Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 102 The Real Domestic Light! Luo Yang Caused A Global Sensation!

"At the end of the press conference, I have something to announce to everyone!"

"It is expected that in up to one month, Beichen Technology will release a series of hardware devices, covering flagship smartphones and complete computers!"

"As a product that integrates many high-tech products from Beichen Technology, we have very strong confidence in it. We believe that Beichen mobile phones and computers will bring huge shock to users around the world!"


This news shocked the entire audience!

Countless live viewers and users in the live broadcast room were all shocked by the sudden news!

"Ever since the rise of Beichen Technology, I have been looking forward to the release of mobile phones by Beichen Technology! As the company with the highest market value in the world, Beichen Mobile Phones will definitely arouse everyone's interest!"

"Not only smartphones, but also complete computers! Lianxiang Company, the famous conscience of American imperialism, has been holding high the banner of "domestic computers", and I am afraid that it will be snatched away by Beichen Duan!"

"After being told this by someone upstairs, I am looking forward to it even more! I have long been dissatisfied with the conscience of American imperialism! If domestic computer manufacturers had not been able to rise, I would not have purchased Lianxiang's products!"

"Compared to the conscience of American imperialism, Beichen Technology is the real domestic light!"

"That's right! Beichen Technology has conquered a series of software fields such as operating systems, "987" office software, databases, etc., and has also made great achievements in the field of semiconductors! From heart to soul, they are all truly domestic products!"

"The expectations of the people of Longguo for a pure-blood domestic mobile phone are unimaginable by others! It is almost certain that once the Beichen mobile phone is released, it will have a huge influence! It is very likely to replace Warwick mobile phone and become the most popular mobile phone in China. Popular mobile phone brand!”

Many netizens were shocked on the spot!

Up to now, Beichen Technology has become a super giant company with huge influence on a global scale!

Like fruit powder from fruit companies, pollen from Warwick, and rice noodles from rice, Beichen Technology has a large number of loyal fans around the world!

Some of these users are attracted by POS and Beichen Office, some are attracted by Future Semiconductor's strong performance, and some are completely attracted by Luo Yang's personality!

These people are all potential users of Beichen mobile phones and Beichen computers!

At the same time, more ordinary people have developed a strong interest in Beichen Mobile to manufacture complete mobile phones and computers!

The reporters from all the major media present were also shocked!

"Hiss! Is Beichen Technology finally entering the hardware field? After overcoming many software and hardware difficulties, the mobile phone manufactured by Beichen Technology is finally going to be released!"

This is extremely important news!

After all, the global hardware market is so big, and Beichen Technology's entry into it means that the market share of other hardware manufacturers is decreasing!

"No wonder Beichen Technology wants to declare war on Sansang! They are interested in Sansang's mobile phone market!"

"As the world's number one mobile phone manufacturer in terms of sales, if Sansang Company collapses, it will leave a huge market share. This will give Beichen Mobile time to rise!"

At this moment everyone finally reacted!

And Luo Yang's series of purposes were finally revealed!


Countless people took a breath of cold air!

If it loses its mobile phone business again, Sansang Group will be completely ruined!

Even though it has other subsidiaries and various ancillary businesses, almost all of its core businesses were defeated by Beichen Technology!

However, the official release will have to wait at least a month!

At this moment, everyone's interest has been lost in Luo Yang, as if there is a cat scratching in their hearts!

"Judging from everyone's initial reactions, they are quite supportive of Beichen Technology's decision. At least I can sleep peacefully!"

Luo Yang smiled.

“That’s it for today’s press conference, thank you everyone!”

Wow wow wow!

The crowd gave warm applause again!

They definitely didn’t come to today’s press conference in vain!

Luo Yang and many corporate representatives attending the press conference were surrounded by countless media at this moment, hoping to interview follow-up news. After dealing with the media, Ku Ke and others came forward to talk to Luo Yang.

"Mr. Luo Yang, congratulations on your series of achievements!"

Ku Ke took a translator and expressed his congratulations.

But if you take a closer look, there are actually some things you say that you don’t mean!

The rise of the Dragon Kingdom means that the United States is rapidly declining. It would be strange if Ku Ke didn't feel it at all!

"Mr. Luo, the commotion you made this time is really too big! The entire Neon Kingdom is now in mourning! Without the right to speak in the upstream industrial chain of the three major industries, the Neon Kingdom will definitely lose its wife and soldiers! "

Mr. Yu is extremely excited at this moment!

The series of things Luo Yang announced today once again refreshed his imagination!

"Thank you for your support. In fact, we have no choice but to do so. All our actions are out of "spare tire" considerations!"

"If others hadn't gone too far and put pressure on Long Guo to cut off supplies, we wouldn't be where we are today!"

Luo Yang was also very emotional!

