Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 124 Dragon Kingdom Super Charging Station Plan! The Transformation And Upgrading Of Three Ba

The stocks led by Longguo battery giants such as BYD and Ningde Times all rose! There is no other reason. These Longguo battery giants have all obtained the graphene battery authorization from Beichen Technology!

Just the graphene battery orders for mobile phones and computers allowed them to recover most of their losses!

The newly released products of several major mobile phone and computer manufacturers in the Dragon Kingdom have all eliminated traditional lithium batteries. Every year, hundreds of millions of battery orders are enough to feed a large number of people! Especially the battery giants of the two major island countries, Bangzi and Neon, have vacated The market share was quickly divided up by several major battery giants in Longguo!

Although every time a graphene battery is sold, Beichen Technology needs to pay a patent fee, but there is still a profit! Even the profit is higher than that of lithium batteries!

Because graphene batteries are more expensive than traditional lithium batteries, they have been accepted by the global market, and users are happy to pay for them. This is a good thing for battery giants that are undergoing technological transformation and upgrading!

Now these companies have given up on the research and development of conventional batteries such as lithium batteries and lead-acid batteries, and have instead just laid back and chosen to follow Beichen Technology and wave the flag!

Isn't it delicious to follow the boss to pick up gold?

"Hahaha! It was one of the most correct moves in my life to embrace Beichen Technology's golden thigh!"

Mr. BYAT is overjoyed at the moment!

This is a private club where the CEOs of several major battery giants met. When talking about the current situation, everyone was overjoyed.

"Yes, if we had not obtained the authorization from Beichen Technology, we would have suffered the same fate as foreign manufacturers!"

"Especially in the Ningde era, as the largest battery supplier in Longguo, you still have the largest piece of cake in the industry. I have to admire Mr. Zeng's foresight!"

"Ahem, you can't say that. The biggest piece of cake belongs to Beichen Technology! And BYD's market share is not small. In our era, you may one day overtake us." 147

"Let's not just talk, come on, let's have some tea, this is the club owner's private collection."

Several bosses praised each other.

They are all old foxes who hang out in shopping malls, and they are ready to talk to all kinds of situations on the spot.

"According to the style of Beichen Technology, it should not annex a certain market alone, but give up a part of the market share to everyone! I guess that after Beichen Automobile is released, maybe a few months, maybe half a year, Beichen Automobile will Some technology licenses will be opened, and by then we should all have the opportunity to get involved in the automotive battery module market!"

Everyone nodded, they were used to the usual behavior of Luo Yang and Beichen Technology.

Graphene battery cars will be an emerging blue ocean. As the first to eat crabs, Beichen Technology will inevitably eat up most of the profits, and then share some of the tickets with everyone.

"I have heard some rumors that Beichen Automobile only plans to be in the high-end car field and does not seem to be involved in the mid- to low-end segment. In this way, we can still get a lot of orders!"

Someone spoke again, and the information they learned was close to the truth.

Everyone is talking about it, but they are not in a hurry. Since they have decided to follow Beichen Technology, technology authorization will be opened to them sooner or later. What everyone is most worried about is whether Beichen Technology can withstand the strong counterattack from the traditional energy industry!

"If graphene battery cars become popular, life with three barrels of oil will be difficult. I'm worried..."

A certain boss didn't finish his words, but everyone could understand the worried look in his eyes.

"Hey, let's not think too much here. Naturally, some people will consider this kind of matter that involves the national level. The country has been promoting new energy vehicles for so many years, and it must have prepared a plan to transition to three barrels of oil. After all, this involves hundreds of people. Thousands of people!"

Mr. Biati appeased everyone (aeda).

He and Mr. Zeng from the Ningde era were the leaders of this small circle. He also had the most dealings with Beichen Technology and his judgment of the situation was also very accurate.

In Longguo, a high-level meeting focusing on graphene battery vehicles is being held. Three Barrels of Oil, as well as major relevant ministries and commissions, have sent personnel to attend the meeting.

Soon, someone distributed a white paper to everyone.

"Everyone, take a look. This is the technical report submitted by Beichen Technology to major ministries and commissions. It discloses a lot of information. Everyone should be mentally prepared!"

No one spoke at the scene, only the rustling sound of flipping through materials could be heard.

The content in the report left many people speechless!

"Hiss! Beichen Technology has decided to establish a wholly-owned subsidiary called "Beichen Charging Station", which will be responsible for the construction and operation of charging piles and super charging stations! It is planned to invest 120 billion yuan in the first phase. Large-scale construction of super charging piles in major cities??? Additional investments will be made in the future, and the ultimate goal is to achieve super charging piles covering all Longguo county-level administrative districts!!!"

"Beichen Charging Station also plans to cooperate with various localities. Each locality will invest in land and policies, and Beichen Charging Station will contribute funds and people to jointly build super charging stations. After the construction costs are recovered, the subsequent income will be jointly shared by both parties?"

"There is also this transformation plan. In addition to retaining the country's most basic strategic reserves and backbone refueling lines, Three Barrels of Oil will gradually clear out many small gas stations, and the remaining gas stations will be renovated and upgraded, and all will be converted into super charging stations. !Achieve a smooth transition of three barrels of oil!”

