Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 127 What? Cut Leeks? I Don't! Stop Talking Nonsense!

The Beichen Automobile launch conference attracted countless eyes from all over the world, and many people had mixed feelings.

In addition to Tesla, the three companies Google, Microsoft, and Fruit have also been paying close attention to the progress of the conference. In particular, Google jointly established a sub-subsidiary with Tesla a month ago to specialize in the development of driverless systems. The company's "Titan" can be said to have high expectations from the public!

In the past period of time, Titan has attracted enough attention in Europe and the United States!

"I don't know if Beichen Automobile will launch an autonomous driving system. If so, will it be a rival of the "Titan" autonomous driving system?" Brin, the twin star of Gu Ge, revealed a playful look in his eyes at this moment.

"It's hard to say!"

Page cut a cigar and puffed away the smoke.

"Although we have been deployed more than ten years earlier than Beichen Technology, judging from the intelligence of Xiaobei's smart voice, Beichen Technology's research and development in this area is actually not much behind us!"

He knows his own business. Although a month ago, he vowed that the Titan system would be the most advanced unmanned driving system in the world, there is actually some moisture in it. The gap between it and other companies is actually not what people imagine. So huge.

For example, rival fruit companies are also developing driverless systems!

On the other hand, Microsoft itself is also quietly developing in-vehicle systems and supporting driverless systems, but it has not made any important breakthroughs, so the outside world still doesn't know.

No one will underestimate the heritage of these two technology giants!

Google's biggest advantage is the artificial intelligence developed by relying on the 2 billion users of the Android system and the huge data provided by search engines. The driverless system itself is a project derived from artificial intelligence and does not have enough intelligence. , the so-called driverless driving system is a joke!

Qiandu Company has been working on it for so long, but in the end it was just setting off fireworks and there was no tangible finished product at all.

The self-driving technology developed by Tetra lacks the support of big data. The previous ones were more like using the life of the car owner to test, so accidents occurred frequently, causing death or injury. If it were not born out of nowhere, Titan, and even Musk himself do not recommend that Tesla owners turn on autonomous driving!

Fruit and Microsoft have always disliked taking risks. They will not launch mature technologies into the market in advance, which will affect the company's reputation and image.

Therefore, not everyone can develop an unmanned driving system.

And Beichen Technology is undoubtedly qualified to do this!

This is also what Gemini is most afraid of!

The Beichen system family has more than 1.6 billion users worldwide. In addition, Aurora Search, which competes with Google Search for the top position, has taken advantage of Google's strengths.


Moreover, Beichen Technology's pmos mobile phone system and its built-in voice assistant "Xiaobei" are very popular around the world. According to data analysis by the technology department, if AI chess competitions continue to be held, with the same hardware configuration, Xiaobei will be very popular. The alpha dog that may defeat Google!

The two discussed this possibility.

Although in their minds, Gu Ge is the world leader in the field of driverless driving, they did not relax their vigilance. At the same time, Luo Yang appeared at the press conference!

In the audience, there are several major mobile phone giants and computer giants led by Huami OV, as well as giants such as BYD and Neder Times in the battery industry, BOE in the screen industry, and the three domestic memory giants in the memory field. At this moment All present!

These are all important members of Beichen Technology Camp!

Since the press conference is held in Carbon Valley, Mr. Ren and Mr. Wang from BOE, as vice presidents of the Graphene Association, must come to support it! After all, this is another major appearance of Carbon Valley and the Graphene Association!

"Everyone, long time no see!"

Luo Yang smiled and waved!

Dear viewers, I miss you so much!

Luo Yang, who has not appeared in public for some time, received a warm welcome as soon as he appeared on the stage!


The warm applause from the scene soared into the sky!

In major live broadcast rooms, barrage instantly flooded the screen!

"Ahhh! My husband finally came out again! Mr. Luo, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"

"After waiting for more than half a year, Beichen Automobile is finally here. My wallet can't hold it anymore! Draw your swords, everyone! I must get the first place in this wave!"

"This is a car that costs tens of thousands of dollars, not a mobile phone! You need to calm down upstairs!"

"Thank you for reminding me. I am now in front of the Beichen Automobile flagship store in Shanghai! There is already a long queue outside, and I spent money to buy the first place! I dare not say that I am the first in the country, but I am the first in Shanghai. I’m determined to be the owner of this Beichen car! Even Jesus can’t stop me! It’s my word!”

"???Don't be too arrogant upstairs! I'm right in front of Pudong Beichen Automobile Flagship Store, and I'm also number one! It's not certain who will win!"

The two IDs were now at loggerheads, and the crowd was immediately excited and swarmed in!

"Tsk tsk tsk, I smell the smoke of gunpowder! Eat melon/eat melon"

"There are so many rich people in Shanghai, and they are all fighting against each other! I'm afraid Huang Sheng is not deliberately hyping it up!"

"Get angry! Get angry! Don't just keep talking online. If you have the ability, try it offline and see if you get stuck!"

"Haha, there are only two flagship stores in Beijing and Shanghai in the country. Other cities only have one at most. You can't even roll up a book if you want to!"

