After dinner, Hector went back to the Gryffindor Common Room with Harry and his friends. Harry and his friends were planning something along the way, and they wanted Hector to join them, but Hector showed them Dumbledore's note. Harry and his friends had no choice but to give up the idea of forcing Hector to stay.

"You can talk to your grandfather about Snape again. Harry obviously hasn't given up yet, he still wants to win Dumbledore's trust, if he succeeds, they won't have to worry so much.

"Professor Quirrell disappeared from the school. He was nowhere to be found in the office, and he didn't even take his luggage with him. This was good evidence that Snape must have done something to him.

Harry looked at Hector eagerly, and Hector nodded.

"I will tell Grandpa Albus," Hector added cautiously to prevent Harry from having too much expectations about this matter.

"But don't hold out too much hope, Harry. I can assure you that he won't listen."

Hector gave Harry a warning, then waved to everyone and said goodbye. He then left the Gryffindor lounge and went directly to the headmaster's office on the eighth floor.

The stone beast at the door made way very quickly, and Hector walked up the spiral staircase skillfully. The first person to greet him was not Dumbledore, but Aurora, who Hector had fostered in the headmaster's office. Hector didn't want to be too ostentatious, so he fostered Aurora with Dumbledore, and Aurora grew up well under Fox's care.

"You are here," Dumbledore was still leaning on the big chair. He seemed to be chatting with the portraits on the wall, but the moment Hector entered the headmaster's office, the conversation stopped.

Dumbledore held the sugar bowl, turned around and looked at Hector with a smile. Most of the great wizards in the murals on the wall fell asleep in a second, and some left their frames directly. Hector thought that those guys who left in a hurry must have gone to other places to convey Dumbledore's instructions.

He looked at the portraits hanging behind Dumbledore. Under each frame was a The golden plaque was engraved with the name of the great wizard in the portrait. Most of the portraits were of former headmasters of Hogwarts, and of course some great figures in the wizarding world. Hector knew that the people in the portraits had their own thoughts. They might not be as smart as the real people, but at least they could have a simple conversation.

The people in the portraits were all talkative, but they had never spoken to Hector. It was as if it was arranged that whoever Hector glanced at would immediately pretend to be fast asleep - even though they didn't need to sleep at all.

"Please forgive me, Hector. Something very dangerous happened at Hogwarts that night. I didn't want you to get involved, so I didn't tell you.

Dumbledore's words made Hector's attention return from the portraits to Professor Quirrell and Peter Pettigrew. He really wanted to know how Dumbledore handled this matter.

"So is it time for me to know now?"

Hector asked, trying to make himself look a little angry, at least to make his grandfather Albus feel a little guilty, but the curiosity on his face still betrayed his true thoughts.

"That's why I asked you to come here,"

Dumbledore looked much calmer than last time. He looked very relaxed. He must have been working very well recently. Even Fawkes' feathers looked a little shiny. Dumbledore took out a cockroach-shaped candy from the candy jar. Hector even heard the squeaking sound when Dumbledore bit it, which made him feel a little nauseous. Dumbledore tasted his favorite candy and squinted his eyes to tell Hector the story.

"That night I felt that I couldn't wait any longer - a Voldemort in the open was certainly beneficial, but it was not wise to sit back and watch Voldemort regain his strength. So I planned to completely solve this hidden danger."

The candy had been swallowed by him, and Dumbledore took out a cockroach from the jar and put it in his mouth, then continued,

"My luck was pretty good.

Quirrell had no idea that I had discovered all this.

He was actually still trying to figure out the barriers set by other professors.

Even Peter Pettigrew was discovered by Voldemort by chance.

It took Quirrell a long time to catch the slippery Peter.

Peter didn't get away either.

He was caught by the house-elf at Hogwarts.

You wouldn't have thought that Peter's wand was obviously incompatible with him.

I don't know where it came from.

He was tied up by the house-elf before he could even cast a spell.

And he didn't know anything.

The reason he escaped early that night was because Voldemort was summoning him.

In fact, we were overthinking everything.

Things are much simpler than we thought.


"How did you deal with Quirrell and Peter Pettigrew?"Hector held his chin up. He found a chair and sat down early in the morning, quietly waiting for Dumbledore's answer.

Dumbledore scratched his head, and his hand unconsciously reached into his sugar jar again, as if Dumbledore would not speak without this jar.

"Quirrell was a poor fellow.

Voldemort was endlessly draining his vitality.

He even drank unicorn blood to prolong his life.

When Minerva, I and the others surrounded Quirrell, Voldemort abandoned Quirrell without hesitation.

