"Are you surprised? It's okay. I'll explain it to you bit by bit. They have been smearing our Wosheng Group as a Chinese company. Let me show you our equity structure. Currently, there are four shareholders of our Wosheng Group, namely Wal-Mart Group, Rockefeller Group, Morgan Company, and Huasheng Group. American companies hold 61% of the shares, and Chinese companies only hold 39%. Do you think Wosheng is an American company? Or a Chinese company?"

Sam asked directly. When he said this, many viewers watching the press conference were stunned.

Of course it is an American company. American shareholders hold 61% of the shares. What kind of company is this if not an American company?

"Which foreign company can let our American company hold 61% of the shares and have absolute management rights? Can Sony? Can Sanyo? Can Toshiba? Can Siemens? Can Philips? Can Toyota? Can Volkswagen? Can Mercedes-Benz? Moreover, Huasheng Group is only one of the shareholders of our Wosheng Group. It does not participate in management, but only participates in dividends. Now I want to ask those who are smearing us, is Wosheng Group a Chinese company or an American company?"

Sam asked loudly, and no one spoke. The scene was quiet because everyone already had the answer in their hearts.

"Secondly, it is the technical level. Some of the technologies of our Wosheng Group's products do come from China. And some of our parts also come from China? But what does this mean? Does this mean that our Wosheng is a Chinese brand? In today's advocacy of globalization, more and more companies are using parts from countries around the world. Boeing is our American company, right? This is a list of Boeing's parts suppliers. Look at how many countries they come from? But do you dare to say that Boeing is not our American company? Such examples are everywhere. Can only a company be an American company if all its parts come from the United States? Who stipulates this? Which law stipulates this?"

Sam was full of confidence, and a series of rhetorical questions directly dispelled many people's doubts. Listening to Sam's interpretation, the Japanese in the villa looked very ugly.

"As for why I say that we in the United States should be more wary of Japan than China. The reason is actually very simple, because Japan is determined by the characteristics of the country and nation. We can see the essence of many things through history. It is true that the ancient Chinese emperors regarded the expansion of territory as their greatest achievement, but there is also an old saying in China that if others do not offend me, I will not offend others. But the Japanese are different. In a word, Japan is a vicious dog that can never be fed. As long as it is strong enough, it will bite its owner immediately."

When Sam said this, everyone's eyes widened, and some reporters on the scene also became excited and quickly wrote down Sam's words. Oh my god, is this looking for trouble? This is big news.

And in the villa, the eyes of the Japanese watching the live broadcast were full of anger.

"Why do I say that? It's very simple. Let's look at what the Japanese have done. Do you know the origin of Japanese culture? In fact, the Japanese were originally a group of savages without their own culture, just like primitive people. In ancient China, there was a great dynasty called the Qin Dynasty. At that time, in order to find the elixir of life, the emperor of the Qin Dynasty sent a man named Xu Fu with 3,000 men and women to sea to find the elixir of life. In the end, Xu Fu came to Japan and settled down. Because he didn't find the elixir of life, Xu Fu was afraid of being blamed by the emperor of the Qin Dynasty, so he didn't go back. After they settled down in Japan, they slowly passed on these savage cultures. This is the origin of Japanese culture. If you don't believe it, you can go to Japan. In Japan, there is also a Xu Fu Park to commemorate him..."

Sam said with a smile. He didn't know this before. This was told to him by Xu Huasheng. He didn't know whether it was true or not, but Sam thought it was true because there was a Xu Fu Park in Japan.

"Later, the number of Japanese gradually increased, and they also mastered some knowledge. During the Tang Dynasty, the Japanese sent Tang envoys to China to learn Chinese culture and recognized China as their father country, which means father. At that time, the emperor of Japan needed to be recognized by China. At that time, Japan did not have its own writing. They all used Chinese writing as their own writing. Their culture also came from China. It was China that taught them civilization, taught them to read and write, and taught them propriety, righteousness, and shame. At that time, their people felt extremely honored to be able to go to China. The Japanese used to be very ugly. In order to improve their genes, they sent many women to China, and then they got pregnant with Chinese men's children, and they were proud of it and regarded it as a national hero. It's just like how they treated our American soldiers decades ago. The only difference is that they didn't send women to China back then."They charge money, but they charge our soldiers..."

Sam said with a smile, which made many people burst into laughter, and the Japanese in the villa wanted to skin Sam alive when they heard Sam's words.

"But do you know what happened later?"

Sam changed his tone, and countless American audiences started gossiping, what happened later?

"Later, the Japanese gradually became stronger, and the Tang Dynasty gradually declined, so the Japanese went to China to rob and kill people. Then China had a powerful dynasty again, and the Japanese changed again, becoming obedient, submissive, apologizing, and compensating, but all of this was a disguise. The biggest feature of the Japanese is that they can endure, and ninjutsu is very popular in their country, which has to be admired. When they are weak, they will endure everything, but they will remember the shame in their hearts, waiting for them to become strong to take revenge. ”

“So every time China was strong, they would be obedient and flattering, but as soon as China became weak, the Japanese would immediately turn hostile, turning from humble people into greedy vicious dogs and continuing to bite people. This cycle has been repeated for thousands of years without exception. Later, in order not to admit that their culture came from China, the Japanese also modified their original characters and denied their relationship with China. But they were not capable enough, so the changes were messy. If you don’t believe it, look at the current Japanese. Many of them are actually Chinese characters, and some characters are part of Chinese characters. Look at their ancient books, they are actually all Chinese characters. You say, a country and nation that bites its owner as long as the owner is weak, what else is it but a vicious dog that can’t be tamed? "

Sam said with a smile. Hearing this, many Americans felt as if they had suddenly realized something.

Fuck, this is the first time they have understood Japan and the Japanese people so well. They didn't expect the Japanese to be like this.

Thinking about it carefully, it is scary. A nation that can endure so much is really scary.


In the villa, after hearing what Sam said, an old Japanese man's face was full of anger. At this moment, he wanted to chop Sam with a knife.

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