Cai Kexin followed the driver Xiao Huang and soon arrived at a teahouse next to the West Lake.

Xiao Huang followed Feng Baolu’s instructions and sent Cai Kexin to the door of a teahouse, and then told Cai Kexin,”Mr. Cai, the person waiting for you is inside.”

Cai Kexin did not forget to say thank you, Then he opened the door and walked in.

He didn’t recognize Teacher Ma. He only saw Lin Shen and Lei Jun sitting in the tea room.

“Mr. Cai, please take a seat. Lin Shen said.

Cai Kexin did not doubt his presence and sat on the floor. Lin Shen immediately poured Cai Kexin a cup of Longjing tea.

“Try this year’s new tea from West Lake Longjing.” Lin Shen said.

Cai Kexin immediately said:”Thank you.”

After saying that, Cai Kexin had already picked up the tea cup, smelled the refreshing aroma of tea, blew gently, and took a sip of tea.

“Yes, the aroma is refreshing, good tea.”Cai Kexin took a good sip and said

“Mr. Cai is tired of traveling and traveling, and you have come to Xihu City for your hard work. Lin Shen said with a smile.

“Where where. Cai Xinxin said politely,”I wonder which of you two is the teacher Ma who contacted me?””

“neither. Lin Shen said with a smile.

“Um? Cai Kexin was obviously taken aback. He put down the tea bowl that had just been brought to his mouth and said,”Isn’t it Teacher Ma who asked me to meet you?””

“It is indeed Teacher Ma who asked you to meet, but I also want to meet Mr. Cai. Lin Shen said,”So I took it upon myself to bring you here from the airport.” In order to pick you up, I sent someone to wait for you at the airport for nearly twenty days, and it was not easy to wait for you.

Cai Kexin was shocked and said,”So, you have nothing to do with Ahri Company?””

“No.”Lin Shen said very frankly.

When Cai Xinxin heard this, he originally wanted to get up and leave directly, but after hearing that Lin Shen had just said that he had been waiting for him at the airport for more than twenty days, he was still a little curious and suppressed his inner feelings. Unhappy, he said,”What did you come to me for?”

“I hope Mr. Cai will join my company. Lin Shen said straight to the point.

“Join your company?”Cai Kexin was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

With an annual salary of 700,000 US dollars, he would not change jobs easily.

He even found it incredible that he didn’t know Lin Shen, so why would Lin Shen have the confidence to let him join the other company’s company.

Cai Kexin Jing Xin said:”Sir, do you know your surname?”

“My surname is Lin. Lin Shen said

“Mr. Lin, we have never met. You don’t even know what I do, but you want to invite me to join your company. Don’t you think this is ridiculous? Lin Shen said

“Of course I know what Mr. Cai does. Mr. Cai is affiliated with InvestorAB. He usually works in Xiangjiang and is mainly responsible for the company’s investments in Asia. am I right? Lin Shen said.

Cai Kexin was a little surprised and said,”How did Mr. Lin know?””

“Of course I asked someone to investigate. Lin Shen said

“Looking for someone to investigate me? Mr. Lin is looking for someone to investigate me in Xiangjiang?”Cai Xinxin said in surprise

“Yes. Lin Shen knew that in order for Cai Kexin to have the patience to listen to what he had to say, he had to come up with someone he was interested in, and said,”To be honest with you, the person I asked to investigate you is Ouyang from Jinyang Capital.” Qianyi.

Upon hearing Ouyang Qianyi’s name, Cai Kexin was really surprised and said,”Mr. Lin actually knows Miss Ouyang?””

“Frankly speaking, Jinyang Capital has everything to do with me. Lin Shen chuckled.

Now Cai Kexin had to face Lin Shen. After all, he had to pay attention to a person who was inextricably related to Jinyang Capital. Jinyang Capital has been at the height of its popularity in Hong Kong in the past two years. The Hong Kong government is very courteous to him. Cai Kexin even heard that a bank in Hong Kong went bankrupt due to the Asian financial crisis. The Hong Kong government intends to facilitate Jinyang Capital to acquire the bank.

Once Jinyang Capital acquires the bank, Jinyang Capital will. will go to a higher level

“Mr. Lin, I am so surprised. I still find it hard to believe that you are in the mainland, but your tentacles can reach Xiangjiang.”Cai Kexin was not stupid. He also suspected that Lin Shen was trying to scare him by making a tiger skin.

Lin Shen took out a photo and handed it to Cai Kexin.

In this photo, it was Lin Shen Last time in Xiangjiang, when he was celebrating with champagne after defeating George Soros, he took a photo with Ouyang Qianyi. It was also the only photo of him and Ouyang Qianyi in the same frame. In this photo, only Lin Shen and Ouyang Qianyi were together. Zhang.

After seeing the photo, Cai Kexin believed it.

He took a deep breath and said,”Mr. Lin, I appreciate your kindness. My current job is stable and I don’t want to change jobs.

Lin Shen said:”I don’t want you to change jobs and come work for me. I want to start a new company. I hope you can help me take charge of this company.” I can give you both equity and capital, and I can manage it enough.”

“Enough? Cai Kexin burst into laughter again,”How much is enough?” This number is not specific at all”

“In this way, I can give you 100 million US dollars first. Lin Shen said

“What!” Cai Xinxin said in surprise.

Giving 100 million US dollars to someone you meet for the first time is really not a small amount.

The most important thing is that a company that has not even written a horoscope can directly give 100 million US dollars to start a company.

Funds, this can save countless start-up companies the headache and leg-breaking financing stage.

What else to raise? Those investment streets only need to invest a few million dollars or tens of millions in a potential company.

With US$100 million in financing, Lin Shen could basically stay there all the way.

But because what Lin Shen said was so shocking, why would anyone trust him so much?

“Mr. Lin, are you kidding me?”Cai Kexin had to doubt.

Even Lei Jun on the side was really shocked, 100 million US dollars! Even his Jinshan company didn’t have this kind of treatment! Lin Shen was too generous to this Cai Kexin, right? Lei Jun even asked A little jealous!

“No joke of course. I can ask Ouyang Qianyi from Jinyang Capital to send you money at any time. I can’t fake this. Lin Shen said.

When he heard that the money was given from Jinyang Capital, Cai Kexin was even more surprised. What is the relationship between Lin Shen and Jinyang Capital? His first reaction was, is Lin Shen a member of Jinyang Capital in the mainland? But If Jinyang Capital wanted to poach him, it could poach him in Xiangjiang, so why bother waiting for him to arrive in the mainland?

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