Before leaving, he even absorbed all the remaining vitality in Quirrell's body at once - Quirrell turned directly into ashes, with no room for rescue.

Unicorn blood is cursed.

It can indeed help you restore your vitality for a short period of time, but afterwards it takes away far more than you gain from it.


Dumbledore paused, and he pointed to a cage in the corner, in which was a familiar mouse.

"As for Peter Pettigrew, I borrowed some truth serum from Severus, and it worked surprisingly well. He told him everything, including how he betrayed James and Lily, and how he framed Sirius. Don't worry, I kept evidence. Arthur gave me a big square box that he found from a Muggle, and it worked great. It seemed to be called a camera, right? As I said, Muggles always have some strange ideas."

Dumbledore waved his wand, and the cage in the corner flew over and landed on the long table in front of Hector. The mouse in the cage huddled in the corner, and Hector could see that his body was shaking with panic. Peter Pettigrew was no different from an ordinary mouse now, except that he could live longer.

"A very powerful but just right forgetfulness spell, from Severus's hands. Pettigrew had completely forgotten who he was, his memories were completely fragmented, I even doubted whether Peter could turn into a mouse, but everything went well - Peter seemed to think of himself more as a mouse than a person. You can take him back to your friend, he is absolutely safe now."

Hector looked at Scabbers, the mouse was now moving tentatively, it was sniffing the smell on Dumbledore's desk curiously, and the jar in Dumbledore's hand soon attracted its attention. Hector observed for a long time, but still could not see any signs of performance from Scabbers' behavior. It looked like it was just a domestic mouse that had lived a little longer, and it was destined not to live long, and after Sirius came out, Hector could not think of any reason to keep it alive.

"Peter also said a lot of valuable information. Dumbledore also looked at Scabbers. It stretched out its small claws from the crack of the cage, and its black eyes were firmly focused on the sugar bowl in Dumbledore's hand. Dumbledore took a pile of cockroaches from the sugar bowl and handed it to Scabbers.

"Tom really thought of many ways to get the Philosopher's Stone.

He even asked Peter to go out and contact his old subordinates for him.

Tom planned to let his diehards think of ways to make some noise so that he could get the Philosopher's Stone more smoothly.

This is a great opportunity for us.

We can catch as many Death Eaters as possible who are now roaming around.

This is thanks to Tom who set the time early in the morning.

I don't think he has the ability to notify his diehards now - although I failed to stop him from escaping, I still managed to give him a good beating.

You should know what I mean, Hector.


Dumbledore blinked at Hector, and it didn't take Hector long to react.

"Therefore, we have to act and set up a trap to lure those Death Eaters into it."

"Not only for the Death Eaters, but also to clear up the misunderstanding between your friends and Severus - I think only reality can make them realize their mistakes."Dumbledore always had a smile on his face, but Hector read a cunning meaning from that smile.

"Of course, someone had to play Professor Quirrell - and I could think of no one better than Severus."

"Professor Snape?" Hector's eyes widened. He couldn't imagine what would happen next.

"Is he willing?"

"He will be willing, I believe Severus."

Dumbledore winked at Hector.

"The person who tied the bell must untie it. This is a very good saying. I think it is very appropriate to use it here. Only he can play Professor Quirrell. You can't expect an old man like me to play this role, right? Do you want to play Quirrell? It's not impossible."

"Forget it, I think your arrangement is really clever. You are right, no one is more suitable to play Quirrell than him."Hector waved his hands repeatedly. He had other plans in his first year life and didn't want to waste time on cosplay.

Dumbledore didn't continue on this topic for long, he quickly changed the subject.

"I also heard from Filius that he praised you a lot in front of me, and I didn't expect that you could actually do the"God of Fire Leading the Way". Who did you learn this from?"

"I saw it in my dream, and I learned it after watching it once."

Hector is now used to attributing everything to his dreams, and even if Dumbledore suspects him, he can't do anything to him - Hector will never admit anything without evidence.

"What a wonderful dream, isn't it, Hector?" Dumbledore looked at Hector, who nodded quickly. Dumbledore continued,

"Since you have learned the Fire God's Way, I think it would be a good idea to teach you some powerful spells. The friend I mentioned last time is very good at this kind of spells, and he also wants to meet you. If you are willing,"

Hector was disgusted by Dumbledore's abuse of power for personal gain. He thought that he was asked to learn spells but it was fake, and he wanted to meet his old lover. However, Hector was looking forward to meeting the first Dark Lord of the wizarding world. What kind of person was it that could make Albus Dumbledore so obsessed?

"Of course I would, Grandpa Albus."

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