Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 107 Niu Yue Times: He Is The God Who Overlooks The World! (4/4)

The four major computer dealers in Longguo have each made a decision!

On the other side, Huipu and Daier are also faced with a difficult choice!

As the world's top three computer vendors, HP and Dell's products are distributed all over the world.

In addition to the computer business, HP is also a leader in the printer industry, while Dell has acquired many companies through a series of mergers and thus got involved in servers, storage equipment and other businesses.

But adding the two companies together is not enough to beat Beichen Technology with one punch!

"Today's Beichen Technology [is simply the epitome of the original IDM!"

"No! To be precise, Beichen Technology is already more powerful than IDM! After all, IDM did not develop its own PC operating system and semiconductor business!"

At the HP headquarters, the person in charge was feeling a little emotional at the moment.

The original IDM was really too strong!

Its personal computer department became Lianxiang, its hard disk manufacturing department became Dongzhi Company, and the operating system business and chip business of the personal computer department gave birth to the powerful Winter Alliance!

Even if most of the hardware business is abandoned, IDM's strength is still very strong!

Its software development department has the world's most professional enterprise-level databases and server operating systems, and its products from the Beast Bone Inscriptions have divided up the vast majority of the global market.


At the same time, IDM also has the strongest enterprise solutions team in the world, claiming that there is nothing that cannot be solved! No matter how big or small the matter is, from server installation to solving the overall enterprise architecture solution, etc., as long as you are willing to pay, IDM can provide it. A set of professional solutions!

In addition, IDM also has the largest patent database in the world!

In this regard, IDM is unparalleled, having dominated the patent list for 26 consecutive years, with a conservative estimate of hundreds of thousands of patents!

Even though some of these patents have passed the 20-year patent protection period, you can still feel the horror of IDM!

The biggest difference between IDM and Beichen Technology is probably that they have not set foot on the Internet!

But success comes with twists and turns, and failure comes with twists and turns.

Under the pressure of the Winter Alliance, any company of the same type in the world that wants to rise will have to face a series of blows from the Winter Alliance!

For more than thirty years, no one has been able to break this curse!

Until Beichen Technology appeared!

In order to survive, to go abroad, and to defeat opponents! Luo Yang finally led Beichen Technology to overcome all obstacles, from the bottom of the industry to the top of the pyramid!

Sitting on the position that was exclusive to IDM Company!

The only difference between the two is that Beichen Technology takes the core business into its own hands!

Software business group versus Microsoft!

Semiconductor Business Group, versus Intel!

The memory, hard disk and other storage businesses have also been taken over by the semiconductor business group!

Database and server systems are also one of the most powerful software businesses of Beichen Technology!

The hardware department has developed the Kunlun supercomputer, and is also involved in the personal computer business. This can be regarded as the last piece of territory for this huge business empire! It has been completely completed since then!

Even if the complete computer has not yet been released, the rumors alone have already plunged the six major computer manufacturers into turmoil!

In addition to the big gap in the patent library and enterprise solution business, Beichen Technology has surpassed IDM companies in all other aspects of achievements!

This resulted in Wall Street’s valuation of Beichen Technology at US$1.7 trillion!


The person in charge of Huipu has very complicated emotions in his heart at the moment!

For witnessing the rise of such a super giant company, HP feels like it is witnessing history!

Especially a year ago, Beichen Technology was still a start-up company with an external valuation of no more than US$50 billion!

Today, the fact that global venture capital and major technology giants missed out on acquiring shares of Beichen Technology has become a joke among people around the world!

"If Microsoft had not given Luo Yang a bonus of US$2 million, if Luo Yang had agreed to venture capital, if Beichen Technology had been acquired by a foreign giant... No matter what the reason was, it would not have been able to be as powerful as it is now. Incomparable Beichen Technology!”

"Beichen Technology emerged strongly amidst a series of crazy suppressions!"

"In troubled times, heroes emerge!"

"The ancient saying of the people of the Dragon Kingdom really makes sense!"

Regarding Beichen Technology's decision, Huipu's final choice is to respond with the Buddhist system!

Beichen Technology currently controls the Longguo semiconductor industry chain and is also an upstream industrial player in the graphene industry chain. It has a strong voice in the industry. HP is not stupid enough to compete with Beichen Technology.

"We can only hope that the computer business will not fall too badly, otherwise we will have to sell printers..."

"Gan! Even this is not safe. Who knows if Luo Yang will get mad and run to build a printer! After all, the inkjet printing technology used in the OLED industry can be used in printers!"

The person in charge of Huipu twitched the corners of his mouth.

He can no longer predict what the future will be like!

"It seems that HP, like IDM, must be mentally prepared to transform at any time!"

Dell, on the other hand, has similar ideas to Hewlett-Packard.

