Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 166: Comments From Users Around The World! Embarrassing Coverage!

The true face of Win11 really surprised many people. In the live broadcast room that was broadcast simultaneously around the world, countless users from all over the world complained and barraged, taking over the entire big screen!

"Just now, I thought I had entered the wrong live broadcast room. I almost thought this was the fruit company's new computer product launch conference! I think Ku Ke is going crazy at this moment. This is Chi Guoguo's provocation from Microsoft! "

A user from Faguo complained.

"To be honest I'm very disappointed!"

"How high were the expectations Gaici gave people at the Global Information Security Summit before, and how disappointed they are now! I can't believe this is a work produced by Microsoft! The traditional elements of the win system we are familiar with have disappeared You see, this is completely a mad system covered in win11 skin!"

"Disappointment +1!"

Users have sharp eyes. Regardless of whether Microsoft and Gates admit it or not, they cannot change the fact that users see "997"!

Beichen Technology Headquarters.

Many executives gathered here, including the presidents of Asia, America, and Europe, also participated in the meeting via video. Everyone had a ridiculous feeling about the true face of win11.

Han Feng couldn't help but rub his eyes, and couldn't help complaining: "Is Microsoft too confident? You really think the fruit company doesn't dare to go to court with them, right?"

Even the majority of ordinary users can see that Win11 plagiarizes the Mad system elements, which PO$ developers like them are naturally familiar with!


There was a burst of laughter in the conference room.

Everyone felt a little unbelievable. They prepared for the battle with extreme caution, only to find that the opponent was holding a water gun!

It’s as if Gaici has made a huge joke to the whole world!

The atmosphere in the entire office was lightened!

"Okay, don't rush to conclusions. Since Gai Ci can launch win11, it is definitely not for everyone to make fun of. If you want people to voluntarily upgrade from win10 to win11 version, there must be something unique!"

Luo Yang smiled, then knocked on the table, and everyone quickly became quiet.

The huge discussion and laughter at the press conference made Geci's face look a little unnatural.

Although he had anticipated these possibilities, the performance of everyone still made him feel unacceptable. These comments and laughter were like a slap in the face, hitting him directly in the face!

"Damn it! If I had known that when the win11 project was established, I should have voted against the U and operation methods!"

Geci's eyes were filled with gloom!

After the release of win10 seven years ago, Microsoft officially gave up maintaining and developing the win-xp system. At the same time, the 59-year-old Geci also officially resigned from the position of chairman. He has faded out of people's sight, but he still retains the position of technical consultant. identity.

As speculated by the outside world, after the official release of win10, Gaici has secretly established a win11 development project!

Faced with the rise of the IOS and Android camps, Gates realized that Microsoft had completely missed the opportunity to enter the mobile operating system.

As for a certain executive's claim that "win10 will be the last version of the win system", it is completely confusing the public. The biggest purpose is to allow the huge number of win-xp, win-7, and win-8 users to fully upgrade and transition. into the win10 system ecosystem.

Just like a fruit company updating its IOS system every year, the upgraded new system is very unfriendly to old devices. In this way, it invisibly encourages people to replace their machines with new ones and continues to ensure the company's profits. The same is true for Microsoft. Only by upgrading the new system can they gain greater profits.

Compared with previous generations of systems, the prices of different versions of Win10 have all increased. Except for some genuine Win7/8 users who are eligible for free upgrades for a limited time, others will either continue to use pirated versions or obediently pay more to use them. Genuine system!

In the last high-level meeting before his official retirement, Gaici personally determined the development direction of the next generation system.

“After missing out on the mobile operating system, we must stop our losses as much as possible!”

"There are many factors for the success of iOS and Android. We must learn from their advantages and integrate them into our next-generation PC system!"

As a technical consultant, Gaici can further devote his energy to the development of win11 after relieving himself of the heavy workload!

IOS and Android are derivative systems of UNIX and Linux respectively. After comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the two systems, Gaici carried out a series of drastic reforms!

The first is the GUI design of the new system!

The PC system development department of Microsoft Corporation has given two sets of design plans.

The first set continues to use the traditional elements of the win system, with only minor changes, while the second set of designs is a large-scale imitation of the mad system elements!

Facing the choice, Geci fell into hesitation...

After Qiao Busi's death, Fruit Company has lost its ability to innovate in the eyes of Gates. However, relying on the design concepts and development direction left by Qiao Busi, Fruit Company has still rapidly grown into the company with the highest market value in the world and the first A company with a market capitalization of over US$2 trillion!

In comparison, Gu Ge's performance was somewhat unsatisfactory.

"When the tide of time recedes, the only ones who can become our real rivals are fruit companies!"

This is the conclusion Gaici came to after careful consideration.

There was only one year difference between the establishment of the two companies, and Geci and Qiao Busi were born in the same year. The two companies started from software and hardware respectively, and gradually got to where they are now.

The mad computer system developed by Qiao Busi successfully led the further development of the graphical operating system interface. Under the influence of this, Geci launched the win system and has come step by step to today. If it weren't for the fruit company's integrated software and hardware strategy, the mad system has never been able to be popularized on a large scale, and it's hard to say what the future will be like.

But even so, when most ordinary users choose a computer system, they only have two choices: win system and mad system!

After Gu Ge developed Android Desk, he also tried to enter the PC system business, but he was unable to pose a threat to the win system. It was not until Luo Yang founded Beichen Technology that the emergence of POS completely overturned the global dominance of the win system. throne!

Under this premise, Gaici began to silently move closer to the development of win11 based on the RNAD system!

Since you can't defeat your opponent 2.2, then imitate it, absorb its advantages and strengths, and finally defeat him!

In the Dragon Kingdom, there is a saying that "learn from the foreigners and develop skills to defeat the foreigners", which is the best portrayal of Microsoft's move!

Ever since, today’s win11 system has emerged!

However, what Geci has prepared is not only to imitate the design elements of the mad system, but also has more highlights that have not been introduced.

The chaos at the scene quickly calmed down, and the major media were still very qualified.

Gaici coughed a few times, put this embarrassing situation behind him, and began to announce more details of the win11 system.

Everyone also lifted their spirits.

As Gai Ci narrated, everyone also noticed some differences between win11 and win10. In addition to the GUI design, there have been big changes in many functional modules!

Soon, Gaici introduced the biggest highlight of the win11 system!.

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