Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 148 The Resentment Is Soaring! The Furious Neon Country! Amsl Is In A Life And Death Crisis!

And Neon Country is also in a state of shock at this moment!

Even late at night, many people are awakened from their sleep due to attacks from ghosts!

In order to ensure that the Yueyue computer virus could spread on a large scale, Luo Yang deliberately did not attack the network lines! Therefore, the lines of major network providers remained normal!

Although the computer was attacked, the mobile phone could still be used, so many users still saw the news!

"Baga! It turns out it was these three old bastards who did it!"

"Not just three! Counting the twisted angel Abraham, there should be four people! These four guys are the biggest masterminds behind this conspiracy!"

Many users were furious on the spot!

The crescent moon computer virus spread by the ghost has more attack power than the solar eclipse computer virus, making Neon Country deeply aware of the experience of Bangzi Country!

There was nowhere to vent the resentment, but now it suddenly found a breakthrough!

Lina's server was exploded and the software was unusable, but Tuita could still be accessed normally. Afterwards, countless netizens from Neon Country who learned the details rushed to Tuita's server in rage!

In an instant, the news about this incident blasted the entire push tower!

"Shameless old thief! How dare you frame our Neon Country!"

"Having been in charge of the SLA Association for decades, Kent has probably forgotten his identity! He considers himself the godfather of the global semiconductor industry! However, we have to tell him the fact that he is nothing!"

"Kent, Malfoy, Peter, and Abraham, do the four of them remind you of anything?"

"Hiss! You mean Konoha F4?"

#04 Nani! If you think about it carefully, this is really the case! There was Konoha F4 before, and now there is the Dark Four! These four guys are full of stench, and their behavior is even more disgusting than Konoha F4!"

Neon Nation netizens have always had a rather unique style of painting, such as the "Guangzhou Silent. Silent Account" and Luo Yang's title of "The Strongest Iron Wall", which were all selected by Neon Nation netizens!

The current title of "Dark Four" was instantly recognized by many people!

For a time, this title shot directly into the top 10 of major search engines!

The news is getting louder and louder, and the Black Palace on the other side of the ocean has also received the news!

"WTF! The Dark Four?"

Everyone present was livid!

The news on Tuite seemed like someone was slapping them in the face!

"Damn it! What the hell is this old guy Kent doing? He's such a big man, and he can't even wipe the P.G clean when he does something!

A certain congressman roared furiously!

Others looked at each other, many of them helplessly rubbing their temples, trying to relieve their swollen emotions!

As one of the instigators, the United States was naturally aware of Kent's actions! However, they did not expect that things would suddenly evolve into the bad situation they are now!

These two recordings of Lucifer directly pushed Kent and the SLA Association to the forefront! It is conceivable that what the SLA Association will face next is a storm from around the world!

As the injured party, Longguo will definitely seek an explanation from them!

Then there is the Neon Country. After the ghost attacked the servers of Yahu Neon and Lina Company, the Neon Country suffered terrible losses! Now that things have come true, the United States, which originally had the upper hand, instantly became the unreasonable party!

The huge protest on the tower is the best portrayal!

Indeed, they can suppress the Neon Kingdom's protests through strong means, but what will other boys think?

"Oh, the advantage is that the boss goes first and leaves us with the blame. If you follow the big brother, you can't even get some soup! And you have to pay for it!"

"Eat. Slare!"

The Black Palace is in a panic right now!

The think tank has never encountered such a difficult thing!

"Contact me Kent immediately! Let him come to see me as quickly as possible!"


However, Kent’s cell phone was never answered!

Everyone had a vague feeling of bad premonition at this moment!

The two voice files released by Lucifer can be said to have completely disrupted the global situation!

As the news further expanded, the sensation caused by the matter became greater and greater. Countless overseas media who smelled the feast swarmed in, got the latest information as soon as possible, and quickly published the front page headlines!

It was daytime in the Western Hemisphere at this time, and major online media were racing against time to publish a series of content as soon as possible!

In order to popularize science, some media have professionally added pictures and even included the original audio files!

As long as you can make big news and get huge traffic, stabbing your own people with a knife is not too common in the overseas media industry!

Not to mention the SLA Association and AMSL Company, even the Black Palace, they dare to spray!

For a moment, what was supposed to be a peaceful life during lunch was directly interrupted by this series of news!

"Shocked! The Wanwan semiconductor industry suffered a hacker attack, and he turned out to be the mastermind behind it!"

"Social death! Both the SLA Association and AMSL are involved in a huge scandal crisis! AMSL even deliberately announced the backdoor vulnerability of the lithography machine! How should they respond in the midst of the storm?"

