Chapter 612 In strategizing, decisive victory thousands of miles away

“You said, why are so many people uneasy?”

After listening to Hongye Zhixian and reading the list, Xiao Cheng couldn’t help but feel like a very helpless question!


Hongye Zhixian looked at Xiao Cheng in front of him, and the corner of his eyes twitched slightly. Then he said, Xiao Cheng, the guy who doesn’t want Bilian!

“You, forget, I don’t care about you, but these are just small pawns, we are now doing it, and it is not monkeys, but chickens that are killed. These shrimps don’t need to worry about it for the time being, the real big heads Still behind, the game of Sword Art Online is almost an epoch-making game. I think it’s definitely not just these people who can’t help it!”

Looking at everything like a man holding a winning ticket, Hongye Zhixian couldn’t help but indulged in the demeanor of the person in front of him, but, soon, Hongye Zhixian used his own reason to suppress the sensibility in his heart. !

Even if Hongye Zhixian finds that he is a little obsessed with this man, Hongye Zhixian’s rationality is based on the old 827 so that Hongye Zhixian will not easily declare the thoughts in his heart!

She will use reason to analyze why she likes the person in front of her, and then analyze it a little bit thoroughly. Once, after being thoroughly analyzed by Hongye Zhixian, Hongye Zhixian will obliterate her heart little by little!

Therefore, people who are more rational than perceptual will not love someone easily!

“Then what do you plan to do with these people? Leave it alone?”

Holding the list in his hand, Hongye Zhixian asked.

“It doesn’t matter whether it is impossible or not, it must be managed, but it is not us who do it, and we don’t have to do it personally. I think I need to teach you specially for these things!”

Hongye Zhixian understood Xiao Cheng’s meaning instantly!

“It’s just that in our current situation, there should not be many people who will help us. Many predators are eyeing us. (daac) As long as we relax a little bit, the other party will rush over without hesitation, and then we The food is clean, at this time, if anyone comes to help us, then it is very likely…”

Of course Xiao Cheng knows that at this time, there is more help than others, but Xiao Cheng never thinks that he is the one who is helpless and helpless!

“Hongye, I didn’t give out so many glasses in vain. The network of this one is up to you!”

A faint smile hung on the corner of Xiao Cheng’s lips, but Hongye Zhixian’s body was cold. Looking at Xiao Cheng, all kinds of astonishment and unbelievable expressions flashed in his eyes. The current Xiao Cheng is just as it is now. . . .

“While strategizing, decisively winning thousands of miles away, be like a husband!”

Looking at Xiao Cheng, I don’t know why, but Hongye Zhixian’s mind has this kind of thought!

“Cheng-kun, you really let me refresh my knowledge of you again and again!”

As the big boss of IGO, the three sages are sad!

“Sure enough, what happened this time made him dissatisfied, and I sent it to Tōtsuki, to Sengen Shrine, but we didn’t have it here!”

“If this is replaced by me, I am dissatisfied, that kid just didn’t retaliate, it’s probably because of the face of our three old guys!”

“Oh, although I knew that IGOs ​​would inevitably have some beam jumping clowns before, but I didn’t expect that those beam jumping clowns could still be mixed to the present level. We are too soft-hearted, or… ”

Katcher waved his hand.

“Needless to say, this time we still think about how to appease that kid, Sword Art Online, this game, we can’t give up anyway, you all know what it basically means, if the time of this game is true If it is ten to one, then, we have not tasted it, and we cannot rely on this east wind to go further!”

The three sages are all stuck at the pinnacle of Dragon Chef, and one step further is the level of the food king!

For a chef, the King of Food is equivalent to the God of Cooking!

After all, the God of Cooking has appeared for hundreds of years. No, it should be said that the entire world has only been born as a God of Cooking, Liu Maoxing!

For the three sages, being able to become the king of food is no regrets. After all, the three sages also know that if there is no adventure, the peak of the dragon chef is the limit of three people!

Now, this adventure appeared in front of three people. If the three people don’t seize the opportunity, then. . .

“In that case, let’s clean it up!”

Camuel said suddenly!

“Great cleaning?”

“Yes, it’s time. IGO has been established for so many years, it is inevitable that worms have been born. Now we have to clean up and remove those worms. Not only can IGO be rejuvenated, but it can also be used to comfort that kid!”

“It’s just that that kid seems… but in fact he is very shrewd!”

“If you are not shrewd, how can we choose him as our heir? How can IGO be able to safely teach it to a fool. When the time comes, if you are swallowed by someone, I am afraid that you are still helping others to lose money!”

PS: Can anyone tell me where the young ladies in Dongguan are going to continue begging for life now, I want to give condolences to me! By the way, save the women who stumbled! .

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