Xu Huasheng and his party hurried back to the company, looked at the time, and Xu Huasheng hurriedly made arrangements.

In fact, there was nothing to arrange. After all, the company was like this, and there was nothing shameful. As for security work, the company's security had been taken over by the national security team.

Xu Huasheng came to the major research institutes, and after a brief understanding of the progress of the major research institutes, he felt calm.

Before two o'clock in the afternoon, the convoy of the inspection team slowly arrived at the gate of Huasheng Group headquarters.

Xu Huasheng and his party were already waiting at the gate of the headquarters. The convoy slowly stopped, and Director Yun got out of a car, the whole person was energetic and full of kindness.

"Chief, you didn't tell me in advance that you were coming, and I didn't even prepare a little bit."

Xu Huasheng hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile.

"Haha, what are you preparing for? We just come to see and inspect. You can only see the truth when you are not prepared. It is said that your company is the pearl of China. Let me see if this pearl is bright..."

Director Yun's words made everyone laugh. Yes, only a surprise inspection can see the most real scene.

"Commander, then I will take you around?"

Xu Huasheng asked with a smile, and Director Yun nodded, his eyes full of expectation.

"Okay, let's take a look around..."

Director Yun nodded, and then the inspection team got on several electric sightseeing cars. This car is pure electric and not fast. Usually, Huasheng Group uses this kind of car as a means of transportation in the park, which is environmentally friendly and convenient.

Today, the temperature in Shenzhen is suitable, and with the breeze, it is very comfortable to ride in this car.

Of course, the drivers are all from Director Yun's security team. Xu Huasheng was called by Director Yun to sit next to him. This treatment also made many people envious. Everyone can see that Director Yun is extremely fond of Xu Huasheng.

"Commander, where shall we go first?"

Xu Huasheng asked with a smile.

"I heard that your company has built a school for the children of employees. Let's go and learn first!"

Director Yun said with a smile, and the destination of the first stop was unexpected by everyone. Director Yun did not go to the headquarters of Huasheng Group, the research institute, or the industrial zone. Instead, he wanted to visit the school here as his first stop.

Xu Huasheng smiled and was not surprised.

"Commander, there is a kindergarten for our employees in front. Let's go to the kindergarten first, and then go to the school directly under the industrial zone..."

Xu Huasheng said with a smile, and Director Yun nodded. The car drove for a few minutes and arrived at a kindergarten directly under the industrial zone under a dormitory area.

The sign had the logo of the directly affiliated kindergarten, and below the logo was written Guiyuan Campus.

"Commander, this is the Guiyuan campus of our directly affiliated kindergarten in the industrial zone. Behind it is our employee dormitory area and employee family area, named Guiyuan."

The group got off the car, but most people were asked by Director Yun to stay outside, and only a few followed Director Yun into the kindergarten.

The staff of the kindergarten saw Director Yun coming in, and they covered their mouths one by one and couldn't believe it was true.

"Shh, don't disturb the children's study..."

Director Yun quickly made a shushing gesture, and then walked into the kindergarten with a smile and looked around.

The interior of the kindergarten is very beautifully decorated and very clean, with cartoon murals everywhere, such as Havoc in Heaven, Nezha Conquers the Dragon King, etc., which look very cute.

Through the glass on the classroom door, Director Yun saw the children wearing school uniforms, learning and playing with the teacher.

Seeing the happy smiles of the children, Director Yun couldn't help laughing.

The director of the kindergarten also came over and explained the situation of the kindergarten to Director Yun as he walked.

There are three grades in the entire kindergarten, and there are currently four classes in each grade, with a total of more than 200 children.

"Chief, this is the kitchen of our kindergarten, and this is our chef team."

After the group came to the kitchen of the kindergarten, the director hurriedly introduced it. Director Yun looked at the huge and clean kitchen and laughed.

"What is this?"

Seeing the plates and tableware in a large cabinet, Director Yun asked curiously.

"Sir, this is our large disinfection cabinet. After the children's tableware is washed, it needs to be placed in it for disinfection to prevent the children from getting sick due to dirty tableware. Mr. Xu told us that children's food safety is more important than anything else. So our kindergarten attaches great importance to food. This is our safe. The meat inside is purchased from large companies, and the headquarters will test these things every day..."

The words of the headmaster made Director Yun's face full of relief.

Along with the introduction, many accompanying personnel were shocked by the configuration of this kindergarten.

The kitchen is clean and hygienic, and eachAll kinds of advanced equipment are available, including large fresh-keeping cabinets, disinfection cabinets, freezers, and large ovens. These configurations can not only ensure the health of children's diet, but also make their meals richer.

The entire kindergarten is also equipped with cameras and a kitchen to avoid unexpected situations. The kindergarten is equipped with central air conditioning to ensure that children go to school in a comfortable environment. Each child also has an independent crib for rest at noon.

Various recreational facilities are also very complete, allowing children to play well and learn well. Moreover, each class of more than 20 children is equipped with three teachers. This configuration is higher than the current government kindergartens.

However, the children who go to school here are just the children of ordinary workers in the industrial zone of Huasheng Group.

"How does this kindergarten charge?"

Director Yun asked curiously after a tour.

"Chief, the kindergarten does not charge tuition at present. Only food and beverage fees are charged. The standard for children's food and beverage is one dollar per meal, but our head office subsidizes half of it, so children only need one dollar and fifty cents a day for three meals and two o'clock. This semester, we have a total of 120 days of teaching time, and a total of 180 yuan was charged. If the child takes leave, the food expenses for that day will be refunded to the parents..."

After learning about this price, many of the accompanying personnel with Director Yun were envious.

No tuition fees, only food and beverage fees, and the food and beverage fee is only fifty cents per meal. Although it seems not low in this era, they just saw the children's menu.

This menu is very rich, with milk, eggs, and fruits for breakfast. There are all kinds of meat, seafood, fruits, and desserts at noon, and milk, eggs, and meat in the evening.

Three meals a day and two o'clock, all kinds of fruits, meat, and a balanced nutrition. These meals, you can never buy them outside for one dollar a meal.

"Chief, the average monthly salary of our industrial zone employees is about 500 yuan. For their income, it is not too stressful to bring children with them. A year's tuition is half a month's salary..."

Xu Huasheng said with a smile. Hearing this, Director Yun's face was full of kind smiles. Everyone could see that Director Yun was in a very happy mood.

A group of people came from the teaching building to the playground of the kindergarten. In the playground, many children were playing games lively, with bright smiles on their faces, and they were playing very crazy.

Seeing Director Yun coming, they were all curious.

But the teacher saw Director Yun and widened his eyes, unable to believe it was true.

"Hello, children..."

Director Yun greeted the children.

"Hello, Grandpa..."

The children shouted in unison, and Director Yun's face was full of joy when he was called Grandpa.

"Hello, children, Grandpa asks you, are you happy to go to school here?"

Director Yun continued to ask.


Listening to the children's childish answers and looking at the happy smiles on their faces, many people accompanying them suddenly understood why Director Yun liked Xu Huasheng so much. Because here, in Huasheng Group, many people saw the appearance of Huaxia Shengshi.

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