Rebirth as a lion starts with self-discipline

Chapter 7 This is three months! ?

"So that's how it is. This title allows me to become stronger by eating meat!"

Chen Mo was a little excited.

Now his speed is fast enough, and strength is his biggest shortcoming.

And the effect of [Gluttony Lion] can be said to perfectly make up for this shortcoming, greatly improving its overall combat ability!

Chen Mo took another look at the self-discipline challenge.

The newly refreshed self-discipline challenge is called [Jumping Lion].

Jump 2000 times a day for a week.

Chen Mo feels that the effect of this title should be to strengthen his jumping ability.

After thinking about it, Chen Mo finally chose [Observation Lion].

His speed is already invincible, and his strength can be further improved through [Gluttony Lion]. Enhancing jumping ability is not particularly critical for him.

The effect of [Observation Lion] may be to discover the weaknesses and fatal parts of other animals, which may be of great help to him.

And Chen Mo wants to see the strength of the green title!


For the next 7 days, Chen Mo hunted in the green grass near the pond as usual.

After obtaining the title of [Gluttonous Lion], Chen Mo started a crazy hunting mode.

He went out early and came back late every day.

Because of the improvement in speed, strength and other aspects, none of the prey he set his sights on could escape his lion claws.

Crazy hunting, crazy eating, crazy growth!

Every time he ate, he seemed to feel that his muscles became stronger, his bones became stronger, and every cell in his body was cheering!

In addition, the red-haired male lion who wanted to get something for nothing could never grab his food again.

[Gluttonous Lion] greatly improved Chen Mo's eating speed and digestion ability. It only took him less than 20 minutes to completely eat an adult blackbuck.

Often when the male lion came, Chen Mo had already enjoyed the feast.

After the male lion left, Chen Mo started a new round of hunting.

Because he ate a lot of meat every day, he fully utilized the effect of the title of [Gluttonous Lion]. Chen Mo's size and strength were growing at an astonishing rate every day.

On the seventh day, although Chen Mo still looked like a little lion, his size was almost the same as that of an ordinary lioness!

The lion sister Elsa who lived with him was shocked.

This is three months! ?

If it hadn't been with its brother most of the time every day, it would have doubted whether it was the same lion!


Time passed quietly between the rising and falling of the sun and the stars.

In the blink of an eye, another three weeks passed.

In these three weeks, Chen Mo went to the lion's territory to hunt as usual.

With the blessing of [Gluttonous Lion], Chen Mo's size became bigger and bigger.

In half a month, its size was almost the same as that of an adult male lion, and now it is even bigger than a male lion!

Chen Mo estimated that his current weight may have reached 300kg or even heavier!

The body length is also close to four meters!

Although he still looks like a cute little lion.

Unfortunately, his growth in size did not continue.

On the 20th day after he was awarded the title of [Gluttonous Lion], Chen Mo found that even if he ate more meat, his size and strength did not continue to grow.

The increase brought by [Gluttonous Lion] seemed to have reached a limit.

Only twice when he swallowed a lot of meat, Chen Mo felt an extremely weak airflow, or energy, in his body.

This energy is very small and hidden in the abdomen.

If you don't observe it carefully, you can't detect its existence at all.

Chen Mo doesn't know what this energy is and what it does.

But his intuition tells him that this energy may be more important than the strength of the body!

As his strength increases, Chen Mo's courage is getting bigger and bigger. He began to hunt in other areas and fight with some medium and large creatures.

Hyena, leopard, horned bull

Chen Mo fought with these animals.

In addition to exercising his combat ability, it is more important to confirm his position in this grassland.

Without exception, these medium and large creatures became his defeated opponents.

Of course, in addition to hunting, Chen Mo's most common thing every day is to observe various creatures. He would stare at a few antelopes for half a day, and would also watch hyenas hunting motionlessly...

Chen Mo even felt that he was reliving the animal world he had seen when he was a child, and his eyes were the best camera.

[Observing Lion] Self-discipline Challenge Day 30.

When Chen Mo completed today's self-discipline challenge, he excitedly looked at the self-discipline panel-

[Observing Lion] (30/30)

After a month of self-discipline, the moment of harvest finally arrived!

After selecting the equipment, the entry of [Observing Lion] shattered and turned into a white light spot that merged into the little lion's body.

This time, Chen Mo felt that his eyes were electrocuted...

However, this feeling was fleeting. The next second, Chen Mo felt that the world in front of him became much clearer in an instant.

Its vision has been greatly improved.

Originally, his vision was similar to that of an ordinary lion. When the weather was clear, he could see objects about 2 kilometers away.

And now, it has been directly improved by 5 times!

It can see objects about 10 kilometers away!

Chen Mo felt that as a green self-discipline title, the effect of [Observation Lion] should not be limited to this, so he looked at the sleeping Lion Sister next to him.

This is the best test subject.

The next second, Chen Mo found a small frame similar to a panel appeared above Aisha's head.

It reads——

[African Lion (Female)]

[Superb Level: Ordinary Species]

"Ah? That's it?"

Chen Mo was stunned for a moment.

This title seems to be... a little weaker than he expected.

After all, this is also a green title, how come the effect is not even as good as the white title?

After studying it for a while, Chen Mo gradually figured out the correct way to open [Observation Lion].

The effect of [Observation Lion] is actually that the longer the target is observed, the more detailed the information displayed.

After Chen Mo observed Sister Lion for 1 minute, the information in the frame changed——

[African Lion (Female)]

[Level: Ordinary]

[Constitution: 3]

[Agility: 3]

[Strength: 3]

[Soul: 4]

[Comprehensive Combat Power: 3~4]

Seeing that Sister Lion Aisha’s comprehensive combat power was not even 5, Chen Mo couldn’t help laughing.

He tried again. If the observation time was long enough, Aisha’s weight, height, maximum explosive power, age, mood at the moment, personality and hobbies and other various information would appear one by one.

Chen Mo felt very interesting.

Aisha on the side was not actually asleep, but just squinting her eyes and dozing off.

Then she noticed that her brother was staring at her all the time, and she would smile foolishly from time to time.

This scene made Aisha feel warm in her heart, with a warm feeling.

In the month of being "kept" by her brother, she developed an extraordinary dependence and affection for Chen Mo.

Aisha, who has extraordinary wisdom, has already regarded Chen Mo as a close relative and a support in her heart.

Although... they are close relatives.

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