Lin Shen stayed at Jinshan Company for another two days. During these two days, Jinshan Company had a lot of things going on, and Lin Shen did not want to have to deal with everything by himself. So I didn’t interfere anymore.

Lin Shen’s”Fights to Break the Universe” uploaded to has not been updated anymore. Now there is a lot of curses on him on the forum, and everyone is waiting to see the next content.

After staying in Yanjing for long enough, Lin Shen decided to go back to Shai.

After saying goodbye to Lei Jun and Qiu Bojun, Lin Shen took the plane back to Shai.

After returning to Shai, Lin Shen did not stop paying attention to Instead, he logged in to the website every day to take a look at the situation on the website.

First, under Lin Shen’s urging, finally transformed into a portal website.

According to Lin Shen’s requirements, the news, entertainment, sports, finance, technology, games, literature and other sections are divided into categories, so that netizens can find the content they want to see more intuitively. Click in and you’ll find information about various other sites on the Internet.

Of course, following in changing its website into a portal, there are also major websites such as NetEase, Senlang, and Sohu. They are also optimistic about Yahoo’s model and are preparing to develop portals like this in Longguo. form.

After the revision of, the number of daily visits remains high, with more than 2 million visits every day, which is equal to one visit for every netizen.

Of course, the one that attracts the most attention is still’s online novel writing contest.

Now this competition has gone out of the circle, because a newspaper published this creative competition held on the Internet, which attracted the attention of many ordinary people. After all, the bonus of half a million yuan for the first place is still a huge amount of money now. And with the development of these days, more and more people came to watch this competition.

After Lin Shen returned to Shai, the update speed of”Fights Breaking the World” has been maintained at two thousand words per day. It only takes five minutes to write it and upload it directly, which basically takes no time.

Of course, because the update speed plummeted, netizens on resented Lin Shen deeply, because they finally discovered the charm of this novel, and they felt uncomfortable without reading the update for a day!

The rhythm control of this novel is simply perfect. Basically every chapter has something to watch and is very immersive.

Of course, these days, other netizens finally uploaded their own works and tried to participate in this creative competition.

There are more and more contestants participating.

Then netizens discovered that the most popular novels are often those with a fast and straightforward pace. Themes such as martial arts, fantasy, and fairy tales are the most popular and often have the most clicks.

There are also people who imitated the book”Fights to Break the World”, with exactly the same routine, and the number of clicks was extremely exaggerated.

However, still has a lot to do. For example, Lin Shen said that the text-based online game of cultivating immortality and the sale of Kingsoft Card are both things that Lin Shen is more concerned about.

A few days later.

Kingsoft finally launched Kingsoft Card.

The Kingsoft Card is issued through post offices, newsstands, stores, electronic markets and other channels and is promoted throughout the country.

Launched together with Kingsoft Card, there is also Kingsoft Input Method.

The download address of Kingsoft Input Method is on the homepage of, with a large banner specially made.

Naturally, countless people clicked in to take a look when they saw this input method launched by Kingsoft Company.

As a result, when I saw the boast about this input method, I didn’t quite believe it because he boasted too many functions. It is said to be the most useful input method on the entire Internet. It is far more usable than Smart ABC. As long as you know Pinyin, you can use it. After using it once, you will not be able to put it down.

When you see Kingsoft Input Method being promoted like this, even though you don’t believe it, you can hold your nose and download this input method with a try mentality.

Of course, in today’s network environment, not only is the download speed slow, but the web page is stuck and cannot be opened, so you can only spend time waiting for the download to complete.

Many people think that downloading is too slow and takes up network speed, so they do not download immediately, but wait for others to try it before deciding whether to download.

Because soon there will be people discussing this input method on the forum.

Sure enough, after it was opened for download, not long after, people in various forums and chat rooms of began to discuss this input method.

“Have you tried the input method on the homepage of the website just now? It’s so useful”

“I saw it was 20MB in size and was reluctant to download it.”

“I also downloaded it. It’s really easy to use. My typing speed is three to four times faster than when I use Smart ABC.”

“Not just three or four times, I think it’s improved seven or eight times. Intelligent ABC can recognize too few phrases. In comparison, it can even be called retarded ABC.”

“I just tried it, and now I am using this input method to type with you. The effect of inputting whole sentences is much smarter than Microsoft’s Pinyin input method, and it is even better than the smart ABC that is mentally retarded. I don’t know how many times better.”

“Yes, I see that there is a memory function in the introduction, which will sort frequently used words first, and it also has automatic error correction. If you type the wrong pinyin order, it will sometimes recognize the word you want to type.”

“Let me tell you, I have to download it quickly. Smart ABC is too difficult to use.”

“I’m going to download one and try it too”

“I have already used it. This input method is really easy to use. However, the free trial period is only seven days. If you continue to use it, you need to pay a fee to purchase a serial code. Enter the serial code and key before you can use it permanently.”

“Such a trap! How much?”

“Not expensive, only 99 yuan”

“It’s really not expensive. Office software sells for several thousand yuan per set, and anti-virus software costs several hundred yuan each time. In comparison, a useful input method only costs 99 yuan, which is indeed not expensive.”

“But how to buy it? Where can I buy serial codes and keys? Go to the electronics market or computer mall?”

“That’s not the case. What I read above is that you need to purchase the Kingsoft Card launched by Kingsoft Company and recharge it online. After recharging, you can purchase it directly on the website. After the purchase is successful, the serial code and key will be sent to the mailbox.”

“Kingsoft Card? What is this? Never heard of it?”

“Didn’t you read the news on the homepage of today? Kingsoft Corporation officially launched the Kingsoft Card nationwide today. I heard it is a card that can be used to purchase all products of”

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