wu didn't dare to say any more. She really couldn't understand in her heart. Even a good man like Edward couldn't look down on him. Who the **** did her daughter want to marry?

She was only worried that Julie would lose all the sesame and watermelon in the end, and she wouldn't be able to get anything!

But she knew that persuading her would be a waste of saliva. Julie would not listen to her for a long time, and she was very stubborn.

"Bazaar's idiot knew that he was going to marry that pervert, how would you react?" Julie was concerned about this. She especially enjoyed the pleasure of abusing the weak, which was better than smoking a big *.

"I just cry and don't eat..."

Mrs. Wu hesitated, but in the end she didn't say any more, for fear of making Julie angry.

Julie snorted coldly, with a contemptuous expression, a utterly trashy snack, what else could I do but cry?

Suddenly, she wanted to appreciate the tragic state of this trashy snack. Julie got interested, turned on the computer, and easily invaded the monitoring network of the palace, and switched to the room where Julie was under house arrest.

It's a suite, with a living room and a bedroom. The furniture is also very complete. It has everything, but there is no freedom.

Bazaar was sitting on the sofa watching a movie. It was a comedy. She had a light smile on her face and put on makeup. It was completely different from the haggard and sadness that Mrs. Wu said. Some black.

"Is this washing your face with tears?" Julie scolded in dissatisfaction.

How can the trash can watch movies? You should lie on the bed and cry, you can't put on makeup, your hair is unkempt, and your life is worse than a beggar, so that Julie can be relieved. Who let this **** dare to steal her prom head crown!

Mrs. Wu looked stunned and was very surprised by the good state of Bazaar. "Yesterday, I did cry, and I didn't even eat. What happened today?"


With a wave of Julie's hand, she swept everything on the table to the ground. Her face without makeup was as black as the bottom of a pot, making it even uglier.


Julie's eyes were sullen, like a cold winter in the twelfth lunar month. The temperature in the room dropped several degrees all of a sudden. Mrs. Wu was worried and looked at her nervously.


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