In Shenzhen, a large auditorium was very lively today.

Not only did many people from domestic home appliance companies attend, but also people from government departments came, not only Wu Sen came, but also people from Guangdong Province, and even people from above came.

Even Luo Xiangyu, who had been transferred to Yanjing, came here today to attend this grand event.

"Now I announce that the Huaxia United Chamber of Commerce is officially established..."

On the rostrum of the auditorium, Xu Dabao announced loudly, and the applause below was thunderous.

The Huaxia United Chamber of Commerce was officially established, and Xu Dabao was elected as the first president of the Chamber of Commerce, and there were many vice presidents.

In the future, the Huaxia United Chamber of Commerce will be elected every two years.

Under the stage, looking at Xu Dabao on the stage with high spirits, Xu Huasheng's face was full of smiles.

The official establishment of the Huaxia United Chamber of Commerce represents that Huaxia Manufacturing has ushered in a new era. During this period, everyone has discussed many rules and regulations together. Now that these things have been formulated, it is time for the Huaxia United Chamber of Commerce to be established.

The first thing the Huaxia United Chamber of Commerce did after its establishment was to certify the quality management system of its member companies.

The HX1991 quality management system is the first quality management system certification standard launched by the Huaxia United Chamber of Commerce.

HX is the homonym of Huaxia, and 1991 represents time.

The entire quality management system involves all aspects. Xu Huasheng took out a lot of things, integrated them together and summarized them in combination with the actual situation of Huaxia enterprises.

This management system can help enterprises establish and improve efficient quality management systems, strengthen the operation and management of organizations, reduce defective product rates, and so on.

To be honest, the current domestic enterprise management level is really bad and average.

Many companies do not even have perfect rules and regulations, let alone comply with them. Many processes are unscientific and non-standard, resulting in a lot of unnecessary waste and greatly reducing production efficiency. With the HX1991 system, the management capabilities of major member companies can be greatly improved, making the management of member companies more efficient, more scientific, and more cohesive and combat-effective.

This certification takes time and is not free. Because this set of certification currently requires a lot of energy. At present, except for the people of Huasheng Group, other companies do not have this experience and ability.

Every company needs Huasheng Group to send a team to personally guide and make scientific plans according to the situation of each company.

If this matter is placed abroad, a company will need to spend a lot of money to do this.

At present, Huasheng Group is also short of people, and Huasheng Group is also recruiting people to help companies complete this system certification in the fastest time and help these companies develop.

And this fee is not expensive, it is a reasonable price. And this is not a certification fee, it is a service fee. Many companies are willing to spend this money because they have seen the work efficiency of Huasheng Group during this period.

After the first certification, the company will have experience in the future and can make reasonable adjustments according to the standards. There is no need to worry too much about certification in the future.

The Huaxia United Chamber of Commerce was officially established. This chamber of commerce will become a seed of Huaxia manufacturing. This seed will slowly grow, bloom, and bear fruit, and will bring Huaxia manufacturing into a new era.

After the establishment of the United Chamber of Commerce, Adam came again.

After some negotiations, an agreement was finally reached.

Best Buy Group and some Chinese electrical appliance companies established a joint venture company, Bailian Group. Like Wosheng, Best Buy holds a controlling stake in Bailian Group, holding 51% of the shares.

Other Chinese companies hold more or less shares, a total of 49%.

Huasheng Group did not participate in it and did not hold any shares.

However, this does not mean that Huasheng Group did not make any profit, because many products of Bailian Group have the presence of Huasheng Group.

For example, the compressors of air conditioners and refrigerators are from Huasheng, the cathode ray tubes of televisions are from Huasheng, and the motors of washing machines are from Huasheng.

The positioning of Bailian Group is also very clear. After discussion, Bailian's product positioning is low-end, and its competition is the Robertson brand.

However, unlike Robertson, which is mainly mid-end, Bailian is mainly low-end.

As for the price, Best Buy is very ruthless this time. During this period, Walmart has robbed them of a lot of traffic.

So this time, the price of Bailian products is quite cheap, with only a small profit. The overall product is cheaper than the Japanese brands after the price cut.

Best Buy is ruthless.

It has to be ruthless. If it doesn't get ruthless, the title of the largest electrical appliance store in North America will be taken away by Walmart.

This time, Best Buy is dealing with Bailian Group not to make money, but to attract traffic. First, bring back the traffic, as for making money,Let's put the money aside.

"Mr. Xu, I can't understand why you don't let the Huasheng brand enter the United States. We at Best Buy can let you set up exclusive stores in our Best Buy..."

In the car, Adam looked at Xu Huasheng and couldn't help asking.

