Rebirth as a lion starts with self-discipline

Chapter 20: Sky Curtain Ice Spider, an existence beyond the ordinary!!

The awakened abilities of both lionesses are [Ice Claws].

It's not an outstanding ability, after all, attaching ice spiritual power to the claws can have a similar effect.

The ability awakened by little Black Panther Luna is [Ice Wings].

Can use ice spiritual power to transform into a pair of wings and gain the power of flight.

It's a pity that the ice energy in the little guy's body is pitifully low, and the transformed frost wings can only last less than 5 seconds.

The flight distance is about...20 meters.

It's still flying close to the ground.

Because flying too high, it is easy to run out of spiritual energy and fall down to death...

Even so, this ability makes Chen Mo a little envious.

Flying can give you a wider field of vision, which is of great help for detection, combat, and escape.

As for the problem of not lasting, it will be solved once the ice spiritual power in the body increases.

"It would be great if the self-discipline challenge could produce a [Flying Lion]."

Chen Mo couldn't help but think.

While he was watching the little black panther Luna in her reverie, Luna was also secretly observing the lion king's "father".

After awakening, the little guy's spiritual intelligence was naturally enlightened.

It felt more and more grateful to the Lion King and felt lucky for who it was.

If he had not met the Lion King at the beginning, he would have become a withered skeleton on the vast snowfield by now.

The Lion King's help and "adoption" made Luna silently regard the Lion King as her father in her heart.

It hopes that one day it can repay the lion.

It's a pity that I am still too weak now.

Leopard has to work hard!

Looking at the sky full of stars, the little black panther thought silently in his heart.


[Roaring Lion] The seventh day.

early morning.

Ice lion territory.


Chen Mo roared loudly early in the morning and began the last day's self-discipline challenge.

The day's plan begins in the morning.

The Frost Lions have become accustomed to the "abnormal" behavior of the new lion king, and even like the previous lionesses, many imitators have appeared.

at the same time.

About 40 kilometers away from the lions, four military vehicles and an off-road truck were driving quickly on the snow-covered grassland.

Each off-road vehicle was filled with soldiers with live ammunition. They had dark skin and wore uniform dark green military uniforms.

This is a unit from the Tanzanian military.

In the back of the off-road truck, in addition to the soldiers, there were two huge iron cages. In one of the cages curled up was a white rat the size of a house cat.

It is obviously also an extraordinary creature, but at this moment it has been injected with a large amount of anesthetic and is in a coma.

On the lead car.

"Sir, we are about to enter the snowfield inside the Snowy Mountains."

The dark, thin young soldier sitting in the co-pilot seat was fiddling with the drone controller in his hand while reporting to the commander in the back row:

"There is too much wind and snow ahead, and the detection range of the drone is seriously affected. Currently, it can only detect an area 250 meters ahead at most. The vehicle speed should not be too fast."

"Old Wang, drive slower."

Hearing this, a bald officer with a somewhat stout figure in the back seat said to the driver.

He is the top officer of this team.

It is worth mentioning that the language they used to talk was Chinese.

Because the instructors in their army are Dongxia people, they not only communicate in Dongxia language, but everyone even has their own Dongxia name.

Soon, the off-road vehicle hit the snowy mountain and drove directly into the snowy mountain.

These continuous snow-capped mountains are like mirages, an illusory existence.

"Sir, the snow-capped mountains above us won't suddenly come down, right?"

The young soldier controlling the drone asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, according to the experience of other countries, it will take a long time for the Snowy Mountains to officially arrive. Don't think too much, our mission this time is to capture as many extraordinary creatures as possible."

The fat officer sitting in the back row comforted him, and then began to skillfully tell everyone through the intercom:

"Fear soldiers! Cheer up! Colonel Kalam said that as long as an extraordinary creature is captured, each person will receive a reward of 5 million shillings (approximately 13540rmb)! In addition, I will reward the soldiers who have performed outstandingly in this operation. Report to your superiors and getting promoted is not a dream!”

Hearing this, the soldiers' eyes couldn't help but become hot.


At this time, a faint roar of a lion suddenly came from the fat officer's ears.

Because the distance was too far and the sound of the car engine was coming, the roar of the lion seemed very slight.

"Lao Wang, Sanchi, did you hear that?"

The fat officer quickly asked the driver and the young soldier.

"I heard you, sir!"

"It sounded like a lion roaring!"

"Quick! Drive in that direction!"

The fat officer's originally plain face showed an expression of joy.

They have now entered the interior of the Snowy Mountains, and most of the creatures that appear here are extraordinary creatures!

When the hunting team quickly advanced towards Chen Mo, with his super long-range vision, Chen Mo naturally saw this human team.

"Brother Hei!? So there is a high probability that I am still on Blue Star?"

This is the first time Chen Mo has seen humans since his rebirth.

Seeing the heavily armed soldiers, he thought about it and decided to run away first.

His current body cannot completely withstand bullets, although at his current speed, it would be difficult for a gun to aim at it.

But after a round of concentrated fire, I am afraid that I will not die but will be crippled!

But if I run away now, the lion group is likely to encounter this black brother army.

Although there is a great chance of winning if I fight humans directly, Chen Mo does not want his newly developed lion group to be consumed in such a meaningless battle.

After thinking about it, Chen Mo decided to lead this group of humans away alone.

Anyway, he is very fast now and can run at a speed of 150km/h for a long time. These off-road vehicles can't catch up with him at all.

Just treat it as a morning run, and continue the self-discipline of [Roaring Lion] by the way!


Chen Mo asked the lion group not to move in the territory and ran out by himself.


He roared while running deep into the Great Snow Mountain.

He planned to lead this team to the depths of the Great Snow Mountain illusion, where there are many extraordinary creatures. If he encounters them, he can still fight wild.


30 minutes later.

The convoy chasing along the roar of the lion can still hear the roar of the lion in front.

But it just didn't catch up!

If they hadn't seen the lion's paw prints on the snow, they would have thought they had seen a ghost.

"Strange, this lion can run too fast!"

The fat officer muttered, but he was getting more and more excited.

This kind of physical strength proved that this was not an ordinary lion.

After running deep into the snowy mountains for half an hour, Chen Mo suddenly stopped.

Because he saw a giant beast 10 kilometers away.

This was an extremely huge spider, crystal clear, as if it was carved from crystal, shining in the reflection of the sun.

It was as tall as a 4-story building, and even Chen Mo, who was standing in front of it now, looked quite petite.

[Sky Curtain Ice Spider]

[Level: ? ? ? ]

[Comprehensive Combat Strength: ? ? ? ]

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