Shu Yun felt disappointed when she heard that Lin Shen was leaving Quancheng soon. However, when she heard that Lin Shen wanted to treat her to dinner, she cheered up, went back to the dormitory, changed her clothes, and went outside the school with Lin Shen.

There is a rice noodle shop outside the school.

In fact, rice noodles are not expensive in this era. A bowl costs seven or eight yuan. It is not a high-end food. Shu Yun said she wanted to eat rice noodles before, so Lin Shen decided to eat here.

When he arrived at the store, Lin Shen ordered his meal and then waited quietly for the waiter to serve his food.

Lin Shen took out 450 yuan from his pocket, handed it to Shu Yun, and said,”By the way, when you were working at a Sichuan restaurant, your boss withheld your salary. I helped you get it back. The boss heard that I won’t open a restaurant anymore, I’ll move out.”

Shu Yun didn’t believe it because the boss didn’t want to give her any money before.

Shu Yun said suspiciously:”Lin Shen, isn’t this your own money? If it’s your money, I don’t want it.”

Lin Shen shook his head and said,”Of course it’s not mine. If you don’t believe me, you can go back and have a look at that Sichuan restaurant. The owner of the hotel has really moved away. Anyway, you can take the money. I won’t use my own money to subsidize you.”

Shu Yun believed it, but she still didn’t accept it. money.

Lin Shen stuffed the money into her hand one after another, and Shu Yun finally took the money.

“Okay, I’ll treat you to this meal later.”Shu Yun said

“That’s okay, I’ll treat you to food as promised. Lin Shen said.

While the two were talking, the rice noodles they ordered were already on the table, and they started eating separately.

Shu Yun added a lot of chili peppers to her rice noodles and enjoyed eating them.

“Lin Shen, will you come to Quancheng again? Shu Yun asked

“It depends on the situation. At present, there is no chance to come back. Lin Shen said

“So which city do you work in? Shu Yun asked

“I am in S Hai. I used to go to university in S Hai, so I stayed in S Hai after graduation. Lin Shen said

“Then tell me, what does a big city like Shai have? Shu Yun said with great interest,”I heard that there is the Oriental Pearl Tower in Shaishan, as well as the tallest building in the world.” Have you seen them all?”

“certainly.”Lin Shen said to Shu Yun,”In addition to these two places, there are many interesting places.”

Next, Lin Shen told Shu Yun about the scenery and people in S Hai, as if they were two old friends chatting.

Lin Shen talked for ten minutes, and Shu Yun listened very fascinated. After Lin Shen finished speaking, Shu Yun Yun still has more to say

“Lin Shen, I don’t know why, but I always feel as if I’m very familiar with you, as if we’ve known each other for a long time.”Shu Yun said.

Lin Shen nodded. Naturally, he could not reveal the relationship between the two in the previous life. He just said with certainty:”Actually, I have similar feelings.”

“The sea of slut you just told me was so fascinating that I almost wanted to go there. But I don’t have the courage to go to such a big city.”Shu Yun said melancholy.

Lin Shen didn’t say anything.

After a while, the two of them finished eating the rice noodles, Lin Shen paid the bill, and the two of them walked out of the rice noodle shop.

The two of them walked on the road together in the night. They kept looking at Shu Yun. Yun Hui returned to the downstairs of the dormitory

“Lin Shen, when do you leave tomorrow? I will see you off at the train station. Shu Yun asked

“I left early in the morning, there was no need to see me off. Lin Shen said,”By the way, I’ll give you my Penguin number. If anything happens, you can find me on the Penguin number.””

Lin Shen took out a pen and paper, wrote down his Penguin number, and gave it to Shu Yun.

Shu Yun put Lin Shen’s Penguin number in his pocket, for fear of losing it.

Then, Shu Yun returned to the dormitory. Went. Walking into the door of the dormitory, Shu Yun waved hard to Lin Shen.

Lin Shen also waved to Shu Yun before she turned around and left.

………… the next day.

Lin Shen took the train and returned to Shai.

When Shu Yun woke up in the morning, she knew that Lin Shen had left Quancheng, and she felt a sense of loss deep in her heart again.

He took the Penguin number given by Lin Shen yesterday, went to the Internet cafe outside the school, and added Lin Shen’s Penguin number. After thinking about it, I sent a message to Lin Shen

“Lin Shen, I am Shu Yun. Have you returned to the sea? Remember to reply to me when you have time.”Shu Yun left a message.

After waiting for ten minutes, Lin Shen was not online. Shu Yun could only log off with some disappointment.

When he walked out of the Internet cafe, he remembered what Lin Shen had said yesterday about the Yuxiangyuan Sichuan Restaurant. Driven by curiosity, , Shu Yun went to take a look from a distance, and then he found that the Sichuan restaurant where he worked part-time was closed. It was being renovated, and the owner must have changed. When

Shu Yun returned to the dormitory, he suddenly remembered. I hadn’t called home for several days, so I used the public phone downstairs to call home.

“Mom, it’s me, Xiaoyun. Are you guys good lately? Shu Yun asked

“Xiaoyun. Everything at home is fine. You don’t have to worry about it.”Shu Yun’s mother’s voice came over the phone.

“Well, I’m pretty good at school, so you don’t have to worry.”Shu Yun said

“Oh, by the way, Xiaoyun, I have something to tell you.”Shu Yun’s mother said,”Didn’t I tell you before that your father’s job assigned by the county government when he changed his job was replaced by an inexplicable person? Didn’t we keep running back and forth and no one gave me an explanation? Two days ago, a lawyer named Gu suddenly came to our house. He said that he was entrusted by someone to help your dad solve this matter. Do you know about this?

Shu Yun was confused after hearing this and said,”Mom, I don’t know anyone named Gu.””

“That’s strange. Who asked him to come here?”Shu Yun’s mother said strangely.

Shu Yun’s father used to be a soldier.

After he changed his job, the local government should arrange a job for him.

Shu Yun’s father was actually assigned to work in the River Affairs Bureau at that time, but later the quota was canceled for some unknown reason.

It happened that Shu Yun’s grandfather passed away at that time, and Shu Yun’s father was at home to take care of the funeral.

The matter just passed, and he continued to make a living by farming.

Until the past two years, Shu Yun had no problem.

Yun’s father discovered by chance that there was a person with the same name as his in the River Bureau.

Then he always wanted an explanation, but naturally he never solved the problem because no one paid attention to him.

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