When the online novel creation contest held by Kingsoft.com was coming to an end, Kingsoft.com released a reader vote.

Each Jinshan.com member can cast a vote for his or her favorite works.

Sure enough, after the voting started,”The Divine Elephant Prison Suppressing Power” led the way in the number of votes, and its ranking quickly jumped up.

Within the first hour of opening voting,”The Divine Elephant Suppresses Prison” rushed to the first place.

Following closely is Li Tanhua’s”Appearance”.

At the end of the first day of open voting,”The Divine Elephant Suppresses the Prison” is already far ahead, several hundred votes ahead of the second place”Appearance”.

However, on the second day, several dark horses suddenly appeared from behind, and the number of votes soared. Three days later, these dark horses had surpassed”The Prison Power of Divine Elephants” and ranked at the top of the voting list.

These books were previously unknown on Jinshan.com, and their titles are”The Rise of the Dragon”,”The Legend of Monsters in Shushan”, and”Mei Chaofeng and Huang Yaoshi”. Although the names of these books are quite exciting, the contents are The writing is extremely ugly and seems to be pieced together.

These books were suddenly voted number one, so there is naturally something fishy about them.

Netizens on Jinshan.com quit immediately.

Because even a fool can see that these books definitely shouldn’t get such high votes.

Suddenly there was a lot of curses on the forum

“What the hell is this? It’s so ugly and ranked first. Am I blind or are you blind?”

“These books don’t have a lot of hits, so they shouldn’t become dark horses!”

“There must be something fishy here. I could see it at a glance. This was obviously a secret operation. Could it be that Kingsoft.com didn’t want to give bonuses?”

“Kingsoft.com wouldn’t be so despised, would it? It’s actually doing something secret? Get three books written with such rubbish, what a fool!”

“That’s right, Jinshan.com makes me despise it so much”


In fact, not only the netizens of Jinshan.com were confused, but also the staff of Jinshan.com were confused.

They immediately told Lei Jun and Qiu Bojun about the situation.

Then they discovered a big problem. It turned out that someone didn’t know how to develop a plug-in software that could automatically register a member account of Kingsoft.com, and then the registration was successful, and it would automatically vote for those three books, so that these three books The number of votes soared.

This discovery is hard to break for Lei Jun, because the other party can register and vote unlimitedly, who can withstand this.

However, Lei Jun also reacted quickly. He first asked the programmer to close the voting channel, and then immediately published an announcement in the literature section, claiming that someone was maliciously registering an account to vote, so he wanted to temporarily close the voting and suspend voting. Function.

This can calm the anger of netizens and clarify the facts.

But how to solve the problem further, Lei Jun has not thought of a solution yet, so he can only ask Lin Shen for help immediately

“Mr. Lin, this is the situation. The rule we set at the beginning was that netizens vote for selection. Now, as soon as we open the voting, some people will maliciously register accounts to vote. The final selection result will definitely be unfair. What should we do now to prevent these people from continuing to register maliciously?”Lei Jun asked

“Isn’t this simple? Set up a verification code! Lin Shen said

“Verification code? Lei Jun was stunned,”What is that?””

Lin Shen suddenly realized that the verification code was only invented in 2000 and had its official name in 2002. When it is invented next year, the purpose is to prevent malicious registration of software.

No wonder Lin Shen has been online in the past two years. , I feel like something is missing, it turns out to be a verification code.

It’s true, the Internet has been around for so many years, and Lin Shen is really surprised that a small verification code will not be invented until next year.

“Ever heard of the Turing test? Lin Shen asked

“heard about it.”Lei Jun said

“Well, the CAPTCHA can be thought of as a reverse Turing test. Lin Shen said.

As a result, Lei Jun was even more confused after saying this.

Lin Shen could only be more straightforward and said:”In this way, if you add a program, when each account is registered, a string of passwords will pop up.

Twisted English letters or Arabic numerals must be distorted to such an extent that computers cannot recognize them but humans can.

This is called a verification code.

You must fill in the verification code and make sure it is correct before you can successfully register..

Including when voting, you can also add a verification code step, so that you can prevent someone from using the software to register many member accounts.

After listening to Lin Shen’s words, Lei Jun digested it for a while and suddenly said:”Boss, this is a good idea, and it seems to be easy to work with. It’s not too troublesome.”

“Well, it must not be difficult for you. The principle is to separate real-person registration from computer registration by setting up barriers. Lin Shen said

“Understood. Lei Jun decisively understood what Lin Shen meant,”I will immediately ask the programmer to add this step.””

“By the way, Mr. Lei, I have something else to tell you. Lin Shen said

“Boss, you say.”Lei Jun said

“What games is the company’s game development department currently developing? Lin Shen asked

“For stand-alone games, we plan to continue to develop the Fairy Sword series. After all, we have recruited the main creative staff of the entire fanatic creative group. We plan to continue the classics and continue to develop stand-alone games in the Fairy Sword series.”Lei Jun said

“Well, that’s a good direction.”Lin Shen said,”However, I still think that online games are the most profitable direction in the future.”

“Online game?”Lei Jun was stunned.

“Yes, let’s do that. You let some people in Xishanju continue to develop the stand-alone games of the Fairy Sword series, but in addition, you help me separate some people to help me test and improve it.���Optimize a new game. Lin Shen said

“what game?”Lei Jun asked

“A game that I typed out the code myself. It is characterized by its simplicity and crudeness.” Lin Shen said.

Think about it, the Korean online game”Legend” is about to be launched, and he must rush ahead and win this city first.

In the previous life, the source code of”Legend Game” All kinds of private servers are flying all over the sky, and the source code is now very clear in Lin Shen’s mind. Of course, even if Lin Shen doesn’t remember this source code, with his current computer skills, he can type out an identical or even better one.

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