Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1940: nice man

The fat girl had a very good plan. She was wronged and asked to marry Zhang Dalin first. If she had a good relationship with the Lu Mo family, she would have the opportunity to go to Pingjiang to treat her body.

Having spent a lifetime with the useless, it is terrifying to think about, and the fat girl is wronged to death.

"We won't sit down anymore. My in-laws should hurry up and book a house. We can't let Dalin and my family get married and squeeze in here!" The fat lady smiled softly, but her words came with nails.

The fat girl and Zhang Dalin have already signed a marriage certificate. When Yang Jinfeng buys a new house, he must write his son's name. This is the marriage property of the daughter and Zhang Dalin. If they divorce, the daughter will get half of it.

The house price will definitely get higher and higher, and it may be hundreds of thousands in a few years, and the daughter's divorce will definitely not be a loss.

Aunt Fatty's eyes were shining brightly. She was much more shrewd than Yang Jinfeng at abacus. Before discussing the evidence with Zhang Dalin, she asked a lawyer to find out more clearly. Fortunately, Yang Jinfeng's family was not very smart, so it was easy to be fooled.

"I can live in a crowded house..."

The old house was empty, Yang Jinfeng was reluctant to save most of his life's savings, and did not want to buy a new house.

Anyway, the marriage certificate has been pulled, the fat girl is already a member of her Zhang family, and she can't fly without buying a new house.

The fat aunt heard what she meant, her face suddenly sank, and she looked at Zhang Dalin in dissatisfaction, "The reason why my syndicate is willing to get a certificate with you is because you are honest and honest and will hurt others. You were in my house and promised to buy a new house. The old man just agreed, and now that he has the certificate, he wants to turn his face and refuse to recognize him, right?"

Zhang Dalin's face flushed red, as did his father Zhang Baosheng, who was ashamed and embarrassed, and felt sorry for the fat girl.

"Definitely... buy it!"

Zhang Dalin was too anxious, stammered, stared at Yang Jinfeng, and said dissatisfiedly: "Mum..."

He finally had a daughter-in-law, but his mother was holding him back. Do you want him to be a bachelor all his life!

Honest people either don't get angry. If they really get angry, people will panic. Yang Jinfeng feels this way now, because the two honest people in the family are angry.

"After we don't buy a house, Dalin and I won't hand in our salary. We will save money to buy it ourselves." Zhang Baosheng threatened.

His son is already in his third He is also in his early fifties, and colleagues in the workshop who are his age have already embraced grandsons, but he is the only one who hasn't even married a daughter-in-law, and has a bad face. All lost.

The fat auntie and the mother and daughter exchanged knowing glances with a hint of pride. The men in this family are so easy to coax, they don't have to worry about it.

Yang Jinfeng was angry and scared. She worked in a department store. She used to be the most popular profession. Everyone who saw her said she was lucky and even held her because she had inside information and could buy fashionable goods.

But in recent years, the department store has become more and more sluggish. Last year, it went bankrupt and was converted into a shopping mall by private contractors. Young employees are rehired. An old pickle like her can only retire early and receive three or four monthly payments. Hundreds, I can't even fill my stomach.

If Zhang Baosheng's father and son do not hand in their wages, how will she live?

Yang Jinfeng felt a little sad in her heart. The fat girl who originally made her extremely satisfied is now a little disliked. She picks things up before she enters the door. What status does she have when she enters the door?

"Who said not to buy, I'm thinking about which community to buy, what's the hurry!" Yang Jinfeng roared angrily, with a gloomy face, showing the attitude of seeing off guests.

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