
The success of his first hunting made Chen Mo feel a little joyful.

Without hesitation, he bit down on the impala beneath him and began to devour it.

The smell of blood will attract male lions and other predators, and he must enjoy this meal as soon as possible!


[Gluttonous Lion] The progress bar of the self-discipline challenge is growing rapidly.

When Chen Mo finished eating 5kg of meat, he felt that his body had reached its limit and his stomach was about to burst!

But he endured the physical discomfort and continued to swallow the blood and flesh of the impala.

For it now, there are not many chances of successful hunting. If it misses this meal, it is very likely that there will be no next meal!


Just as Chen Mo was feasting, a lion's roar suddenly came from not far away.

Then Chen Mo saw a majestic red-maned lion with a lush mane running towards him.

One of the lion brothers has discovered him!

The moment he saw Chen Mo, the red-maned lion became furious. The young lion in front of him dared to hunt in its territory. This was simply a provocation to his majesty!

So it burst out at its fastest speed and caught up.

It wants to catch up with this little lion cub who doesn’t know the heights of the sky, and then bite it to death!

Seeing the angry lion, Chen Mo didn't panic at all. Now he has absolute confidence in his speed.

After swallowing another mouthful of flesh and blood, and seeing that today's self-discipline challenge progress bar had reached 75%, Chen Mo picked up an impala's leg and ran away.

The red-maned male lion chased for a while, and soon he was surprised to find that the young lion was surprisingly fast!

Even better than that!

The distance between the two is getting wider and wider!

In less than five minutes, the lion was panting and out of breath.

The Lion's burst is good, but its staying power is a bit lacking.


Looking at the little lion cub that had turned into a small black dot, it became furious and let out a helpless and furious roar.

You can't even catch up with a lion cub that's less than 3 months old. It's really embarrassing for the lion!

In the end, it reluctantly gave up the pursuit and returned to the original place. Looking at the impala carcass with most of it left, its eyes suddenly lit up.

That’s it for now, let’s eat first!


Chen Mo trotted all the way back to the big tree at the edge of the lions' territory.

Although he had long since escaped from the lion, he still felt his blood boiling.

Exciting, free and wild!

In the past half month since his rebirth, Chen Mo felt that he had begun to enjoy the feeling of becoming a lion.

Looking around, I found that Sister Shi was not there.

"Isn't there any danger?"

Chen Mo was a little worried, but it was useless to think too much. He calmed down a little and started running around the giant tree to digest the food.

After the food in his body was almost digested, he started to eat the antelope leg that he had brought back.

When the antelope's legs were halfway down, Chen Mo glanced at the self-discipline panel.

【Gluttonous Lion】(1/7)

Today’s self-discipline challenge is finally completed!

At this time, the sky suddenly became dark.

Along with the rumble of thunder, the downpour began to wash away every inch of land on the grassland.

It is the rainy season in Africa, and there will be a heavy rain every now and then.

But this is a good thing for Chen Mo.

The rain will dilute the smell of blood on his body, and the safety factor will be greatly improved.

The only thing that worries Chen Mo is the lion sister Aisha.

It was not until sunset that Chen Mo finally saw that familiar figure in the pouring rain.

Elsa hasn't eaten for half a day, and she feels a little confused and scared at the same time as she is hungry.

This morning, after Chen Mo left, it began to look for prey nearby.

Elsa has had wisdom that is different from that of ordinary lions since she was a child. When she and her brother were forced to leave the pride of lions, they realized that they must hunt independently from now on!

My little lion brother has some mobility difficulties, so the burden of hunting naturally falls on him.

But unfortunately, its hunting skills are immature, not to mention that it is still young, and its strength and speed are far from the minimum requirements of a hunter.

I finally encountered a hare, but it couldn't even catch it!

This made Elsa feel unprecedented frustration.

It returned to its temporary "nest" with its brother in despair, but after getting closer, it could vaguely smell a faint smell of blood.

This made him instantly alert, and he couldn't help but feel worried. Could something happen to his silly brother?

Aisha ran quickly and soon saw the lazy figure under the tree.

Its silly brother was hiding under the tree and sleeping. His tail was swaying and he seemed to be in a good mood.

As if aware of its approach, the young lion stood up suddenly and then threw a piece of something towards him.

Elsa looked down and found that it was a half-eaten antelope leg!

Chen Mo waved his paw, signaling Aisha to eat quickly, and then narrowed his eyes.

His stomach was already round from eating before, and now he just wanted to have a good sleep.


Looking at the food, Aisha couldn't help but feel a little moved.

It didn't know that Chen Mo had already had a full meal, and thought he had left half of it for him.

Although Elsa didn't know how the lion brother got the antelope leg, it must have gone through a lot of danger for the young lion to get this food.

Hungry Elsa swallowed a mouthful of meat and purred with satisfaction.

It couldn't help but think of the time when it was in the lion group before, when it would snatch the food that originally belonged to the lion brother from the hands of other cubs and return it to the lion brother.

At this moment, it was just like that moment.

After eating the antelope leg, Elsa's heart was full of fighting spirit again.

Must work hard on hunting tomorrow! Try to bring back a hare for the lion brother!

This time, it should be its turn to raise the brother!


It's dawn.

The sun rises, and the fiery red sun slowly rises from the distant horizon.

A young lion with golden hair slowly wakes up from sleep.

Chen Mo opened his eyes and saw that the self-discipline challenge of [Gluttony Lion] on the panel has been refreshed.

It's a new day again.

Chen Mo looked around and didn't see the figure of the lion sister.

"So early, where did you go?"

Chen Mo didn't care. He was going to continue to the green grassland and start today's hunting.

After returning yesterday, Chen Mo had been reviewing and summarizing in his mind, and developed his own tactics.

He felt that today's hunting operation should be very successful.

Soon, Chen Mo came to the green grassland.

The heavy rain yesterday made the grassland particularly moist, and also attracted a large number of herbivores.

Chen Mo looked at a group of blackbucks a hundred meters away.

Yes, his target today is still blackbucks.

This creature is simply the best hunting target!

The brain is not very good, and there is no attack power. The only speed advantage is not enough in front of Chen Mo!

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