Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 68 The Conspiracy Of The United States! Belle's Lab! The End Of Xiangshuling Laboratory

After graphene memory got off to a good start, a graphene trend started throughout the Dragon Kingdom!

The price of silicon-based memory, which once skyrocketed, has now become uninterested, and its high price is placed alone on the shelves.

"What should we do? Do we want to reduce the price?"

The major overseas memory manufacturers are completely in chaos at this moment!

"Our company plans to reduce prices. If we maintain the current price, it will be difficult for us to become a rival of graphene memory! Only price reduction can give us breathing time!"

Kingston made a painful choice!

On August 16, Kingston announced a comprehensive price reduction for its memory products!

Within Dragon Kingdom, mobile phone memory cards, camera memory cards, computer memory sticks, USB flash drives, and SSD solid state drives are all reduced by 20% from the original prices!

This news was astonishing and shocked countless people!

"Holy shit! The memory giant Kingston was actually the first to give in! This price reduction means that they have recognized the strong position of graphene memory!"

"This is a historic scene! Kingston has lowered its prices, can other memory vendors be far behind?"

Sure enough, after Kingston took action, other major memory vendors also announced price cuts, ranging from 10% to 20%!

The three major mechanical hard drive manufacturers have collectively lowered their product prices by 17%!

Sansang, Shandi, and Corsair have collectively reduced their product prices by 20%!

After this series of news was announced, the entire Dragon Kingdom was immediately overjoyed!

These memory giants who used to raise prices all day long have suffered the bitter consequences of their own brewing for the first time!

Their original market price has been firmly occupied by graphene products. The original silicon-based 04 memory can only maintain part of the market share by reducing prices!

After the price reduction, the sales volume of silicon-based memory has rebounded, but it is not obvious!

Users have a certain preference for the products of major companies. Obviously, the current prices do not satisfy them. At the current price reduction, they would rather spend more money to buy graphene memory!

Just when the major memory manufacturers were considering continuing to lower their prices, countless foreign users began to curse!

"Xie Te! Why is the price reduced only in the Dragon Kingdom? Is this looking down on our country, the United States!"

"That's right, we also demand the same treatment as the Dragon Kingdom!"

"Protest, we express serious protest!"

In the face of the rising overseas masses, major overseas giants said they had heard nothing.

Just like the products of Beichen Technology, the prices within Dragon Kingdom and overseas are completely different!

All the major memory vendors are fickle. Before graphene memory takes over the world, they can still make a fortune in overseas markets!

"But we have to be prepared on both sides. On the one hand, we are developing our own graphene synthesis process, and on the other hand, we are prepared to continue to reduce prices!"

At the regular meeting of the SLA Association, the world's leading memory vendors gathered here!

"Everyone is in the same boat now, and the profits and losses must be shared! Our memory manufacturers have lowered the prices of their products, and your memory particle manufacturers must also lower their prices!

The representative of Xijie looked at Sansang and Hailishi coldly!

The two major companies looked at each other and then nodded.

"We have no problem!"

Needless to say, Mei Guang bit the bullet and agreed under the gaze of everyone.

"What awaits us next is an extremely arduous war!"

Kent appears again.

"From the storage field to chips, the entire semiconductor field is facing a major threat from graphene. It is not enough to rely on our own strength, so we must recruit more people to form a huge alliance to resist the attack of graphene. !

Following his words, a group of strangers appeared in front of everyone.

There are Asians and whites among them, but everyone’s eyes are very serious!

"Let me introduce, this is Brown, a materials expert from Belle Labs. He is responsible for the development of a series of materials such as graphene! After coordination with the authorities, Belle Labs will join our graphene development team. And serve as the leader of the development team!”


The scene immediately went crazy!

Countless people felt goosebumps appear on their bodies!

"Hiss! Is Belle's Laboratory finally coming to an end?"

Many people showed excitement and enthusiasm! The reputation of Belle Laboratory is really too great!

As the most famous laboratory in the world, Belle Laboratory has always been the birthplace of various high technologies! These include transistors, light-emitting diodes, solar cells, digital switches, communication satellites, C language, Linux operating system, audio movies, etc. A series of blockbuster inventions!

It can be said that it has influenced the development of a century!

Everyone in the industry knows about Belle Labs!

As the saying goes, a person's name is like a tree's shadow. Even after being split from att and later formed into Langxun, Belle Labs is still one of the top research institutions in the world!

Brown showed a confident smile!

He has long been used to the shocked looks from everyone!

"Hello everyone, I will be responsible for researching graphene in the next period of time!"

