Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 153: A Big Bear With A Habit Of Tricking People! Is This The Attitude Of Asking For Help?

"Bala, bala, bala..."

Sasha finished all the conditions in one breath, then opened the drink in front of him and filled half of the bottle without even looking at the hot water in the water glass next to him.

Who in the Xiong country drinks hot water!

"Phew, this drink is good! You can tell me what you think!"

Sasha nodded with satisfaction, and then decided to purchase a batch of drinks of this brand when he went home. The name seemed to be called Rainbow Cocktail, which was good, with the taste of wine, not like other drinks and plain water!

"Are you really drinking it as water?"

The people on the other side were stunned, seeing Sasha finishing half a bottle of cocktails, and then they all looked at Ouyang Ming!

Among the people present, the tables on the Beichen Technology side were filled with ordinary mineral water, while those in front of the Xiong Country delegation were filled with cocktails and hot water. Needless to say, this somewhat strange operation must have been done by Ouyang Ming!

Ouyang Ming raised the corner of his mouth and looked at Luo Yang, indicating that he could speak.

Luo Yang rolled his eyes at him. Although he didn't know what Ouyang Ming was up to, he was definitely holding back some evil!

"Mr. Sasha, judging from your series of requests, we do not feel any sincerity, so

Luo Yang spread his hands.

"You can go back!"


Seeing Sasha drink half a bottle of cocktail in one go, Yeva's eyes lit up and she took a tentative sip. At this moment, she heard Luo Yang's reply and spit out the drink!

"Wha, what? Go back???"

To be chosen to participate in negotiations, Sasha and Yeva naturally understand Chinese and speak it fluently!

At this moment, Luo Yang's reply made Yeva feel unbelievable!

"Mr. Luo Yang, maybe we didn't express it clearly. We negotiated very sincerely this time. Not only did you lift your investment restrictions in our country, but we also provided many favorable cooperation conditions. You should have no reason to refuse?" ??"

Luo Yang glanced at Yeva.

Dude, do you think you can fool me by sending a beautiful woman?

"Miss Yeva, right? In fact, we all know very well about this cooperation. You are facing joint sanctions on a global scale at the moment. We, Beichen Technology, enter your market at this sensitive time, and we will inevitably face pressure from the international side! "

"As for the United States, I think they will never mind sanctioning one more Beichen Technology!"

"You seem to have said nothing about how to compensate us or how to remedy this, right?"

"Don't you think that Beichen Technology will be punished with just one sentence? No, no?"

Luo Yang shrugged.

"Second, what you are looking for this time is nothing more than software and hardware substitutes from several giant companies in the United States. Unfortunately, we are the only one who can provide these products at the same time, Beichen Technology. We are the only one in the world and there is no other company. semicolon!"

"As someone who is in urgent need of Beichen Technology's help, not only do you not mention giving us discounts and compensation, but you also want to carve up and seize our future legitimate profits in your country. This makes me very disappointed with you!"

"This is not like asking for help! It seems that you still can't see your situation clearly!"

Luo Yang unceremoniously revealed the cruel truth.

It is you, the Big Bear Country, who come to our door with requests, not us, Beichen Technology!

With your attitude, you still want to seek cooperation???

I'll go to hell with you!

The faces of Sasha and Yeva were uncertain! After a moment, the two looked at each other and continued: "Mr. Luo Yang, our Big Bear is a great country! We are a big country with more than 100 million people, and we have the largest population in the world. Vast land, and the most powerful strategic weapons force!"

"For this conflict, I believe victory must belong to our Big Bear!"

"I personally do not agree with the so-called dilemma mentioned by Mr. Luo Yang. The conflict will end in a short time, so I believe the current situation is only temporary!"

"So for us, Beichen Technology is only one of the options to temporarily replace American products. It is a short-term cooperation. When everything is settled, Daxiong can still purchase other products from all over the world to replace Beichen Technology!"

"So I think the conditions given this time are very suitable!"

Both Sasha and Yeva have no doubt that their motherland can win!

In fact, this is what most people think.

After all, the centipede is dead but not stiff, and the broken ship still has three pounds of nails. It can be said that the big bear who has inherited most of the legacy of the red bear, especially a large mushroom field, still has residual power!


This is just what most ordinary people think!

Luo Yang has Xiaobei, a powerful artificial intelligence, who has already laid a dragnet around the world. After the conflict broke out, Xiaobei immediately collected countless huge data. After a very careful and rational calculation, he came up with a result!

This conflict will last for at least a year!

Daxiong’s so-called end of the conflict in three months is probably too confident and optimistic!

"Although the Big Bear Country has inherited a huge legacy, due to the crookedness of the Red Bear technology tree, many equipment technologies have become outdated!"

"For example, in the field of electrification, the Dragon Kingdom, which was lagging behind at the beginning, has completely upgraded its equipment and is at the forefront of the world. However, the Big Bear Country actually still has a large number of military equipment using diodes!!!"

Luo Yang was shocked when he saw the data given by Xiaobei!

This is not the Cold War period. The diodes developed to cope with the Mushroom War have advantages such as excellent resistance to electromagnetic radiation, but the shortcomings are also obvious. Compared with increasingly advanced integrated circuits, the diode route is as backward as a product of the last century!

