Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 84: Cut Off The Supply Of Chinese Cabbage? Fighting Between Gods! Woe To Mortals! (2/?)


The media at the scene was once again in a frenzy!

This scene seems familiar!

If you think about it carefully, this is exactly the same as what the United States did when it banned Beichen Technology last year!

Suddenly the entire press conference was in chaos!

"Damn it! The Bangzi Country only cares about eating and not fighting! The United States, which is so powerful, finally gave in and signed the 37 Agreement with Beichen Technology [Bangzi Country still dares to do this[?"

"I guess they are being driven to panic. If we don't take action, all the major pillar industries of Bangzi Country will be destroyed! I guess the four major chaebols are indispensable for this!"

"Tsk! You are simply asking for death!"

Faced with the decision to dig out the green platform, everyone said they were not optimistic about it.

The tall and thin spokesman heard all the people's discussions, and couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth at this moment.

Regarding the decision to initiate a "data security investigation", Bangziguo also made a decision out of desperation!

Then he continued.

"In addition to the "data security investigation", we also received a report jointly submitted by several major companies. The report pointed out that some of Beichen Technology's businesses involved monopolistic behavior!"


A reporter in the audience laughed out loud on the spot!

He really couldn't hold it back.

Other reporters also had strange expressions on their faces.

The so-called anti-monopoly is a complete joke. If nothing else, which one of the big chaebols in the country is not a typical trust? But has the anti-monopoly law in the country ever taken effect?

of course not!

Moreover, everyone can guess that the “several major companies” mentioned by the spokesperson are nothing more than the four major chaebols!

The tall and lanky spokesman continued to bite the bullet and announced the following news.

"We attach great importance to the matters mentioned in the report! After all, maintaining market order is related to the stability of the country's economy!"

"After preliminary investigation, we believe that some of Beichen Technology's businesses do involve monopolistic behavior! These include but are not limited to graphene series technologies and other parts of software businesses. In view of this, on behalf of Bangzi Country, I announced that we have officially launched the investigation. Beichen Technology’s anti-monopoly investigation!”

"Beichen Technology needs to immediately stop all operations in Bangzi Country, cooperate with us in a series of investigations, and pay a fine of no less than US$15 billion in accordance with our final decision!"

In Beichen Building, Luo Yang and Lin Ya had strange expressions on their faces after watching the press conference.

After a moment, the two of them burst out laughing!

"Pfft! Is Bangzi Country so poor that it needs to be fined 15 billion US dollars for a trumped-up crime? Even Europe's fines on major Internet giants are not so severe, right?

Lin Ya felt a little funny.

Everyone can see that Bangzi Country’s series of actions are pure acts of revenge!

"They also know that this so-called investigation is not established at all. It is just an unfounded accusation anyway. As long as they can throw dirty water on Beichen Technology, they dare to use any means! After all, their losses during this period are simply too great." !”

Luo Yang shook his head, not taking this matter to heart at all.

"Then what should we do? Should we cooperate with them in their investigation?"

After the United States lifted the ban, Bangzi Country also lifted the ban and reached a series of agreements with Beichen Technology, finally allowing Beichen Technology to enter Bangzi Country to conduct business.

In Ax Mountain, Beichen Technology built a data security center to store sensitive data in Bangzi Country.

Luo Yang asked himself, so-called eavesdropping privacy did not exist at all. Because of Xiaobei's existence, he did not need to bother so much!

After more than two months of development, Beichen Technology’s major businesses have fully entered Bangzi Country!

"Judging from the current data, the market share of POS system in Bangzi country is 83%, while the market share of PMOs is 27%!"

"Among them, POS benefited from the spread of the solar eclipse virus. The series of damage caused by the ghost in Bangzi Country caused great panic among the people of Bangzi Country! Therefore, in just a few months, the installed capacity of POS quickly exceeded Win system! This has also led to the rapid expansion of the market share of Beichen Office Software!"

"And pmos is because of Sansang mobile phones. As Sansang's territory, Sansang has great influence and market share in Bangzi Country! And Sansang announced that pmos users cannot connect to Sansang servers and cannot use its FamilyMart business. Therefore, the market share of pmos is not high."

“As for graphene technology, needless to say, we are the only one in the world that has mastered the large-scale synthesis process.

As Luo Yang's senior assistant, Lin Ya is very aware of these data.

The current assistant team is very large, but Lin Ya still has not resigned from the position of assistant to the chairman.

The three major excuses used by Han State to launch attacks are not completely untenable.

"Let the people from the Bangzi Country office make a statement. Don't rush to express your position. Let's continue to wait and see!"

"The Bangzi Country's attack is just the beginning, and more forces will come forward in the future! It is impossible for graphene to kill the old silicon-based forces without any bloodshed!"

"Someone has to bleed!"

As time goes by, things continue to ferment!

Many netizens in Bangzi Country are divided into two groups regarding the Qingchutai investigation decision!

