Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 194 Beichen Mobile Phone Goes On Sale Overseas! Dispel Everyone’S Doubts!

While Gu Ge and Tesla are flexing their muscles around the world, in the vast desert on the other side of the earth, a huge press conference is being held!

The capital of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh!

As the world's most well-known tycoon country, Saudi Arabia possesses a precious resource that makes the world jealous - oil! It is not only the world's second largest oil reserve country, but also the world's third largest oil producer. It relies on oil to obtain A steady stream of huge wealth!

The Shatta royal family can be said to be one of the richest royal families in the world!

The Kingdom Building, funded and built by the Shah Tower royal family, is a famous landmark building in the country and the second tallest building in the Middle East area. It is known as "one of the New Seven Wonders of the World" abroad and is well known to many people. .

Prior to this, Luo Yang and many executives of Beichen Technology actually preferred to hold a press conference in the Al-Daba Tower. After all, compared to the Emirates, the Shatta Kingdom itself has a stronger religious atmosphere and is relatively conservative in external contacts. However, after many personal visits from the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, it was finally decided to place the press conference here!

A five-star hotel in the building was adjusted and transformed for the press conference!

"Hurry up and get in! The press conference will start soon!"

Many spectators who had obtained tickets entered the scene with excited faces at this moment!

As the home stadium of Saudi Arabia, most of the audience here are wearing white traditional costumes. Except for reporters and staff, all those who can sit here are all kinds of bearded tycoons!

After all, most of the land beneath everyone's feet is boundless yellow sand, and the climate is dry all year round. However, buried in this large desert is countless black gold - oil, which can be said to be "real rich" Gotta shed oil”!

"I heard that His Majesty the King will attend these 803 press conferences. We can see a lot from this!"

"Rumors say that the royal family intends to marry Luo Yang. My little princess is already quietly inquiring about this news!"

"Sabra, I think you are thinking too much! The Americans will not let us get too close to the Dragon Kingdom, and I don't think Luo Yang, the world's richest man, will let go easily!"

"Alas! If we could get rid of the Americans..."

"Hiss! Be careful what you say! Be careful what you say!"

The two bearded men ended the conversation with a hint of fear.

Before the press conference started, countless gossips were flying around, and the two of them were just one of them!

The two looked around. Many of them were familiar faces. Most of them often appeared on TV or in newspapers. In addition to many oil tycoons, there were also many giants investing at home and abroad. Their scope was not limited to Sand Tower Kingdom!

For example, the VIP seats in the first row include a certain crown prince of the United Arab Emirates!

The crown prince, who has always been famous for his handsomeness and wealth, glanced at the Royal Oak watch in his hand, with a hint of eagerness in his eyes. He had been waiting for this day for too long!

“The value behind graphene mobile phones is so great!”

"If we can obtain graphene technology, we can have the second largest economic pillar after oil!"

"My father's stance is still too conservative. He doesn't want to offend the Americans, but he also wants to gain the friendship of Beichen Technology. How can it be so easy? Sigh... Let's get the Beichen phone first. If I can get to that position in the future , be sure to get closer to Beichen Technology! This is of great significance to Debei's industrial transformation!"

The crown prince has his own little plan in mind!

Everyone knows the value of graphene, and everyone wants to get a piece of the big cake (aeag), but where can it be so easy to eat?

Countless forces that couldn't get what they wanted had no choice but to turn their attention to Beichen mobile phones, hoping to use this as a breakthrough to achieve reverse technology cracking of graphene!

For these rich people, even if they do not consider cracking graphene technology, the huge gimmick of adopting many high-tech graphene technologies has already made them look forward to it, and the Crown Prince of the United Arab Emirates has become Beichen Technology. Loyal fans!

Next to him was the crown prince of the host Shatta Kingdom.

The two of them exchanged words in low voices with smiles on their faces while waiting for the press conference to begin. As time went by, the venue was already packed!

Under the gaze of countless eyes, the King of Shatta Kingdom, dressed in traditional white clothes, stepped onto the stage!


Warm applause swept the audience!

Despite his advanced age, the king finally decided to attend the press conference in person and delivered a relevant speech before the start, expressing great goodwill to Beichen Technology.

"Although Beichen Technology has not been around for too long, there is no doubt about it! That is that it has become one of the top technology companies in the world! And in the future, the world will eventually be dominated by high-tech! I represent Shata Kingdom would like to extend a warm welcome to Beichen Technology!"

After the opening remarks, the press conference officially began!

Gao Yunhai, President of the Hardware Business Group, was wearing a crisp black suit and stepped onto the stage confidently!

After a week of silence, Gao Yunhai can't wait!

After a week of being low-key, Beichen Technology's press conference attracted the attention of many people. Whether it was the Dragon Kingdom or the United States, many people were watching the live broadcast.