At this moment, mobile phone lens module developers such as BOE and Huaxing Optoelectronics, Ningde Times and BYD, as well as OAF, all gathered around to talk to Luo Yang!

These companies are all leading enterprises in China!

"Mr. Luo, we really don't know what to say! Having solved the upstream battery industry chain, we at Ningde Times have absolute confidence to mass-produce graphene batteries in a short period of time!"

"Yes! Our BOE graphene flexible screen will soon be in mass production!"

"Mr. Luo, we are from Oufaguang Company. I wonder if you plan to purchase our high-end lens modules for your upcoming mobile phone?"

"Mr. Luo, I don't know whether your mobile phones are manufactured in-house or outsourced? If it is outsourced, we at BYD have very strong OEM technology and experience! It is definitely no worse than Fu Shi Kang!"

Facing the enthusiasm of the crowd, Luo Yang was a little overwhelmed!

"Don't be anxious, everyone. Cooperation matters will be dealt with one by one. I will give everyone enough time!"

Many business leaders are talking to each other at this moment, and the scene is very lively!

This classic scene was also photographed by the media present and became the headlines today!

After the press conference ended, many media immediately released relevant reports!

"Net News: The birth of two unicorn companies! Future chemical industry and future optics will bring huge shock to the world!"

"Penguin News: The light of domestic production! Beichen Technology breaks the impossible again! At the same time, it conquers inkjet printing technology + domestic fluorine-containing polyimide technology! The future chemical industry makes a strong appearance!"

"Tomorrow's headlines: Beichen Technology is about to release a smartphone! The global mobile phone market is ushering in a major reshuffle!"

"Jiulang News: Beichen Technology enters the complete computer business! The computer manufacturing industry is facing a huge earthquake! The ranking of global computer vendors will undergo huge changes!"

"UD Shock Department: Shocked! Many domestic companies have risen together, and the reason is actually because of the same person!"

A wave of reports is coming!

Today, the people of the Dragon Kingdom, who have strong adaptability, have long been accustomed to the news bombardment from the media!

Almost every time Beichen Technology holds a press conference, the major media in Dragon Kingdom will reach a climax!

"Oh my God! Beichen Technology is so powerful, it has overcome so many difficulties! Is there anything else in the world that can stop Beichen Technology?"

An office worker, after receiving a pop-up window from Penguin News, was shocked by the content of the report!

This time period is the busiest period for office workers, and not everyone will watch the live broadcast of the press conference...

Not just him, countless users who are using computers and mobile phones have all seen this news!

In addition to the publicity channels of major media, Beichen Technology also conducts news promotion through POS and PMOS!

The impact of this press conference also quickly spread overseas, and many news related to Beichen Technology's press conference have swept the world!

"Niu Yue Times: Luo Yang, the world's richest man, has once again created a miracle! Beichen Technology has led many companies in the Dragon Kingdom to jointly overcome the ultimate difficulties in the three major industries of OLED screens, lithium batteries, and CMOS. The Eastern Dragon is rising rapidly!"

"Fa News Agency: The global technology industry is once again facing great changes! Beichen Technology has conquered the upstream industrial chain and conquered three cities in a row! We should reflect on ourselves! Why is it not our country's enterprises that have made breakthroughs!"

"Neon News Agency: The decline of the empire! The Dragon Kingdom has taken away the right to speak in the three major upstream industrial chains from our hands! The Neon Kingdom may usher in a second economic recession!"

"Beep Media: The evil red dragon attacks again! They steal our jobs again! And where will the butcher knife in Luo Yang's hand go next time?"

Media from various countries released relevant news almost immediately!

There are both positive and negative reports.

Among the top ten media in the world, except for the Chinese media that 2.7 and Beichen Technology did not deal with, the other major media all made relatively neutral evaluations.

After the press conference, Bangzi Country and Neon Country received a devastating blow!

The NH Stock Exchange, as expected, fell to its limit again!

The stocks of several major chaebols seemed to have opened a dam, and they were plummeting wildly!

Countless investors have given up resistance and are all staring blankly at the green screen!

"It's over, it's completely over! From today on, the core businesses of Sansang, GL, and KS groups can no longer be maintained! Bangzi Country has lost its core competitiveness.

"Without the restrictions of evaporation machines and fluorinated polyimide, Longguo's OLED business will take off in an all-round way! Graphene flexible screens will become a talisman for Sansan and GL Group!"

Many people grabbed their hair in pain, and their eyes were filled with thick bloodshot eyes!

A few days ago, after Bangzi State announced its investigation into Beichen Technology and Neon State issued a series of decisions to cut off supply, the stocks of several major chaebols briefly rebounded, but now they have hit rock bottom again!

The impact of Beichen Technology's conquest of the upstream industry chain is far more tragic than anyone imagined!

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