One group believes that this so-called accusation is completely false and a false report concocted by the four major chaebols! In order to attack Beichen Technology and protect their monopoly interests!

On the other hand, there are citizens who attach great importance to personal privacy and people who have lost huge profits because of Beichen Technology. They have expressed strong support for Qingtai's decision!

“It is urgent to protect users’ personal privacy!”

"Beichen Technology, get out of Bangzi Country! We don't need you!"

"Beichen Technology, the manipulator behind Bangzi Country's stock market! Give me back my hard-earned money!"

A group of people with ribbons on their heads and holding slogans started a small march!

Many of these people are investors whose stocks have been shrinking because the NH Stock Exchange has continued to drop its limit!

And the initiator, Beichen Technology, was naturally spared by them!

Faced with this series of farce, except for the car owner who suffered a sudden disaster from heaven, most of the people in the Dragon Country just had the mentality of watching the fun!

The series of clumsy tactics adopted by Bangzi Country made them feel extremely ridiculous!

"Even the father of the United States failed in the end. I really don't understand where Bangzi Country got the confidence to declare war on Beichen Technology!"

"It's about eating and not beating! I'm waiting for the day when Bangzi Country gets slapped in the face and begs for mercy!"

"Hahaha! There's another big show to watch! But to be honest, if we cut off the supply of Chinese cabbage to Bangzi Country, I don't know if Bangzi Country's kimchi economy will collapse!

"The god stepped on his horse and cut off the cabbage supply!"

"Tsk! Isn't there anyone who sympathizes with car owners who buy cash bags? It is said that many people are now asking for compensation from cash bags, and people who bought new cars have also begun to return them!"

"I sympathize, but I work nine to five, and buying a car is still too far away for me!"

This incident also quickly spread overseas.

The views of all major media are similar, that is, the threat of Bangzi Country will not do much harm to Beichen Technology at all! The only thing that will hurt more is the decision to withdraw capital out of pocket!

But both sides suffer!

After Bangziguo announced a series of investigation decisions, at noon that day, the Bangziguo office of Beichen Technology responded after receiving instructions from Luo Yang and issued a statement to refute the rumors.

"`~Regarding the so-called data security investigation launched by Qingchutai against us, we think it is completely nonsense! This is completely a competitor deliberately smearing us!"

"As for the antitrust investigation, we don't think we created a monopoly!"

The head of the Bangzi Country office, who was previously the deputy director of the Asia Region Business Department, was dispatched here and is a native of Hong Kong Island.

"At the same time, we also submitted a report to Qingdudai. Our company believes that competitors such as Sansang, ks, gl, Xianbao, Niver (Bangziguo search engine) and other companies

They have achieved absolute monopoly in their respective core businesses! We also require Qingchutai to conduct anti-monopoly investigations on these companies!"

"At the same time, the voice assistant patent infringement case filed by our company against Sansang will continue! Sansang Group must pay back US$2 billion in patent fees to us! As well as US$150 million in late fees and compensation! A total of US$2.15 billion. !”

Beichen Technology’s counterattack can be said to be hit the nail on the head!

Sansang and other major chaebols have long been displeased by countless people in Bangzi Country who hate the rich!

At this moment, Luo Yang directly took advantage of this and launched a reverse lawsuit!

Under the watchful eyes of countless people from Bangzi Country, Bangzi Country’s legal institutions had no choice but to hold their noses and accept Beichen Technology’s complaint!

"We will summon all the major chaebols and giant companies to attend this antitrust hearing in the near future!"

Under Luo Yang's operation, the scale of this antitrust investigation against Beichen Technology has directly expanded to the entire Bangzi Country! An antitrust storm targeting major chaebols (Zhao) and giant companies has fully launched!


The affected giant companies such as Niver were confused!

"The fight between Beichen Technology and chaebols like Sansang has nothing to do with me!!!"

As the largest search engine in Bangzi country, Niver’s strong position has been seriously challenged after the entry of the Bangzi language version of Aurora Search!

If it weren't for pmos's market share in Bangzi, which has never been able to increase, Jiguang Search would have overtaken Niver Search!

Luo Yang launched a counterattack this time and also dragged Niver into the water!

The world is as dark as crows. Any giant that has reached a monopoly level will not have clean P-shares. Once the anti-monopoly butcher knife falls, even Nive will not be able to survive!

When Sansang and other chaebols heard the news, they suddenly felt bad!

"Axiba! Luo Yang, this guy, will drag us into the water even if he dies!"

As the Bangzi country's chaebols, they certainly know that they are a typical monopoly, and there are countless people who envy, envy, and hate them, but they suffer from the inability to overthrow them!

And Luo Yang has now directly handed these ordinary people a butcher's knife!

Sansang and other giants have to allocate part of their energy to settle the antitrust investigation.

And with the Bangzi Country's attack, another country joined the ranks of targeting Beichen Technology!

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