Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 183 Mysterious Guest Musk! Triggering Everyone's Crazy Speculation!

After everyone arrived, Brin continued.

"After the release of Android 12, relevant members of the Android Developer Alliance can obtain relevant authorizations as soon as possible!"

"Including Sansang, Sonny, Pix, Blueberry... and a series of mobile phone brands!"

Following Brin's introduction, Li Rongshu, Taira Keiichi and others also waved to everyone!

Everyone in the audience also gave the camera a close-up to save face.

The platform of mobile phone manufacturers is actually not surprising. Just like Beichen Technology’s camp, there are Dragon Country mobile phone dealer allies led by the four giants of Huami OV. Even in the Dragon Country market, Fruit Company has completely given up on IOS. According to the follow-up push, the vast majority of fruit mobile phone users in Longguo use the pmbs system!

At this time Li Rongshu took the microphone.

"In last year's global mobile phone sales statistics, our Sansang Group's mobile phone sales still ranked among the best, firmly occupying the throne of the world's number one mobile phone manufacturer!"

"And Brother Gu and Sansang have always been close allies!"

"Starting from today, Sansang will push the first batch of internal beta version of Android 12 system to Sansang mobile phone users around the world for the first time! Users can upgrade through OTA!"

After Li Rongshu, Ping Jingyi and other mobile phone companies also stepped forward to speak.

"We at Sony will also launch system upgrade packages for our mobile phones as soon as possible!"

The influence brought by Kazuo Taira is obviously inferior to that of Li Rongshu.

After all, today is different from the past. Sony mobile phones have long lost the glory they used to have. News once spread that Sony was planning to cut off its mobile phone manufacturing department!

As the former keyboard mobile phone giant, Blueberry mobile phone once aspired to be the world's No. 1 mobile phone sales. Its products are the mobile phone products designated by many business people and US departments to purchase! However, after missing the era of large-screen mobile phones, Blueberry mobile phone fell silent. Many, many people have forgotten this brand!

The president of Blueberry Mobile is a Mediterranean man, and he stepped forward to speak with great ambition.

"I would like to announce good news to you all! At the beginning of June this year, our Blueberry company has withdrawn the relevant authorization from Longguo TDL Company and relaunched the Blueberry smartphone brand plan! Our company expects to release related new phones in mid-December Type "~!"

“In addition to the new models that will be released soon, all of which are pre-installed with the Android 12 system, we will also push the upgrade package of Android 12 for some old models that were previously released!”

What he responded to was a series of sparse applause.

"To be honest, I'm not optimistic about Blueberry Mobile's brand relaunch plan! They have been lagging behind others for too long!"

"I think so too. Blueberry, Sony, these former mobile phone giants have always stubbornly insisted on brand premiums and outdated designs. They have never lowered their proud heads to see what users really need. What! It’s natural to be abandoned by the times!”

Many reporters in the audience shook their heads and were not optimistic about the two giants!

Let alone them, even Sansang Mobile itself cannot protect itself!

Li Rongshu is also trying to pull a tiger's flag. The world's number one mobile phone manufacturer has lost its throne after the release of this year's Beichen mobile phone!

Although it is unable to claim the annual mobile phone sales championship due to its late release date, everyone agrees that Beichen Mobile will top the mobile phone sales list next year!

Just look at the booming sales of parallel-imported mobile phones in overseas markets!

The people's comments and questioning glances made Li Rongshu and Hei Kei Kazuo and others feel very uncomfortable. Even Brin's face didn't look good.

"It's all damn Beichen Technology!"

"If they hadn't launched pmos, mobile phone giants like rice and OV would still be under our control!"

Brin's eyebrows jumped!

After losing the support of Huami OV's four major mobile phone manufacturers in a row, other small and medium-sized mobile phone manufacturers in Longguo have also left the Anzuo camp. Currently, the number one player in the Anzuo camp is only Sansang Mobile Phones!

The cripple chooses a general. With no choice, Brin could only pin his hopes on the Sansang Group!

Although everyone is talking about it, it cannot change the fact that after Sansun, Sony, Blueberry and other mobile phone manufacturers announced their support for Android 12, Android seems to have successfully extended its lifespan. In addition, Win11’s assists seem to have the momentum to rise again!

Of course, this is just wishful thinking of many people!

After the release of Andesk 12, everyone originally thought that the press conference was over and had begun to prepare to leave, but they found that the lights did not come on!

"Isn't it over yet?"

Everyone is full of doubts!

Brin, who presided over the first half of the press conference, had just returned to the backstage with Sansang Li Rongshu. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Page, another member of Gemini, officially made his debut!

"`~Please be patient, everyone, the next product to be announced is the second product of the conference, and it is also the last product of today!"

Page smiled slightly!

"First of all, I would like to introduce to you some of our new partners in Guge Company!"


The lights flashed again, and at the entrance to the stage, another business tycoon who was very familiar to everyone appeared!


As soon as this person showed up, many people salivated in their hearts!

Wearing a black handmade suit and a boxy face with Chinese characters, this new boss is clearly Musk, who recently missed out on being the world's richest man!

"Hello everyone, I'm Musk!"

Musk greeted everyone generously!

As the founder of the payment software Pay and the Falcon Company (Nono Zhao), which mainly engages in rocket launch business, and also the main shareholder and president of Tesla, Musk is definitely a well-known business tycoon!


Everyone in the audience was immediately excited!

They all vaguely smelled the smoke!

"Oh wow! It's actually Iron Man Musk! Isn't he preparing for the rocket recycling work? How can he have time to attend Gu Ge's press conference???"

"Hiss! I feel like something great is about to happen! In the past, Microsoft formed an alliance with Brother Gu, and now Musk is joining the team. Brother Gu must be planning a big show!"

As a frequent visitor to the list of the world's richest people, Musk is certainly not bored. For these rich people, everything they say and do to the outside world is paid attention to by many people. In addition to the on-site media, there are countless global audiences who have watched the live broadcast. At this moment, I started to speculate in my heart!

What does the appearance of Musk mean?

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