Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 156 Global Network Information Security Summit! Geci's High-Profile Appearance!

After a series of storms, the world has entered a rare period of calm!

Major countries have now increased their emphasis on hackers, and countries with very developed Internet industries, such as the Dragon Country and the United States, have further increased their emphasis on Internet security and network information security!

On October 29, the U.S. White House officially released a document with the cover "Plan on Further Preventing Global Cyber ​​Information Crime"!

This white paper, which is more than 5.10 pages thick, details the hacker threats facing the world!

There are many examples cited, including Kevin who was recruited, Lucifer and Ghost who caused trouble in the United States, and the Blue Devil who just died not long ago, they are all among them!

Some of the loss data disclosed by the Black Palace are shocking!

"We will further improve network information security protection in the next few years!"

The face of the spokesperson of the Black Palace is extremely serious!

"In view of this, we will hold a global information security summit at the "580"! We have already sent information to the world's well-known Internet companies, technology companies, representative leading companies in the larger industry, and departments of various countries. An invitation has been sent out and I hope everyone can sit down and talk!”

"The 21st century belongs to the era of the Internet! And what we have to do is to add a layer of safer armor to all Internet users!"

After the release of this white paper, it caused great repercussions around the world!

After entering 2021, the global network information security has encountered a great threat. The emergence of hackers such as Ghost, Lucifer, and Blue Devil one after another has made everyone feel terrified!

As for the Wanwan areas of America, Ying, Bangzi, Neon, and Dragon, I have had personal experience with them!

As a result, this white paper has received many responses!

The first to react were the world's well-known information security companies. Major well-known anti-virus software vendors such as Kappa, Symantec, Daocafe, Xiaoluuman, etc. responded to the call of the United States immediately and formally expressed their attitude. , announced that it will participate in the Information Security Summit held in Nuoyue in half a month!

"We are a great company determined to protect the security of user information!"

"As the world's largest anti-virus software, we have the responsibility and obligation to shoulder this heavy responsibility! We sincerely invite companies from all over the world to attend!"

Symantec's spokesperson has a high-spirited look on his face, and his meticulous hairdo is polished by hairspray, making him look like an actor who has just finished his job at Qianlaohui!

After anti-virus software vendors and information security companies expressed their stance, it was the major Internet giants in the United States!

The four major giants, Microsoft, Google, Lianshu, and Amazon, responded immediately!

"We at Microsoft are one of the largest PC system suppliers in the world! We are duty-bound to improve global network information security!"

Ever since Microsoft was sold out by Beichen Technology, the chance to rejoin the board of directors of Microsoft has not been seen in public for a long time!

After being hit one after another, Microsoft put away all its fangs and claws during this period, and seemed to have become harmless to humans and animals! Beichen Technology, as always, is proud of the world, and has fallen to the world's largest. .Microsoft, the leader in PC systems, has become very low-key!

It's so low-key that people forget that such a super software giant exists!

After experiencing a series of turmoils, Gaici has become much older now. Perhaps in order to regain confidence in the market and shareholders, Gaici dyed his hair black again, which made many people who saw him again feel in a trance!

"This is..…………"

Many Americans felt tears come to their eyes!

This black-haired man seems to overlap with the young man who dominated the world's richest list more than ten years ago!

Lian Po is old, can he still make a living?

A strong shock occurred throughout the United States!

Gaiji's attempt to regain his youth made everyone realize that there was something unusual!

"The market value of Microsoft Hardware was suddenly reduced by Beichen Technology from US$1.8 trillion at its peak to US$570 billion today, a full two-thirds reduction!

A commentator from a certain Wall Street professional institution expressed optimistic thoughts about this!

"Gaici is still the world's top rich man! Even if his net worth has temporarily shrunk! But his brain is still the world's top!"

"Whether it's software programming or business development, Microsoft's development is inseparable from coverage!"

"And this time, Gai Ci comes out again at the age of more than six or ten years. After dormant for several months, he must be preparing a fatal blow! This time, they may be able to completely change the situation of Beichen Technology's global dominance!"

This commentator’s remarks were supported by many Americans!

In social software such as Tuite, Lianshu, INS and whatAAp, a large number of users have participated in discussions on this topic!

"Oh! People who haven't experienced what happened back then can't understand the terrifying influence of Geci! That's a man who has been at the top of the world's richest list for more than ten years!"

"Gaici and Gang Leader Qiao are definitely one of the most talked-about geniuses! Now that Gaici comes out again, he will definitely rewrite everything!"

The number of comments on the topic supporting Gates has exceeded 50 million!

So much so that the global media are exclaiming:

"The man who influenced the development of the global Internet is back again!"

Although Microsoft and Beichen Technology have been at a disadvantage since they blocked each other a year ago, Western countries are definitely not willing to see the rise of Beichen Technology!

So no matter what, they're going to start bragging about Microsoft and its coverage!

Driven by the global media and caring people, Gaici instantly stole the limelight from major anti-software companies and became the most watched person at this Information Security Summit!

After Microsoft expressed its stance, Gu Ge also officially stated that he would attend this security summit!

This time, the person speaking to the outside world was not the CEO from Asan Kingdom, but Brin, one of the Gemini stars!

"Regarding what we have experienced during this period, we believe that this is a very normal stage! Any company that becomes the world's top giant will encounter a period of trough!"

"For example, IDM at its peak has transformed from a hardware company to a software company!"

"The trough period brings not only crisis! It also brings about radical changes!"

"We sincerely invite you all to attend this Global Information Security Summit! We will have a big surprise for you then!"

Brin showed a mysterious smile!

Many media looked at each other...

"A huge surprise? What could it be? Is it a new APP or a newly launched business?"

Brin did not reveal anything further and disappeared backstage at the press conference!

Like Microsoft, Google's Android Desktop system has been retreating step by step in the face of Beichen Technology's pmos, and its global market share has been shrinking again and again!

If many U.S. allies had not insisted on banning the use of pmos in some key industries and 4.4 institutions, Anzhu would probably have retreated to the U.S. market by now!

Most of the markets except the Dragon Kingdom and the United States may be eaten by Beichen Technology!

Polar Star from the Dragon Kingdom has successfully extended its hand to the entire Blue Star!

To this day, in the Internet industry, in the software industry, in the semiconductor and hardware industries, companies large and small around the world cannot bypass the name Beichen Technology!

It is precisely for this reason that after Brin announced his attendance at the security summit on behalf of Gu Ge, it also triggered a series of speculations from the outside world!

Later, some netizens said:

"With Gai expressing his position before, and Brin praising him later, the two big technology giants, Microsoft and Google, have secretly joined forces, right? After all, their biggest opponent now is not the fruit company, but the company from Longguo. Beichen Technology!”

No one thought that this netizen’s joke actually hit the spot!

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