Wow wow wow!

Warm applause broke out!

Countless SLA association giants applauded at this moment!

Faced with the strong threat of graphene, the United States is finally going to take action!

Kent was also very satisfied with everyone's reaction, and then started to introduce the second person!

This is a middle-aged man with messy hair, a pair of old-fashioned black round-rimmed glasses, a white coat that is also wrinkled, and a golden pen hanging in his pocket. He looks a bit slovenly, which makes everyone couldn't help but wrinkle. frowned!

But none of them said anything. To be brought here by Kent must be of a different status!

"This is Professor Smithson, an expert in nanomaterials, structural materials, and physics! Currently serving as the director of the nanomaterials development department in Xiangshuling Laboratory!"

"Similarly, Professor Smithson will also join our graphene development team as chief technical advisor!"

After Kent finished speaking, everyone in the audience was shocked again!

Xiangshuling Laboratory!!!

"Oh, yes! Even the Xiangshuling Laboratory has ended up. I can't believe it now!"

A representative from a certain giant company was so excited that his hands were trembling!

Compared to Belle Laboratory, Xiangshuling Laboratory has a higher status in the world!

Because the reason why Xiangshuling Laboratory was born was because of the famous Slow Hatton Project!


Everyone present was breathing quickly!

Although they are all-powerful global technology giants, they are still extremely shocked when facing Xiangshuling Laboratory!

"Belle Laboratory, Xiangshuling Laboratory, the US government has really taken out the boss now!"

Countless people have come up with this idea.

The company representatives of Sansang and Hailishi's eyes were shining at this moment. The American father is really extraordinary. Once he takes action, he will be like thunder!

Two well-known laboratories in the United States have joined forces to overcome the difficulties in the graphene synthesis process!

I'm afraid of a ball!

It's just that compared to Professor Brown, Professor Smithson is obviously more of a technical expert with no emotional intelligence. At this moment, facing everyone's admiration and admiration, Professor Smithson is still an old man and has not given up at all. it's here!

"In addition to the two major laboratories, we have other people to introduce!"

Although the status of these next people is not as shocking as that of the two major professors, they are still not to be underestimated!

Wharton, deputy director of the technology development department of the American Barrel Company, director of the materials department, and tenured professor at Yale University!

William, director of the battery development department of American Volt Corporation and professor of physics at Princeton University!

Karp, chief technical consultant of the materials development department of Deguo Dazhong Group and professor of nanomaterials at Aso Institute of Technology!

Chief technical consultant of Neon Kokumoto Sweet Company and famous professor Fumio Kimura of Seikyo University!

The appearance of a series of important figures directly brought this meeting to a climax!


The applause lasted for several minutes!

Just like the press conference of Beichen Technology, this meeting organized by SLA Association Secret 397 brought a huge surprise to the attendees!

"These experts I introduced will all join the graphene development team! At the same time, major companies will also further participate in capital injections. If the US$30 billion in R&D funds is not enough,

Then continue to inject capital to 50 billion US dollars!”

Kent's eyes flashed with fierceness!

"I have received permission from the US authorities. If necessary, the authorities will continue to send personnel to join the R&D team! Both Los Angeles Laboratory and Lawrence Laboratory are on the follow-up support list!"

Another two top laboratories with extraordinary status!

Everyone's faces turned red and they clapped and cheered crazily!

"Hahaha! This time I am full of confidence! We will definitely be able to overcome the difficulties of graphene and defeat Luo Yang!"

"Let Luo Yang continue to be arrogant, he will stop laughing soon! The strongest technology development team in the world still belongs to our country, the United States!"

"Let's get started! I can't wait!"

The cheers of the crowd made Kent smile!

When the last impromptu press conference was held, Kent was still very uneasy and thought it was just stalling for time!

But after the US authorities found him and directly introduced the technical leaders of the two major laboratories and the technical talents of major automobile companies, Kent felt that he could do it again!

The waist can be supported again!

With this large pool of technical talent, the support of talents from several world-renowned automobiles, and huge funds and the US government behind him, Kent feels extremely ambitious at this moment!

It seems that he has forgotten the shame of being beaten by Luo Yang!

"The reason why I, Kent, have endured until now is not to prove how great I am! But I must get back what I have lost with my own hands!"

Facing the graphene storm set off by Luo Yang, and a large number of Dragon Kingdom giant companies standing behind Luo Yang, Kent came out again and tried to launch a war against Luo Yang!

The only difference from last time is that this time Luo Yang is the challenger!

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