"Haha, I am in Beijing, and I am also very interested in the first Beichen car in Beijing! I have prepared a fund of 1 million, and I can pick up the car on the spot! I don't believe that the price of Beichen car can exceed 1 million!"

*1 million is here to pretend to be a wealthy person! I have mines at home, but I am not as arrogant as you! I am located in Xishan, but I am in the capital, and I am sure to be the first car owner in both provinces!"

"Hey! It's amazing to have a mine, you're just a bunch of old haters! My family is engaged in real estate, and my assets are only 100 billion. I'm the first to build a house, so I'm leaving!"

****! Just try saying one more thing!"

"Just try it! What can you do to me!? Arrogant.jpg"

"The flower city is trembling!/Charterer.jpg"

"Pengcheng is shivering!/Photo of the entrance of Pengcheng flagship store"

The barrage has gone crazy at this moment, and all major provincial capital cities have come to check in! There are all kinds of things at once, and countless rich people who usually keep a low profile are now popping up, making dozens of melon-eating netizens excited!

Someone has even made an appointment to meet offline!

In addition to the press conference, long queues have already formed at the 36 Beichen Automobile flagship stores across the country! After the external walls were removed, the flagship stores also revealed their lineup!

At the end of the press conference, the flagship store was also ready to open.

"Please be patient and calm!"

Beichen Security's team is responsible for maintaining order, and the tall boys have attracted the saliva of many female fans!

"Hissing flow!"

At this moment, many people are waiting in line and watching the live broadcast on their mobile phones. At the same time, anchors from major platforms have started outdoor activities, preparing to lead fans to visit Beichen Automobile!

At the press conference, Luo Yang listed a series of data and reports directly on the big screen after a simple opening remarks!

Facing everyone's puzzled looks, Luo Yang explained.

"Before humans entered the industrial age, humankind's carbon emissions were very low for more than 6,000 years. However, in the industrial era of just over 200 years, with the rapid progress of science, carbon emissions increased at an alarming rate. Carbon dioxide The concentration has increased from 280PPM to 416PPM today!"

"This directly leads to the current global average temperature rising by an average of 1.1-1.2 degrees Celsius compared to before the industrial revolution! Many people may not understand that if it is not just an increase of 1 degree Celsius, what harm can it do?"

"To give a brief list, as the global average temperature rises, the Antarctic and Arctic ice sheets have melted massively. Not long ago, a dozens-kilometer-long Antarctic ice sheet broke off, with a total area of ​​1,300 square kilometers! And the area of ​​Hong Kong Island in our country is only 1106.66 square kilometers!”

"In the Arctic, Siberian Plateau, and Greenland, a large amount of ice is melting, which can be seen intuitively from satellite images! The survival range of polar bears that rely on ice for hunting is constantly shrinking, and many have starved to death!"

"These melting ice layers directly cause global sea levels to rise by 3.1 millimeters per year! In the Pacific and Indian Oceans, many lower-altitude island countries are facing the end of being permanently submerged! And Tuvalu has become the first victim. !”

"If humans still do not limit carbon emissions, sooner or later, the coastal areas of all coastal countries in the world will be engulfed by seawater 907!"

On the big screen, a series of data and comparative photos were displayed, which made people feel terrified!

In particular, the ice cap in the Arctic region has decreased by 43% compared to normal years!

The northern coast of Siberia and the Maple Leaf Kingdom, which were previously covered by ice and snow, changed from snow-white to green land and blue ocean. This intuitive contrast made countless people exclaim!

And the skinny polar bear has made countless people with weak psychological acceptance shed tears!

Many barrages were silenced!

"The death of every polar bear is inseparable from human influence! Each of us is the executioner who kills polar bears!"

Such a piece of news has quietly become a hot search topic!

“In addition to rising sea levels caused by rising global temperatures, excessive carbon emissions also bring about the greenhouse effect!”

"According to real statistics, in the past few years, extreme weather has occurred frequently around the world, with raging wildfires, heavy snowfall in June, and hail, strong winds, and heavy rains brought by strong convective weather, all of which have brought huge consequences to mankind. The losses! And everyone should know the cause, these are all caused by the greenhouse effect!"

"I believe everyone feels these feelings more deeply!"

Luo Yang looked solemn at this moment.

He did not falsify these data, it was indeed true!

Of course, it does not rule out the possibility of deepening people’s feelings about the harm caused by excessive carbon emissions and the greenhouse effect, thereby paving the way for the sales of Beichen Automobile!

This method of selling fear has long been used to death, and has been used countless times by the major media and the shock department!

It’s just that the effect is far less powerful than Luo Yang’s!

After all, the influence of Beichen Technology is too terrifying. The effect of the same sentence spoken by the world's richest man and the editor of the Shock Department will definitely be different!

"Mr. Luo! Now the direction of the barrage and the Internet has changed, and everything is going according to your plan!"

News from the backstage staff came through the ears.

Looking at the thoughtful expressions on everyone's faces, Luo Yang smiled.

The panic has almost been sold, it’s time to cut the leeks... Ah no, it’s time to start selling cars.

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