"The identity of the hacker "Blue Devil" is exposed! It turns out to be the Eden moderator "Twisted Angel Abraham"!"

"The sky-high remuneration of 7 million euros only resulted in a crazy pursuit by ghosts! The Blue Devils' little plan was completely in vain!"

"Neon netizens expressed huge protest! Because of the Blue Devil, the ghosts caused havoc in Neon Country! Netizens in Neon Country jointly voted for a new title! There was Konoha F4 before, and now there is the Dark Four!"


Countless overseas users who saw the news were shocked!

They just didn't watch the news all morning, why did such a big thing happen?

"Shet! It turns out that this was all just a conspiracy!"

A certain high school student biting into a pizza exclaimed!

Likewise, there are people who were so shocked by the news that they didn’t look at the road and bumped into a street light!


The huge impact made the entire street lamp move!

"Fuck Fuck!"

Braised Dantou punched the street lamp in frustration!

As a "little man" who cares about the world, he has always aspired to become a "big man" in maintaining the global order, so he is very concerned about this aspect!

The stock market is always the most sensitive!

After the news was exposed, AMSL's stock immediately ended its surge, and then began to plummet in an instant under the astonished gaze of countless frantically buying investors!

The original market value of AMSL once soared to US$270 billion after the supply cutoff to Taiwan Electrical and Mechanical Equipment. However, under the impact of this news, the market value fell below the US$250 billion mark on the spot! Judging from the severity of the negative news, in the end The market value will inevitably fall below 200 billion US dollars!

The huge scandal of the SLA Association has also affected semiconductor companies such as Sansang, Intel, and Grofland!

At this point, investors no longer want to believe that Chinese companies are unaware of the actions of the SLA Association! After all, once a trust crisis occurs, it will become very difficult to make up for it!

In addition to Sansang, the stock prices of semiconductor companies such as Intel also fell again!

It was originally in a difficult situation, but now it has continuously fallen below the bottom line in the hearts of investors!

Countless stock investors began to hold their heads and howl!

"Xie Te! Why did it suddenly start plummeting! I just mortgaged my house in the country to the bank, and everything was lost. Haha AMSL!"

AMSL's plunge directly made this stock investor furious!

At this time, another stock investor looked at him with sympathetic eyes and reminded him kindly.

"Man! Didn't you watch the news? AMSL is caught in a huge scandal! They were involved in the plan to attack the semiconductor industry!"


AMSL shareholders took a deep breath, then took out their mobile phones and pulled out the latest news!

A series of news headlines made his eyesight go dark!

"WTF! My dollars! Now I'm going to lose all my money!"

There are many others who have suffered the same fate as him!

Some time ago, after AMSL announced the launch of a 1nm lithography machine project, global semiconductor concept stocks were stimulated and began to recover, and AMSL became the most eye-catching stock!

Many investors who had suffered heavy losses in the semiconductor industry were attracted by this news and subsequently invested heavily in AMSL!

In their view, AMSL is still the most technologically advanced lithography machine manufacturer in the world. As long as it can conquer the 1nm lithography machine, there is still hope to catch up with Longguo! As someone mentioned, Longguo’s Shencheng Microelectronics is also there News of the development of more advanced lithography machines has been selectively forgotten by them!

People are selectively forgetful!

However, now Lucifer's actions [directly tore apart AMSL's disguise!

The entire market fell into a huge panic!

"Damn it! Fuck! Malfoy and Peter, these two old guys, how much money do you have to spend with me!"

"These two idiots, as well as Kent from the SLA Association, were stupid enough to hire hackers for a sneak attack! It was just a sneak attack, and the evidence was caught and made public around the world! It's really going to end now!"

The entire U.S. stock market has once again fallen into huge fluctuations!

The main reason is that the nature of the matter this time is too bad. To put it more seriously, the actions of the four dark men headed by Kent are almost equivalent to firing at the Dragon Kingdom!

If Long Guo seizes this handle, it will definitely gain the upper hand!

The United States will face a greater crisis by then!

At this time, many netizens who reacted had already flocked to the official website of the SLA Association. The official website server only lasted for less than 5 minutes before it could not withstand the skyrocketing number of visits and suddenly collapsed!

Everyone who visits the SLA Association’s official website receives an inaccessible message!

Netizens who didn't know the truth for a while fell into even greater anger!

"Fuck Fuck! Let's block the door!"

At the call of a certain netizen, a large number of investors who had suffered heavy losses took the money they had and drove directly to the headquarters of the SLA Association!

(Thanks to Xinghun for the update vote).

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