Well, although this thing is indeed a product of the last century.

In addition, among the data submitted by Xiaobei, there was also a report on a ternary computer. After the sanctions began, Daxiong tried to pick up the ternary computer that Chixiong had developed, trying to replace the existing binary computer with it. Achieve complete independence from the influence of the United States.

But obviously, Big Bear failed.

The binary computer is not only being improved by the United States itself, but also has a large number of allies behind it. It can be said that it is promoting it with the power of the whole world. This is the situation where it is now determined!

At that time, Red Bear was the most powerful in the world. Although it developed a ternary computer with its strong industrial capabilities and scientific research capabilities, it failed to popularize ternary computers due to insufficient attention and the fact that countries headed by the United States were promoting binary computers.

Daxiong wants to start it all over again by himself, but the success rate is almost zero!

To be honest, without Xiaobei's data support, Luo Yang himself would not believe that Da Xiong is already so weak!

Unlike human cognition, which is affected by a series of factors such as emotions, Xiaobei, as an artificial intelligence, has absolute rationality. After comprehensively analyzing all aspects of Daxiong's situation, Luo Yang is still very convinced of the result!

It is precisely because of knowing this that Luo Yang is confident about the big bear!

As a member of the special department, Ouyang Ming has access to some internal reference information. These analysis results come from the top think tank in the Dragon Kingdom! Therefore, Ouyang Ming can also clearly see the weakness of Big Bear!

Ouyang Minghui appeared here because the embassy of the Big Bear Country had notified the Dragon Country in advance. As it involved a series of complex international situations and also involved the export of many products, the Dragon Country obviously needed to send personnel to attend, so The task fell on Ouyang Ming.

Luo Yang and Ouyang Ming had communicated in advance, and both parties agreed that Daxiong would definitely have a very difficult life. Under this premise, there would be a lot of room for activities as long as the Dragon Kingdom could get as many benefits as possible!

However, the authorities are confused and the bystanders are clear. Sasha and other Big Bears obviously failed to see the situation clearly. They came here just to sign a short-term agreement, which suddenly made Luo Yang feel less interested.

*`~If you don’t want to die until you reach the Yellow River, you still have to dry them out. "

Luo Yang gave Ouyang Ming a look, and the other party understood instantly and nodded in agreement.

"Mr. Sasha, it seems that the differences between us are relatively large. I suggest that we give both parties some time to consider whether to conduct follow-up cooperation. How about that?"

Luo Yang got up to see off the guests.

"Well, I'm sorry that we couldn't reach cooperation, but I still stick to my previous point of view!"

Sasha remains tough.

After seeing off Sasha and his entourage, Luo Yang looked at the rear lights of the embassy car in the distance and couldn't help but said: "Next time we see you, it will be the time when the big bear lies down and is slaughtered!"

Ouyang Ming held a cup of health tea, blew the foam on it, and then shook his head and said: "The international situation is constantly changing and the situation is very complicated. No one dares to say what will happen in the next moment! Although the probability is very small, but in case it happens Did Tian Xiong win?"

"By that time, we will all have nothing to draw from a bamboo basket!"

"It doesn't matter, the worst outcome is just to stay the same. I don't insist on entering the Big Bear market!"

This is Luo Yang's attitude.

Regarding Daxiong's market, Luo Yang had the idea of ​​​​hitting the market with or without dates. After all, Daxiong's attitude of turning his back on others and not recognizing others was well understood.

Regardless of what the other party is saying now, they want to establish a joint venture with Beichen Technology. Let’s not talk about the shareholding ratio of both parties. When Beichen Technology provides money and technology to build factories and equipment in Daxiong, Daxiong may be the next day. You can just find any reason, such as policy changes, drinking too much vodka, or espionage charges, and you can nationalize the joint venture!

Some people may ask, in such a big country, does one of the five gangsters not want to lose face?

Haha, can such a thing as face be exchanged for food?

The title of the Five Great Rogues is not just a boast!

And this is also Big Bear's consistent gangster style. It has been passed down from the Tsarist era, to the Red Bear era, and now, and there are too many similar things done!

A few years ago, Daxiong introduced a policy that allowed foreigners to reclaim land in the outer Northeast, which immediately attracted many people!

The Dragon Country, like the Bear Country, has an almost obsessive feeling for the land! Especially the people of the Dragon Country always plant vegetables wherever they go. They feel distressed when they see a piece of land abandoned, and they always feel uncomfortable if they don’t plant anything!

The black land in the outer Northeast is also fertile and oily, and because there is no large-scale reclamation, it maintains a fairly primitive ecology! Under the temptation of this policy, a group of Dragon Kingdom businessmen went abroad to rent a large area of ​​land, and then planted soybeans. Not surprisingly, it’s a sure profit, after all, Dragon Country needs to import a large amount of soybeans every year!

But as expected, an accident occurred!

With the changes at the top, this policy was directly canceled two years later, and many people from the Dragon Kingdom were cheated on the spot!

I have also done a lot of other things, and the most well-known one is probably the Kiev-class second-hand aircraft carrier sold to the Asan Kingdom. "The master was tricked this time!

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