Ector's request was obviously not within the consideration of the two Dumbledores. After hearing him say"as many blank notes as possible are needed", both Aberforth and Albus were stunned.

""Hector, what do you need the blanks for?"

Aberforth asked subconsciously. After he finished speaking, he felt that this question was very stupid. However, Aberforth still hoped that Hector needed those blanks to use the Quidditch field to practice flying skills, borrow the classroom to practice magic, or even enter the prefect's bathroom.

"Borrow the Quidditch pitch, and of course, read some books in the restricted section."

Abuforth was about to object, but Dumbledore stopped him.

"Can you give us some time?"

Dumbledore still had a gentle smile on his face. He seemed to have expected this day and looked much more relaxed than the nervous Aberforth.

"This is not a trivial matter after all, Hector, Aberforth and I need to think carefully about it."

To be honest, Hector did not have high expectations for his request. After all, in the eyes of the two Dumbledores, no matter how strong and talented Hector was, he was just a second-year wizard. So Dumbledore's reinforcement plan did not disappoint Hector. He was quite satisfied with not having to attend Lockhart's class for a school year and a basilisk tooth.

The conversation between Dumbledore and Aberforth lasted for a while. When they came back, Hector clearly observed that Aberforth's face did not have the stubbornness of his previous resolute opposition. He looked like He understood something, and when he looked at Hector, he had the same smile as Dumbledore on his face.

However, the two Dumbledores still did not give a clear reply.

According to his grandfather Albus, they needed some time to consider the matter, and it might be difficult to come up with a result today.

In this regard, Hector was also very sensible and did not insist.

At this point, the matter of the basilisk came to an end for the time being, and Aberforth took Hector back to the Hog's Head Inn.

A few days later, Dumbledore also left Hogwarts.

Before leaving, he specially said goodbye to Hector and Aberforth.

"I'm going on a long journey to see some old friends."

Aberforth poured Dumbledore a glass of cold water. Dumbledore thanked him and drank it up in one gulp.

"I have been reading Lockhart's book recently. I have to say that he is really good at writing books. However, some of his books, or according to Lockhart, a considerable part of his personal experience, are very similar to the experiences of several old friends of mine. Basically, they are exactly the same. Coincidentally, these old friends of mine have unfortunately had most of their memories erased. I want to meet them, maybe they can get some useful information."

"Did Lockhart do it?"

Hector asked.

"I don't know, Hector, but I think it's very likely."

Dumbledore said with a peaceful smile on his face.

"Then why did you let him be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts?"

Hector asked this question. Not only Hector, but Aberforth also cast a questioning look at Dumbledore. Dumbledore did not answer directly. He stood up and poured himself another large glass of cold water from the kettle prepared by Aberforth. After that, Dumbledore continued to explain,

"I know Lockhart has no ability. He is impetuous and vain. I have known this since he was in school.

Dumbledore took a sip of water and continued.

"Although I, you and Aberforth all know that Lockhart is not the brave and outstanding person he is in the book, many people have been kept in the dark - there is nothing wrong with seeking fame and attention for yourself, but the wrong way is the way he uses it. However, I have no evidence, and I can't make Lockhart admit it directly - so I think that if Lockhart teaches in Hogwarts, his scam of claiming to be an expert will be exposed."

"Didn't Lockhart think of this? Isn't he afraid of being exposed?"

Hector continued to ask. Dumbledore still had a faint smile on his face. He continued to explain,

"This is the characteristic of Lockhart. He cannot refuse anything that can make him more popular - such as becoming the teacher of the great Harry Potter. Moreover, Lockhart was considered a good wizard when he was studying at Hogwarts. He has the smart mind of Ravenclaw and above-average ability. He is very confident in his own strength, which is why he agreed so readily in the end."

Dumbledore looked at Aberforth, who listened quietly, and his expression did not change very obviously. It seems that he does not care about this matter very much - after all, his eldest grandson also chose not to attend his class. If there is anything that bothers him, it is Lockhart's expensive set of books.

Aberforth looked at the thick stack of books on the table, his eyes full of disgust. When he saw the five-gallon book"Gilderoy Lockhart Teaches You How to Remove Household Pests", his disgust was almost materialized.

"If he has no ability, why not let him come to the school? He let this kid add so many of his own books to the list, which are useless and expensive.

Dumbledore's smile froze. He wanted to say something like"You can't catch a wolf without sacrificing a lamb", but Aberforth didn't give him the chance.

