Rebirth: From Computer System to World Richest

Chapter 159: A Leak Occurred? Luo Yang Kills The Chicken To Scare The Monkey!

Regarding the location of the factory, Luo Yang's opinion was ultimately the main one.

"After this meeting, the headquarters will set up an inspection team to conduct comprehensive surveys in major target cities. Lao Gao, you have to take action on this matter! I want to see relevant plans as soon as possible."

"Okay, Mr. Luo!"

Gao Yunhai stood up and responded.

Naturally, there is no need for Luo Yang to worry about the formation of the inspection team. Gao Yunhai, the president of the automotive department, is in charge, and Beichen Technology has a large professional team to do this.

Luo Yang just needs to finalize the general direction.

"Except for the Gigafactory, the remaining issues are about the group reorganization of Beichen Technology!"

Luo Yang's light words set off an earthquake in the conference room!

Everyone present was shocked and looked at each other, with expressions of excitement, worry, or pretending to be calm in their eyes!

The reorganization of the group is not something too sudden. Luo Yang had mentioned this idea in several previous meetings, but due to busy business, the idea was postponed again and again. It’s been put off until today!

Everyone present is the core management of Beichen Technology, which can be said to be the biggest benefit of group restructuring!

There is no other reason. After the company is reorganized, it is bound to add many important departments, and the vacant positions here are naturally crucial!

Who is up and who is down, who is in charge and who is deputy, whether it is an external transfer or a horizontal transfer, the subsequent positions vacated after they leave, which middle-level supervisors will be promoted to fill them, and whether they are their direct relatives, it can be said that a series of things are involved. Personnel issues!

No matter which industry you are in, personnel issues are a top priority!

Group reorganization is a double-edged sword. If it is used well, it will naturally be more effective. But if it is not done well, it will cause a big setback for itself!

Luo Yang captured everyone's expressions in his eyes.

The matter of group reorganization was naturally not a decision he made at once. As early as half a year ago, Xiaoya had already conducted a series of investigations and preparations for group reorganization under his instructions!

What was most time-consuming was nothing more than personnel and financial issues. When Xiaoya sorted out the relevant financial statements, she unexpectedly discovered some bad apples!

Luo Yang was disappointed, and a big stone fell in his heart.

Sure enough, no matter how much prevention is done, someone will eventually fall under the skirt of "greed"!

In addition to financial corruption, there are also leakers discovered by Xiaobei!

"Of course, before that, I want to talk about the issue of corruption and related leaks! I think everyone already knows about Qian.

Luo Yang's voice deepened.

Compared with the financial corruption, the leaker made Luo Yang feel even more shocked!

In the leak, the person with the highest position involved is Qian, a deputy director of a third-level department. This person belongs to the software business group and is responsible for the development and maintenance of the CPOS vehicle operating system. The time he joined Beichen Technology does not count. It’s too late. It’s considered the second batch of sequences to join. Strictly speaking, it can be considered half of the veterans!

You must know that the software business group, as the starting point of Luo Yang and Beichen Technology, has always been a key target of the company. The promotion examination of relevant personnel is also very strict. Qian is already in a hurry to reach the position of deputy director of the third-level department. Promoted!

However, the human heart is always full of desires.

In the eyes of the outside world, Beichen Technology's relevant salaries and benefits can be said to be among the best in the industry. However, for some people, they still feel that they are not worthy of them. Coupled with the temptation of external forces, these people have reached out to other companies. Places you shouldn't touch.

For example, deputy director Qian used his relevant internal authority to privately copy a lot of confidential information from Beichen Technology's servers and tried to sell it to other people in the industry. All these actions were not hidden from the artificial intelligence team. north!

After receiving Xiaobei's notice, Luo Yang remained silent and finally chose to take a long-term approach to catch the big fish. In the end, when Qian was about to trade with an outside force, he was caught on the spot by Beichen Security personnel!

For this middle-aged man in his early forties, Luo Yang went to see a doctor.

But he also knows that no one is perfect. Even if he fully maximizes all aspects of benefits, incentive stocks, etc. for his subordinates, there will always be people who feel that he should give more! They even wish that he would give the entire Beichen Technology to him. them!!!

In this regard, Luo Yang said that he has done his best.

“Let’s talk about the plan to deal with the leak first!”

Luo Yang glanced at everyone, and the atmosphere in the conference room suddenly turned cold!

"Currently, the company has sufficient evidence to show that Qian is suspected of stealing company secrets and selling them to unknown overseas forces in exchange for monetary benefits. It also involves privately accepting kickbacks and extorting relevant companies and personnel because he has made money for himself. Money, material benefits!”

