Kenshin was seriously injured, and in his mind, he remembered but only what Yukiyo had said, to end everything and go to a place of seclusion.

The corner of the mouth silently recited that place name, that promise, like an unattainable dream, step by step on the snow, step by step approaching Yukiyo on the top of the mountain.

At this moment, Kenshin has nothing in his heart except Yukiyo.

The last enemy, but already blind and deaf, and seriously injured Jian Jianxin, was beaten continuously by the opponent.

"I, took away the person who is precious to you!"

"I am not qualified to protect you, but even so, I am."

"I want to protect you!"

Kenshin's last desperate sword cut Yukiyo.

Because Yukiyo stood in front of him and helped Kenshin block the enemy's fatal blow, that's why Kenshin's sword ended her and the enemy's life together.

An Min was stupefied when he saw the people here.

"how so?"

"How could this screenwriter write like this?"

"Is this Yukiyo necessary?"


"Is this necessary? Is this necessary?"

"My God, why did you arrange it like this? The screenwriter is poisonous."

In the movie hall, the audience couldn't hold back their inner impulses and started to complain. Although they suppressed their voices, they obviously couldn't accept it.

An Min couldn't accept it either!

A second ago, he was still immersed in the emotion of Kenshin protecting Yukiyo until the last moment of his life.

In the next second, I saw the scene where Yukiyo let Kenshin stab her and the enemy to death in order to protect Kenshin

The whole movie is too cruel.

But the worst part is the next scene.

Yukiyo lay in Kenko's arms.

Using the short dagger that has been hidden on his body, he drew a new wound on Jianxin's bloody sword mark left by his ex-fiancé Mingliang on Jianxin's face.

And the previous sword wound, forming a cross.

I'm sorry. Husband!

Yukiyo's words to Kenshin completely overwhelmed An Min.

The nose is sore, and the eye sockets feel a little blurred.

Mingliang is the fiancé, but Jianxin is the husband.

At the end of life, Yukiyo finally made a choice between the two

stomach ache


However, he didn't want to look away even for a second.

Yukiyo's dead body and the house where the two lived were burned by Kenshin.

Kenshin is determined to fulfill another promise to Yukiyo, put an end to the troubled times, and then lay down his sword, never to kill anyone again in this life.

At the end of the story, there is a scene of Jianxin fighting again and again in this troubled world.

He always wears Yukiyo's scarf!

He fought against the resisters of the decaying empire, and survived again and again, but his eyes were no longer confused.

in the final shot.

Kenshin fell asleep with his sword in his arms, Yukiyo's scarf around his neck.

That image metaphor.

The phantom of Yukiyo embraced Kenshin from behind.

Although she is dead, the change of faith she brought to Kenshin has always guarded Kenshin.

An Min looked at the frozen frame of the picture, the place where Kenshin buried the robbers when he was a child, and the scarf Yukishiro wore was tied here by Kenshin at some point.

Memories. End!

At this moment, the audience is completely silent!

Including An Min, I was speechless!


Everyone was abused badly!

But at the same time, what follows this sadistic plot is the ultimate touch.

Although Kenshin and Yukiyo have different positions, the love between the two, the choice of the two at the last moment, and the last metaphor that Yukiyo has always guarded Kenshin

An Min looked at the time, two hours passed by in a flash.

A sense of emptiness and helplessness hits my heart.

It would be great if the screenwriter had more heart!

It would be great if the screenwriter didn't let Yukiyo die!

How could such an ending be able to sleep tonight?

The lights in the cinema hall are turned on, and the cinema is reminding the audience that they can leave.

At this time, everyone in the theater reluctantly stood up.

There were whispers all around.

"This movie is amazing."

"I have always cried a lot, and this time I couldn't help but burst into tears."

"I watched Original Sin in the afternoon, and I thought it was unfair that Original Sin only got 8.2 points. Such a good movie is only 8.2 points? But if Rurouni Kenshin is only 9.4, then 8.2 for Original Sin is indeed too high!"

"Why is such a good-looking movie promoted so rubbish! I never heard of it before. If you didn't pull me to watch it, I definitely wouldn't watch this movie."

"I just watched the initial D of the lead actor Jing Yu, and thought it was very good-looking, so I pulled you to watch this movie out of luck. I didn't expect it to be such a powerful movie! This one is called Jing Yu's, why didn't you come to make a movie sooner!"

"My scalp is numb. I want Amway and my friends to watch this movie. I can't be abused alone."

An Min walked out of the movie hall, the time was already ten o'clock in the middle of the night

But his heart is still immersed in the plot of the reminiscence chapter.

I looked at the reviews of this movie on the Internet.'s score has risen to 9.5, and the total box office has reached 71 million.

In the film and television drama group he joined, a group of people were still frantically discussing the plot of Rurouni Kenshin's Memories.

"It hurts to cry!"

"Yukiyo, why did you have to die!"

"The scarf at the end is amazing! It can be sublimated directly to the whole work."

"Is there really such a character as Jian Xin in history! The period at the end of the Great Shang Empire was so depressing."

"That period in history was more cruel than in the movies. There may indeed be ten or a hundred righteous men like Kenshin in history, but they didn't leave their names in history."

"Rurouni. Kenshin Remembrance Chapter. Tell me, if there is a Remembrance Chapter, are there other chapters?"

"No way! I just noticed this."

"If there are other chapters, you can ask the screenwriter to write Yukiyo to life!"

"Everyone is burned to ashes, what a fart to write!"

"What's the matter? In the Shenlong Pavilion 2 two years ago, the heroine in the first movie fell into the magma. Didn't she come back to life in the second movie? Why was she saved by the magma creature! Anyway, the sword Kokoro didn't see Yukiyo being burned to ashes with his own eyes, and left the house as soon as the fire was lit, it can be written that Yukiyo was actually a fake death, woke up by the flames, and was rescued by others!"

"You might as well say that Yukishiro actually absorbed the essence of heaven and earth and turned into a zombie! The next part is called Rurouni Kenshin Zombie Chapter. The love between Kenshin and Yukiyo is over!"

"Don't be too ruined like that. Although I feel bad for Yukiyo to die, but using this method to keep Yukiyo alive is an insult to this character."

"Can you spoofs get out of here? Everyone is being moved, and you are the only ones making trouble here."

"That's right, can you respect Yukiyo a little bit. Turning into a zombie, which idiot said that, do you have any conscience?"

"I'm just watching everyone being abused by the plot to make a joke to liven up the atmosphere."

In the fan group, everyone was discussing the plot of the reminiscence chapter without saying a word.

And An Min hesitated for a moment. Although it was a bit late, he still bought the ticket for Rurouni Kenshin Memories at 10:30 for the second time.

Anyway, if you are abused, then enjoy the abuse.

He's obsessed with Kenshin and Yukiyo characters. I'm so sorry for this movie.

As for what I thought at the beginning, the idea of ​​watching the three movies of Fish in the Mirror, Original Sin, and Lantern has disappeared at this time.

When is it enough to watch Rurouni Kenshin Memories, and then consider those three movies!

There is one more chapter to follow.

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