Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 203 Lessons From The Quartz Revolution! The Hesitant Federal Justice!

While the outside world is still making various speculations, the hearing has already begun!

"We strongly oppose this merger!"

A certain congressman’s attitude is very serious!

The network behind him is the Wall Street forces led by several major shareholders of INVISTA, who expressed strong opposition at the beginning of the hearing!

"Once Intel becomes a monopoly, it will achieve an absolute monopoly in the PC chip industry. In the face of absolutely overwhelming strength, no semiconductor company can check Intel in the United States!"

"Past history has proven that any industry trust will eventually become an extremely broad-based trust!"

"Today it can monopolize the chip industry, and tomorrow it can join other industries. By then, it will form a giant trust covering the upstream and downstream of semiconductors! This seriously violates the original intention of the US antitrust act!"

This congressman can be said to be very hardworking.

After all, money on Wall Street is not that easy to get!

Many people at the scene nodded in agreement, especially the federal justice!

The justice has great power and great independence. He can try his best to ignore outside interference during the trial. From the justice's standpoint, he is dealing with this acquisition case.

This will set a very bad example!

Intel can acquire AND today, but will Microsoft acquire Google tomorrow?

The birth of the Antitrust Act is to avoid the emergence of such high-level monopoly organizations!

However, the huge pressure from the commander-in-chief and the US government forced him to remain silent.

He glanced in the direction of the commander. The warning in the eyes of this gray-haired old man could be said to be extremely severe!

Before the hearing began, the commander-in-chief had communicated with him individually and asked him not to refute the acquisition!


He is indeed a federal judge, but he is an American first!

The pressure from Beichen Technology hangs over the entire United States like a dark cloud. No one thought that this high-tech company that emerged out of nowhere would bring such heavy pressure to the United States!

If he continues to insist on following his inner thoughts, then the U.S. semiconductor industry is likely to collapse completely and lose the last chance to resist.

Then pro-Intel lawmakers began to express their opinions.

Compared with INVISTA's lobbying team, the lobbying team that brings together the forces of both Intel and AND can be said to have greater influence!

Nearly half of the members of Congress have already stated that they will support them!

A small number of MPs have expressed neutrality!

Intel representatives then began to argue.

After taking the stage, he looked at the opposing members of Congress and sneered. With the full support of the commander-in-chief, they were sure to win this acquisition!

Of course, the share of benefits that should be given to the commander-in-chief must not be less!

"If everyone is as short-sighted as this opposition congressman, then the United States can simply raise its hands and surrender"||!"

"Everyone, it is not easy to break through a new technology. Even though the United States has gathered a lot of power, it still has not been able to break through this problem, which means that we will still have to rely on silicon-based chips for a period of time in the future. Our global share!"

"There is no need to say more about the dangers of Beichen Technology. Under the premise that the graphene era has fully arrived, the United States should relax some restrictions to "enhance Xantel's industry dominance!"

"If we continue to put shackles on Intel, the final outcome will definitely be Beichen Technology sweeping the world!"

"I think the current situation in the United States is somewhat similar to Swiss in the 1970s!"

“In the face of the quartz revolution at that time, Swiss integrated the watch industry that was on the verge of bankruptcy and became the current Swatch Group, one of the four largest luxury goods groups in the world!”

"And Intel will become the Swatch of the new era!"

Representatives of Intel continued to brag about the threat of Beichen Technology, and at the same time used the experience of Ruishi to sound a warning to everyone!


The congressmen present were stunned.

Of course they are no strangers to this country!

Although Swiss has a small land area, it is a highly developed capitalist country, and its two major industries, namely watches and finance, are world-famous!

The two major industry representatives include Swatch Group, Lifeng Group, and Swiss Bank!

The quartz revolution mentioned by the Intel representative is familiar to most people present. They have all experienced that industry change!

As the absolute ruler of the traditional mechanical watch industry, Swiss owns dozens of century-old watch brands, including Patek Philippe, Vacheron Constantin, Audemars Piguet, Blancpain, Piaget, Rolex, etc., and has the reputation of "the country of watches". In the past hundreds of years, its products have been highly sought after by European aristocrats and high-end people around the world!

Many people think this phenomenon will continue forever.

However, in the 1970s, the Neon quartz watch came out. Its high quality, low price, strong and durable characteristics soon became popular all over the world. The "British Revolution" it launched seriously impacted the Swiss tradition. In the mechanical watch industry, ten Swiss watch companies have declared bankruptcy one after another: for a time, the whole Swiss watch company was in turmoil!

The situation is very similar to that of graphene chips impacting silicon-based chips!

When the world thought that mechanical watches were doomed, an important figure named Nicholas stepped forward. By promoting the merger of Swiss Watch Company and Swiss Watch Federation, he integrated dozens of Swiss watch brands that were in crisis. Finally a new group was formed!

That is Swatch now!

Under Nicholas's vigorous promotion, quartz watches gradually became equated with cheap watches, and eventually lost the high-end market. This allowed traditional mechanical watches to continue to this day, and are still synonymous with high-end watches!

"If graphene technology continues to be unable to break through, if the United States really reaches its most dangerous moment, then the world's major semiconductor giants will also face the dilemma of merging (Dehao Zhao), Texas Instruments, Gaotong, Broadcom, Yifa Semiconductors, NXP Sansang... will all be affected and divided!"

"Only through merger can we eliminate the fallen technologies and concentrate all our efforts to develop new technologies!"

"We believe that the merger of Intel and AND will be as reborn as Swatch!"

Many congressmen at the scene were persuaded by the Intel representative, and some congressmen who originally held objections began to waver.

They have read the information submitted by both Intel and AND. The graphene research and development team established by both parties in cooperation with the SLA Association can be said to be very slow!

At the moment when Beichen mobile phone sales are booming, everyone feels the loneliness of silicon-based semiconductors!

At this moment, their feelings are not much different from those of Swiss watch dealers back then.

This advanced technology that has dominated the world for more than half a century has become the tears of the times!

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