Best Buy invited Huasheng Group to set up exclusive stores in Best Buy, using the Huasheng brand, not copying the brand.

The purpose is very simple. Best Buy hopes to use the Huasheng brand to compete with the Wosheng brand. It will make money if it can grab as much as it can.

But Xu Huasheng rejected this seemingly beautiful proposal, which made Adam confused.

"Mr. Adam, there will be opportunities in the future. Now our domestic stores are not open yet, and we don't have much energy to expand overseas markets..."

Xu Huasheng said with a smile, but sighed in his heart.

Damn, I also want to go to the United States, and I also want the Huasheng brand to open stores to earn dollars.

But it can't be done. If Huasheng products enter the United States in a high-profile manner and make money from Americans with high-end products, hehe, given the nature of the United States, the next step will be to directly ban you. The rogue country of the United States has no credibility and has very strong trade protection.

So it's better to stay low-key. You can make a lot of money by staying low-key. Why be so high-profile?

Whether it is Huaxia or Huasheng Group, they need to develop in a low-key manner and cultivate internal strength in the next few years. They cannot attract too much attention from Europe and the United States, and they cannot make Europe and the United States feel threatened. The way to accumulate food and slowly become king is the kingly way.

Otherwise, after the Soviet Union is finished this year, Europe and the United States may turn their guns to kill Huaxia first, which is not good for the development of Huaxia.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the best situation is that Europe and the United States will fight. The stronger the European Union is, the less the United States will pay attention to Huaxia.

The European Union also does this. The establishment of the euro is to make Europe stronger.

Why did the United States bomb Kosovo? Isn't it to attack the European Union and the euro? Do you really think that the United States has nothing to do and really supports other people's democracy and freedom?

The euro was officially launched in January 1999, and the Kosovo War was in March 1999.

The emergence of the euro directly touched the basic interests of the US dollar. Before the euro appeared, the US dollar was a super international currency. The United States could use paper to rob the world by starting the printing press.

The European Union also wants to play this way, but how can the Americans be willing to do so? If you want to share the cake with the US dollar, I can't kill you. The Kosovo War directly caused the exchange rate of the euro against the US dollar to plummet by 30%.

Thinking of this, Xu Huasheng felt that he had to add some fuel to the European Union so that they could fight each other more fiercely. At this stage, the stronger Europe is, the less pressure there is on China.

Adam looked at Xu Huasheng and sighed in his heart.

He couldn't see through Xu Huasheng. This young man was too thoughtful.

But for Adam, it didn't matter. His mission was completed, Bailian Group was established, and next, as long as he could make Best Buy live better, it would be fine.

After sending Adam to the airport and watching him leave, Xu Huasheng was full of expectations for the future home appliance war in the United States.

This time, Bailian Group placed an order of 2 billion US dollars with domestic companies, which is a large order. The profit margin of this order is only about 10%, which is not comparable to the profit margins of Wosheng and Robertson brands.

However, this profit margin is already very good for other domestic companies, and the order volume is very large. The most important thing is to earn foreign exchange, so this order directly makes them excited.

Each one is like a wolf with chicken blood. At this moment, they feel the happiness of Huasheng Group. This business of making dollars is really cool.

The most important thing is that such cooperation is not only limited to Best Buy Group. There are many teams in the United States who have also seen this business and are trying this model. In Shenzhen, there are several teams. Some of them are channel merchants like Best Buy and Walmart.

Some are simply the original home appliance brands in the United States. Their purpose is to buy cheap Chinese goods and make more profits by OEM.

What Wal-Mart can do, they can do too. Wal-Mart eats meat with big mouthfuls, and they can drink soup with small mouthfuls, which is better than having nothing to eat.

This is the demonstration effect of the Wosheng brand. Now many American merchants have sent people to China to see if they can find business opportunities.

You should know that it is not only home appliances that can be OEM products, other products can also be OEM. Even some large multinational companies are ready to build processing plants in China.

The success of Wosheng has advanced the positioning of China as the world factory by many years.

When the goods of these companies arrive in the United States, the American home appliance market will definitely be more exciting. In any market, price wars are very fierce. After the Bailian brand joins the war, Xu HuaSheng is looking forward to how Japanese and European brands will react.

If everything goes well, after the price war, the market share of Japanese and European brands in the United States will probably drop significantly.

Not only that, if the so-called American brands win in the field of home appliances, then American brands in other fields will follow suit.

And American brands that win the price war will also enter the European and even Japanese markets. These capitalists are very greedy. If Japanese and European brands want to continue to fight American brands, they can either use administrative means and fight the United States, or come to China and defeat magic with magic. If you OEM, I will OEM too. If you use China's cheap labor, I will use it too. At that time, it will be time for China to quickly grow itself.

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