Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1883: magic fruit

"These are all for you, eat them!"

Ye Qingqing generously stuffed a bag of Torreya to Mrs. Zou, about four or five catties, Lin Shufang was very careful, each bag was five catties, so as to avoid frequent opening and getting wet, but Lin Shufang underestimated the appetite of Wuchen and the others, There are not many left over the 50 kilograms I bought last time, and Lin Shufang has to ask her relatives to send a few more kilograms.

Today's torreya is not valuable at all, and the countryside does not take it seriously. It is a little more expensive than melon seeds. One hundred yuan can buy a lot. The mountain people who planted torreya would never dream that in a few years, they will not take it back. The fruit of this event will allow them to live a prosperous and prosperous life.

In the previous life, when Ye Qingqing went to Shengxian to play, the mountain people lived in remote areas, but their houses were beautifully built. Every household had a car, and young people went to the city to buy a house. i.e. Ann is absolute.

Mrs. Zou was embarrassed holding a big bag of torreya, "There are too many, I just need to taste a little bit."

"My family has dozens of kilograms. Let's eat it. You're welcome!" Ye Qingqing is so arrogant, she will definitely not say that in ten years.

Zou Hanqiu said with a smile: "Then we're welcome. I've heard my wife say how delicious torreya is every day these years. I've never tasted it once. Today, I have to open my eyes."

Mrs. Zou opened the bag and grabbed a handful of Torreya. It was the size of a finger belly, oval, with a gray-brown shell. It looked unremarkable, and the fruit was amazing, and it took three years to grow.

The fruit harvested this year was actually produced three years ago. The outside is like a chestnut with a thorny shell. After picking it, the thorny shell is composted, and then the fruit inside is taken out and fried with salt to make a delicious Torreya.

"This fruit looks a bit like a small walnut." Zou Hanqiu thought it was a small walnut at first glance. There are quite a few small walnuts here in Pingjiang. He and Zhang Zhengrong both like to eat them, especially those with salt and pepper. Slowly peeling and eating, the taste is really good, but it is easy to get angry, Zhang Zhengrong has three bubbles in his mouth, and he chews it recklessly.

Zou Hanqiu took one, prepared to eat it like a small walnut, and put it in his mouth to bite. Mrs. Zou laughed and stopped him.

"Small walnuts are round, this one is oval, what are your eyes, and torreya won't get angry when you eat it, small walnuts will have blisters on your tongue after eating a few more. I'll teach you how to eat them."

Mrs. Zou pointed to the pointed end, with two symmetrical small dots on it, like eyes, she squeezed with **** skillfully, and a soft click sounded, and the shell cracked neatly, revealing the inside A dark layer.

"This black one can't be eaten. It fell off last year with just a touch. This golden-yellow fruit is delicious. When you smell it, isn't it particularly fragrant?"

Mrs. Zou wiped off the black layer, and there was a golden pulp between her fingers. She placed it under Zou Hanqiu's nose and smiled at him. Zou Hanqiu took a deep breath and nodded again and again, "There is a very special fragrance, no wonder it is called Torreya!"

He painted the gourd in the same way, peeled a few and ate it. The more he ate it, the more fragrant he was. He was full of praise, "This one is more fragrant than a small walnut, and it's not so difficult to peel. Is it true that you won't get angry?"

Ye Qingqing smiled and said, "Not only will it not get angry, but it can also moisten the lungs. Children can even beat the worms in their stomachs after eating them."

Zou Hanqiu's eyes lit up, "How can I buy this? Zhengrong likes dried fruit. He eats small walnuts every day and his tongue is almost rotten. I will get him some torreya, he will definitely like it."

"This can only be grown in Sheng County and some nearby small mountain villages. It's hard to buy. Let's have it. I'll ask someone to buy some for you." Ye Qingqing asked Lin Shufang to help buy some more.


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