"This book has been added to the must-buy books. How come, Albus, Hogwarts is still teaching students how to deal with household pests? Or is it studied in the Magical Creatures Studies class? It's really ridiculous."

Dumbledore's face showed a look of shock, and he felt that he needed to defend himself. However, before he opened his mouth, Hector spoke cautiously first,

"Grandpa, I bought this book for you,"

Hector continued before Aberforth could respond.

"Mrs. Weasley said there is a lot of useful information in it. She told me that following the instructions in the book, the insect control effect is really good. She highly recommends this book, so I thought of buying you a copy - mainly because it is cheaper to buy the whole series of Lockhart than to buy them individually."

Dumbledore showed a smug expression. Hector's words made Aberforth, who was about to complain, mutter a few words.

"It does work a bit, five galleons worth of books makes it easier to swat bugs - but thank you, Hector."

Aberforth returned to the kitchen. It was still early, but he had already started preparing lunch - Albus Dumbledore, who was staying here and clearly wanted to eat for free, might be the reason why he started preparing so early.

"Hector, there is something I want to tell you."

After Aberforth left, Dumbledore thought for a while before speaking to Hector.

Hector showed an expectant look on his face. Although he did not have high expectations for getting the blank note, it would be more convenient to have Dumbledore's note. Whether it was borrowing books or carrying out his plan, he would not encounter too much resistance with the note.

"You want to go to the restricted section, of course you can, I can understand that at your age, you have an extraordinary desire for power and knowledge, especially for a gifted child like you, who has basically mastered all the knowledge in the books, and the desire for knowledge and power makes them curious about the knowledge that will not be taught. I can understand, Hector, I was the same back then."

Dumbledore looked very relaxed, he narrated slowly and patiently in a calm tone,

"Take, for example, black magic.

In the final analysis, it is nothing more than magic, but the release of black magic is accompanied by emotions, an extremely negative emotion, even anger has to bow down to this emotion.

This emotion will damage your body, confuse your brain, and corrode your soul - in this regard, talent is not so important, the evil thoughts in your heart are the real factor that determines the power of the spell.

Your heart needs to be strong enough, strong enough to completely control your emotions and control the evil thoughts in your heart.


Dumbledore's voice gradually became louder, and the expression on his face became particularly serious. He stared at Hector and asked,

"I have no objection to you learning the dark arts, Hector. Not only you, but many senior students have also been to the restricted area to learn those powerful dark arts. Even some defensive curses are taught in Hogwarts classes. The purpose of learning it is not to harm, but to understand and protect. But can you be firm in your heart and not be disturbed by the dark arts?"

Hector didn't know the answer, and he couldn't answer.

Dumbledore smiled with satisfaction at Hector's reaction.

"I understand, Hector."

Dumbledore said nothing more. Not long after, Aberforth appeared in Hector's sight. He was holding an iron bucket in his hand, which contained their lunch.

The three of them sat down around the table. No one spoke, but they just ate lunch together quietly.

After lunch, Dumbledore stood up and said goodbye. He touched Hector's head, waved to Aberforth, and then left the Hog's Head.

"I'm done, Grandpa."

Aberforth nodded, picked up the plate on the table and walked to the kitchen, while Hector, who was a little lost by Dumbledore's words, returned to his room.

Hector began to doubt himself. He began to doubt whether he should keep Voldemort's diary and contact Lucius Malfoy. He was very resistant to becoming a monster like Voldemort, and began to doubt whether he could resist the temptation and make full use of Tom Riddle in the diary instead of being used by the evil Voldemort.

However, Hector's doubts were soon answered.

When he opened the door, the first thing that caught his eye was a phoenix - not Aurora, but Fox, with an envelope in her mouth and another tied to her leg.

Hector first untied the letter on Fox's leg, and then took the letter in Fox's mouth in exchange for a chocolate frog.

The letter on the leg was from Dumbledore, and there was a line of words on the envelope. Hector recognized that it was Dumbledore's handwriting.

"In the process of learning, we need to always maintain a questioning spirit, which is very important."

Inside the envelope were small pieces of paper with Dumbledore's name on them. On the back of each piece of paper was the same sentence - make good use of it.

As for the letter in Fawkes' mouth, it was a reply from Lucius Malfoy. There was also a sentence written on the gorgeous envelope,

"Just do it with confidence. Aberforth and I will always support you."

Lucius Malfoy's letter was also very brief, just like the one Hector sent him.

The content of the letter was as follows:

Meet? The Three Broomsticks, the day before school starts.

Lucius Malfoy

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