"Since we can't offend Beichen Technology, we have no choice but to accept our fate! I hope Beichen Technology can show a noble hand!"

Dai Er also gave up resistance and directly tied the fight!

Even so, in order to appease shareholders, the two major companies issued announcements as soon as possible!

"Beichen Technology is the greatest technology company in the 21st century and has created countless miracles and records! We warmly welcome Beichen Technology's entry into the complete computer market!"

"The entry of Beichen Technology will inject new blood into the global PC business!"

As soon as the announcements from the two major companies were released, the outside world burst into laughter!

"It made me laugh! Huipu and Dai'er looked like they were always licking the G! ​​It looked like they were afraid of being cut off by Beichen Technology!"

"There's no way around it, right? Who in the world can compete with Beichen Technology now? Maybe IDM at its peak could, but not now! Judging from the press conference, even the fruit company has become Beichen Technology's follower! "

"Well, now all the mobile phone and computer manufacturers around the world have become the younger brothers of Beichen Technology. Except for Sansang, who is the most powerful, Beichen Technology has completed its dominance in the hardware market!"

"Luo Yang: This wave of flattery is good! Good work should be rewarded!"

No matter what the outside world thinks, the reaction of the stock market is the most real!

Dell's market capitalization was previously US$78 billion, but originally fell to US$65 billion due to the impact of the press conference!

The same goes for Hewlett-Packard, with its market value falling from US$37.6 billion to US$26 billion!

After the two major companies issued announcements, the stock prices immediately stopped falling!

It even started to climb slightly!

This reaction is so real!

Among a large number of plummeting stocks, two green stocks, Dell and HP, have become a bright spot!

"Hahaha! It's gone up, it's gone up!"

On the Nasdaq Exchange, when one group of people expressed anger at being locked up in Sony and Canon's stocks, another group of people burst into cheers!

The thinking of most investors is: As long as Dell and HP don't confront Beichen Technology, the two companies can still survive by relying on their remaining computer market share!

Suddenly the other group of people stared angrily!

If one's own stocks plummet and other people's stocks soar, no one will feel comfortable!

This magical scene attracted the Niuyue Times reporter who was interviewing Nasdaq executives!

The female reporter’s eyes suddenly lit up!

This is an excellent material!

After the U.S. stock market crashed several times because of Luo Yang, the entire U.S. is already in a state of panic about Luo Yang!

However, people's reactions are all realistic. When Luo Yang can bring them benefits, countless people who were still angry at Luo Yang before have now become Luo Yang's lickers!

The slap in the face can't come too soon!

“Tonight’s headlines are here!”

The middle-aged man opposite her was a little embarrassed at the moment...

"Ma'am? Our interview can continue..."

"Sorry! I have found better interview materials now! We will make an appointment for your interview until tomorrow. Thank you for your cooperation!"

々The reporter ran away in high heels, leaving the stunned man behind.


In the report that night, Niuyue Times directly announced this classic scene!

The photographer who took this photo used a full-frame lens to faithfully record the scene at that time.

The red and green Nasdaq large screen served as the background, and there were two distinct groups of people. On one side were Sony shareholders with dull expressions, or incompetent and furious, with messy hair, and on the other side was Dai who was celebrating because the stock had risen. Erhe HP shareholders!

A scene full of comedy appeared in front of everyone's eyes!

Below this photo is an evaluation written by the editor-in-chief of Niuyue Times!

"Every American should remember today's scene! The one who created all this is Beichen Technology from the ancient eastern country! And its founder Luo Yang, 3.8, holds heaven in his left hand and hell in his right hand!"

"His allies will be blessed and his enemies will be damned!"

"From Bangzi Country to Neon Country, from Nasdaq to the New York Stock Exchange, countless people and companies have changed because of Luo Yang! At this moment, he is like God looking down on the world from the clouds!"

"The crying and laughing emotions of countless people are all in his hands!"

"This is Luo Yang!"

“This is the influence of the world’s most powerful technology companies!”

After this report was published, this issue of Tianyue Times sold out instantly!

Like a limited edition signature sneaker, this issue of the newspaper has been solemnly collected by many people! It is placed together with the two Time magazines that originally published Luo Yang!

"My dream is to become someone like Luo Yang! I also want to become the world's richest man!"

Countless young Americans regard Luo Yang as their life idol!

What Americans admire most is this kind of personal heroism!

The actions of Niu Yue Times were interpreted as flattery by the outside world. Afterwards, many media expressed sourly that Niu Yue Times was trying to create a god!

It’s as if Luo Yang is being molded into a god!

It's like if they do this, they can make Luo Yang an American!

This photo from the New York Times is deeply engraved in the hearts of countless Americans!

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