In addition to the domestic Huya live broadcast room, overseas live broadcast rooms for various countries have also been fully launched, and the barrages in various languages ​​​​are now densely packed!

"God bless! In this terrible time, there is finally something that can make people shine!"

"I'm ready to empty my wallet! Before, my colleague bought a parallel-imported Beichen mobile phone and showed it off in front of me all day long. I was already so envious! This time I have to grab the first one no matter what. A batch of genuine mobile phones!”

"It is said that the official live broadcast room will randomly select 88 lucky people around the world and directly give away a Beichen mobile phone for free! God Amaterasu, bless me, I will be able to grab it

"Baga! It's an embarrassment to our neon country! Our Sony mobile phone is the best mobile phone in the world!"

"Pfft! This is so ridiculous! Our Sansang from Bangzi Country has the best mobile phone in the world!"

Countless barrages floated by like snowflakes!

The popularity of this press conference can be said to be quite high!

Luo Yang and others in the Beichen Technology Headquarters building were also watching.

"Ouch! Back in the day... these guys from the Neon Kingdom started a quarrel among themselves!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Bangzi Country has been sniped by us several times, and now it's still tough! I want to see how long they can hold on!"

"As the saying goes, live with the transferred energy and nourish the transferred body. Look at Lao Gao, he is becoming more and more CEO-like now!"

"Ha ha!"

Everyone laughed.

Luo Yang had always expected Lao Gao's changes.

As one of his important thugs, Gao Yunhai is now taking on more and more tasks. After all, for a long time to come, the hardware business group will be the key support target of Beichen Technology, and the entire company's huge resources will be directed towards It's tilted here!

Everyone has long memorized the content of this press conference. It is actually very similar to the previous domestic press conference, except that the speech is in English. All aspects of the configuration are also the same. The only difference is the price!

The basic prices of the three configurations of mobile phones, without considering tariffs, are US$1,299, US$1,599, and US$1,899 from low to high respectively!

Soon, the press conference came to an end!

"I announce that Beichen mobile phones have begun comprehensive overseas pre-sales!"

“The Country of the Furry Bear, the Country of Italy, the Country of the Sand Tower...all 12 countries around the world are eligible to buy!”

"The first batch of mobile phones sold overseas is 20 million units. We currently only accept full payment reservations! Shipping will officially begin after 0 o'clock tonight!"

Gao Yunhai officially announced the overseas sales quantity.

Under the crazy obstruction and pressure from Wall Street forces, many European countries, led by many countries, have been reluctant to issue network access qualifications for Beichen mobile phones. Therefore, only 12 countries were finally granted access to the network.

Itali once again showed its unique style and became the first country in Europe to accept Beichen mobile phones!

In order to prevent the backlog of goods and to maintain hungry marketing, Luo Yang finally only approved the pre-sale of 20 million mobile phones. The second batch will not be officially launched until the first batch of mobile phones are sold and the funds are withdrawn!

At this moment, people from these 12 countries who watched the live broadcast immediately opened the official website of Beichen Technology! Everyone has only one goal in mind at this moment!

"Just grab it and that's it!"

Luo Yang has been staring at the computer in front of him. Above is the official website page of Beichen Mobile. In just ten minutes, 400,000 mobile phones have been pre-sold in the background!

Excluding tariffs, based on the lowest price of US$1,299, these 400,000 mobile phones are equivalent to US$520 million!

"Haha! With this data, the first step in the overseas market can be considered a preliminary success!"

Luo Yang showed a satisfied smile!

"$520 million! It's a money grab!"

Many senior executives have no eyes left to smile at this moment!

"It's true that we have been hyping up this period of time. If the pre-sales dive, Beichen Technology will probably be laughed to death by the outside world!" He Siyuan also let out a sigh of relief.

The Internet Business Group has always been the company's main publicity force, controlling huge publicity channels. Under Luo Yang's instructions, He Siyuan can be said to have mobilized the vast majority of forces with only two goals!

Bragging to death about Google, Microsoft, and Tesla, completing the promotion plan! And all-round promotion of Beichen mobile phones!

Although Beichen Mobile has been launched for some time, and many parallel imports have flowed to the world through Hong Kong Island and other places, there are still a large number of overseas users who are dubious about it.

After all, when it comes to controlling global public opinion, Beichen Technology cannot surpass the giant that is the United States!

The forces led by Haolaiwu represent the right to speak in the United States!

In the past few decades, the global impression of the Dragon Kingdom has been very backward, and some people even think that the people of the Dragon Kingdom still have pigtails! This comes from the day-to-day vilifying propaganda of Western forces, so even if Beichen Technology reaches the top of the world, graphene Even though mobile phones were born, there are still many people who are skeptical about it, and the number is quite large!

Traditional overseas media Luo Yang cannot penetrate for the time being, but in the important channel of the Internet, Luo Yang said that he must make his voice heard!

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