"At present, the company has officially handed over Qian and relevant evidence to the national security department. I believe that the relevant departments will be able to give an answer that satisfies everyone!"


Everyone present showed expressions of disbelief!

National security department!

These words are no joke!

As company executives, they are already very familiar with the young man named Ouyang Ming who often appears in the headquarters building. His public identity is a technical consultant of a certain public institution, but who doesn't know that Ouyang Ming is stationed in the company? Representative Fang!

The cooperation between Beichen Technology and Party J cannot go around a group of core executives. Even if they don't know the specific cooperation project, they can still hear the rumors!

Dealing with Fang inevitably involves confidentiality issues. Therefore, every core executive needs to sign a very strict confidentiality agreement after being promoted. This is an official requirement and will not be affected by Luo Yang's Change by will.

After signing the confidentiality agreement (aebi), no relevant content is allowed to be leaked during the relevant confidentiality period, otherwise people from relevant departments will invite you to have tea!

The confidentiality period is: life long!

All the senior executives present had been promoted to their current position after going through layers of inspections and selections. Naturally, there was no chance of them falling down on this issue. However, what they did not expect was that the person they thought was just suspected of corruption. Qian was actually involved in the leaking incident!

In this case, the problem will become bigger!

Corruption issues only involve money. After spitting out the relevant stolen money, the subsequent responsibilities may be large or small. If Beichen Technology does not intend to investigate further, it may not be able to escape unscathed.

But when it comes to the security department, Beichen Technology cannot intervene.

There is a high probability that it will be difficult to see this Qian again in the future!

If you're lucky, you might even meet him in a prison.

As his subordinates had such a big problem, Han Feng, as the president of the software division, also looked heavy at this moment.

"I have an unshirkable responsibility for Qian's matter! I failed to discover his illegal behavior in time, and I will reflect on it to everyone!"

Now that the matter was over, Han Feng stood up to express his position.

Everyone present also felt sad that the rabbit died and the fox died.

We are all senior executives. Who doesn’t have a large number of relevant teams under his command? Things like Qian’s are not unique and can happen to anyone at any time!

As one of the Three Musketeers who rose up together with Luo Yang, Han Feng has been in charge of related matters in the software business group since Luo Yang stepped down and is regarded by people outside the industry as Luo Yang's right-hand man!

Even veterans like Han Feng have to make a public self-examination. If such a thing happens to them...


Everyone couldn't help but take a breath of cold air again.

At the same time, I was also wary of Laman, thinking that I must pay attention to this aspect after I go back!

"Okay, you can't blame Lao Han for this matter, after all, no one would do this kind of thing openly.

Luo Yang waved his hand and motioned for Han Feng to sit down.

Han Feng's review was that he had had relevant exchanges before the meeting, and it was not a random idea. The two of them sang in harmony like this, which was like singing a double act, and the matter was revealed like this!

"In short, this confidential incident is over. The company has closed the case with the security department. I hope everyone will take it as a warning! Everyone should understand the confidentiality regulations. "I won't say more."

"In addition to leaks, there are also related financial corruption cases. Relevant personnel and evidence have also been handed over to the public security department. The Legal Department will follow up on this matter to ensure that nothing is missed!"

Everyone's scalp was numb at the moment, and no one dared to respond to this topic.

Luo Yang sighed as everyone's expressions fell into their eyes.

"Okay, after we have eliminated these bad apples, we can then do other things with peace of mind. This is the preliminary plan for the group reorganization of the company. Let's take a look. If you have any ideas, I will consider them."

The staff of the secretarial team distributed the prepared plans one after another, and soon attracted everyone's attention.

After a long time, everyone looked at Luo Yang after viewing the relevant plans.

"Mr. Luo, isn't it a little too eager for the automobile department to directly become an independent subsidiary?"

An executive expressed his opinion.

"Although Yunchi Automobile has been acquired a long time ago, it spent most of the time undergoing renovations, actually launching the car, and then officially going on sale for just over a month. Although the current sales results are very good, I think it is better to continue It’s better to press it.”

"According to the plan, once Beichen Automobile is split off, it will independently calculate financial statements, and a number of industrial chain companies will become subsidiaries of Beichen Automobile. By then, Beichen Automobile alone will be a super unicorn company! "

"According to estimates by industry insiders, if Beichen Automobile goes public for financing, the conservative plan will be no less than US$300 billion!"

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