Chapter 321 One sauce, change one dish (12)

“Yukihira Sōma’s current strength is only four-star, between five-stars, but what makes him powerful is that Yukihira Sōma’s brain circuit is different from others, this guy always thinks Places that others can’t think of, and then bring great changes to their own cooking, and can make cooking that surpasses their own cooking skills!”

This should be the protagonist template, but unfortunately, when you meet Xiao Cheng, Xiao Cheng doesn’t care if the opponent is the protagonist template. Since the other party provokes him, then Xiao Cheng will not let him go because of the opponent’s protagonist template!

Although from Yukihira Jōichirō’s face, Xiao Cheng cannot do anything to the other party, it is not impossible to borrow someone else’s hand to teach Yukihira Sōma a lesson!

“The char-grilled A5 beef in this dish is good, but if the beef is only beef, it will be a bit greasy, so you need to pair it with sauce!”

Xiao Cheng walked into the kitchen. Not long after, Xiao Cheng walked out again, looking at one side Nakiri Erina said, “You try to pair that charcoal roast beef with this sauce~ sauce!”

Nakiri Erina was taken aback, then picked up his chopsticks, picked up a piece of beef, dipped it in a little sauce and put it in his mouth-!

After the beef in the mouth is matched with Xiao Cheng’s sauce, it seems to have a chemical reaction, as if it was burned to ashes in the flame, but it was a new Nirvana rebirth!

“Seven stars!”

It was originally only a four-star cuisine, but relying on a sauce from Xiao Cheng, it was abruptly upgraded to a seven-star cuisine. How could this be possible!

Nakiri Erina is incredible!

“Try it yourself!”

Looking at Mito Ikumi, Xiao Cheng motioned to Mito Ikumi to try it for himself!

“Ah oh, good!”

When the charcoal-grilled A5 beef dipped in sauce entered his mouth, Mito Ikumi’s face was shocked!

Is this still homemade cooking? No, it’s not, it’s not your own cooking!

And the reason for such a drastic change in his cooking is the pile of sauce!

Mito Ikumi looked at Xiao Cheng, his eyes almost glowed!

“I can give you the recipe for the sauce, but, for one thing, you have to beat Yukihira Sōma!”

“no problem!”

Mito Ikumi replied without even thinking about it.

“That’s good, I’ll write you the recipe. After you go back, try your best to replicate the sauce perfectly!”

“Acheng, that stinky boy, hold such a grudge!”

Nothing in Tōtsuki can escape Nakiri Senzaemon’s eyes!

It didn’t take long for Xiao Cheng to find Mito Ikumi and it was learned by Nakiri Senzaemon. After learning the sauce recipe that Xiao Cheng gave Mito Ikumi, Nakiri Senzaemon knew what Xiao Cheng was thinking about. !

Even if Nakiri Senzaemon wants to pull Yukihira Sōma, there is no way!

“Let’s leave it to Seiichiro, that stinky boy, he should give Seiichiro a bit of face!

Picking up the landline on one side, Nakiri Senzaemon dials a phone number that will never change!

Without two sounds, the call was connected!

“Father, what’s the matter with you calling here!”

“Seiichiro, did the kid Sōma tell you about Cheng last time!”

“Last time? Oh, what happened to that thing!”

“You shouldn’t forget it!”

Yukihira Jōichirō suddenly laughed awkwardly on the other end of the phone!

· ·····Seeking flowers···········

“That bastard has a grudge and plans to trip Sōma!”

Yukihira Jōichirō said indifferently, “It doesn’t matter, as long as that kid doesn’t take the shot himself, if Sōma loses, then that kid Sōma is not strong enough, no wonder!”

“You really have confidence in Sōma, but Seiichiro, you still call the stinky boy Acheng, otherwise, that stinky boy might not easily let Sōma go. It is for your face. No big things will happen, but Sōma reckons college life is not easy!”


“You can’t even say, that kid will listen to me?”

“You have a little bit of kindness to that kid anyway, that kid will listen to you, after all, Sōma is also your son!”

“Okay, I see, give me that kid’s phone number, but, Commander, how is his strength now!”

“I can’t see clearly, sometimes, I even see a higher realm from him!”

Nakiri Senzaemon stopped at the half-step stage of the food king, and the higher realm can only be the food king and the god of cooking!

“His, it’s true!”

Yukihira Jōichirō took a breath and said.

“What do you mean?”

“Understood, it seems that I really have to talk about it. If that kid is thinking about Sōma, Sōma, this stinky kid, is really not easy to leave. As a dad, how can I help Sōma? This matter is settled!”

“Now you know the seriousness of the matter!”

PS: Regarding the super hearing of God’s ear, I should have explained it in the book. You are not serious about reading, go back and read it again!

PS2: This one is over, there is still 8 more! .

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