"According to this plan, although Three Barrels of Oil will have to lay off many employees, the impact and losses will be much smaller than our previous plans!"

"Dear me, little comrade Luo Yang is very timid!"

Some older leaders were shocked!

This thick report reveals many of Luo Yang’s ideas!

Just as the country is worried, Luo Yang also considered the transformation work of Three Barrels Oil after the graphene battery era has fully arrived!

As a state-owned enterprise, Three Barrel Oil not only assumes the need to provide millions of jobs and stabilize social order, involving millions of people, but also assumes the important responsibility of the national strategic oil reserve!

It is impossible to completely eliminate them. In addition to civilian vehicles, many practical fields require the use of petroleum, such as diesel and aviation kerosene, which are combat readiness resources.

This is the same for all countries.

Apart from this, Luo Yang has no good impression of Three Barrels of Oil.

After all, three barrels of oil have done too much to plummet by 0.001 points and slightly increase by 0.9 yuan. Even if the international crude oil price has been falling, the domestic oil price has not dropped. Instead, it has soared to the current era of 9 yuan, and even broke through all the way. It’s 10 yuan!

Luo Yang has long had enough of this ugly eating appearance!

Therefore, this transformation and upgrading work was proposed taking into account the stability of order and strategic reserves. According to this plan, Three Barrel Oil will lay off some employees. After the gas station is transformed into a super charging station, there will also be Luo Yang and various local The Beichen Super Charging Station established by the joint venture competes with it, and charging piles will be set up in people's homes. The days of lying with three barrels of oil on the gas station and counting money will be gone forever!

Naturally, Three Barrels of Oil is extremely dissatisfied with this proposal!

No one is willing to give up their own interests!

But except for the three barrels of oil, most other ministries and commissions have expressed their approval of this plan! Especially the power grid was stunned by the huge surprise! It was like pie in the sky!

"Ahem, our power grid is quite supportive of this plan. Comrade Luo Yang's idea is quite reliable!"


Everyone present was speechless, especially the representative of Three Barrels of Oil who glared at them!

Of course you are willing. No matter it is a super charging station or a civilian charging pile, none of them can bypass your power grid! The power grid can be said to be the most profitable in this wave of changes!

And only now did someone remember that Beichen Technology had already cooperated with the power grid before, investing in and building many wind power and photovoltaic power generation equipment in the northwest and other places. Now that I think about it, Beichen Technology has already considered this!

For various localities, the joint venture with Beichen Technology to establish super charging stations will not only protect the capital, but also make some money! And the most important construction funds will be provided by Beichen Technology

They have no reason to refuse!

Each party is in a different position and has different issues to consider.

In the following nearly half a month, this plan went through many discussions. Some local representatives, as well as senior technical consultants in many fields such as economy, finance, energy, etc. also attended the meeting and had a huge discussion. , and finally made a decision!

"I know you are not willing to accept it, but you must consider the overall situation and consider the problem from a macro perspective! Don't just think about the iron rice bowl in your hands!"

"Extreme weather has occurred frequently in recent years, all caused by the greenhouse effect. This is a major event that cannot be changed by humans! Human beings are so powerless in the face of natural disasters!"

"Since we can't change nature, we can only change ourselves!"

"Sooner or later, oil will withdraw from the energy industry. The arrival of new energy has become a general trend and is unstoppable. History warns us that any force that tries to block the trend of the times will be swept into dust!"

"Now Beichen Technology's graphene battery technology can put our country in the leading position in this huge change. Compared with the losses of change, the benefits that can be harvested are what the country needs most!"

"So! I approve this plan!"

Everyone present looked at each other.

In the subsequent show of hands vote, this result was passed with more than two-thirds of the votes!

When Beichen Technology learned about the results of the meeting, a final plan that had been revised many times was also sent to Luo Yang!

"Mr. Luo, some adjustments have been made to the final plan and the first draft we submitted. First of all, in terms of cooperation with various localities, the state said that it does not need to fully invest in Beichen Technology. It only needs to provide 70%, and the remaining 30% will be provided by several major companies. State-owned banks jointly guarantee to provide construction funds for various localities!"

“This 30% of funds, coupled with the land and policies provided by local governments, the official requirement is that each locality’s shareholding should not be less than 40%, and the maximum should not exceed 49%.”

"At the same time, the official stated that it will not interfere in the daily management and operation of Beichen Charging Station. The official will only send financial supervision and safety representatives to coordinate and connect relevant affairs of various localities and ministries!"

"In terms of finance, the income belonging to us goes directly into the company's account, while the income belonging to various localities is not handed over directly to them, but goes into a public account specially set up by the Ministry of Finance, and is then officially distributed to various localities. There is no need to We help.”

"In addition, the official has decided to re-formulate the safety standards for the charging station industry. All built charging stations will undergo safety audits. Those that do not meet the standards will be eliminated or forced to be renovated and upgraded. And our Beichen Technology will comply with industry safety standards. Participate in the formulation of one!"

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