
In Shencheng, Xu Huasheng seemed very happy to see his uncle Xu Dafei again.


Xu Dafei's face was full of smiles when he saw Xu Huasheng. Xu Dafei was not married and had no children, so in Xu Dafei's eyes, Xu Huasheng was like his own child, although Xu Dafei and Xu Huasheng were only a few decades apart in age.

"It will start after the Chinese New Year!"

Xu Huasheng asked in a low voice, and Xu Dafei nodded.

After the Spring Festival, the personnel will gather and the plan will start. As for how the whole plan should be carried out, Xu Dafei and Xu Huasheng need to discuss it in detail.

The Chinese government will not participate too much in this plan. The role of China is to be the backer behind it, provide some people, equipment, and even some funds, but the most important thing is to support it at the diplomatic level, and not allow other countries and forces to intervene here.

As for normal times, their greatest support is to turn a blind eye to some things.

"Come on, uncle, I'll show you something."

Xu Huasheng said mysteriously. Such a mysterious state made Xu Dafei curious. He didn't know what Xu Huasheng had prepared for him.

Xu Huasheng drove Xu Dafei to a mysterious research institute, which was more heavily guarded.

There was no sign on the entire research institute, but the security level of this research institute was comparable to that of the Materials Research Institute.

Xu Huasheng took Xu Dafei into the underground base of the research institute, and even Han Ying was not allowed to enter from the outside.

After passing several security checks in succession, the two finally came to a room in the underground base. After seeing the things in the room, Xu Dafei's eyes widened.

In this room, various weapons and equipment were placed, and these weapons and equipment made Xu Dafei swallow his saliva. Because these weapons and equipment were all weapons and equipment of foreign armies, many of which were things that could only be seen in movies.

"Uncle, these are the weapons and equipment prepared for you. These weapons and equipment are all standard weapons of various countries that we imitated..."

Xu Huasheng began to introduce the weapons and equipment here to Xu Dafei. These weapons and equipment are simply international brands.

Assault rifles of the US Army, bulletproof helmets of the French Army, bulletproof vests of the German Army, combat boots of the British Army...

A complete set of equipment, various guns, pistols, assault rifles, sniper rifles, including light and heavy machine guns, and even anti-aircraft machine guns.

There are also various auxiliary equipment, such as night vision goggles, individual radios, etc.

The most important thing is that these equipments are combined to form a powerful individual combat suit. This complete set of equipment can only be equipped by special forces of foreign armies, and ordinary soldiers cannot afford it because the cost is too high.

Looking at these weapons and equipment, Xu Dafei swallowed his saliva. With such advanced weapons and equipment, it will be even more powerful to fight in the forest. Facing the warlord soldiers in the forest, this is a direct dimensionality reduction attack.

Xu Huasheng even got the Stinger and the Javelin, as well as large-caliber anti-material sniper rifles, various rocket launchers, various mines, anti-tank, anti-armor, and anti-infantry. If these things fall into the hands of Xu Dafei and his men, they can make a big splash in the forest.

"Uncle, this is a reconnaissance drone developed by our company. You can use this drone for reconnaissance. I will send you more drones later..."

Xu Huasheng picked up a rotor drone and introduced it to Xu Dafei. After listening to Xu Huasheng's introduction, Xu Dafei looked at the drone with love in his eyes.

This is a good thing. It is small and easy to carry. It can fly into the air for reconnaissance. It is simply perfect for special operations.

"As for heavy equipment, I will send it to you little by little in the future. There are more forests over there, so some heavy weapons are not very useful. I will get you some powerful equipment suitable for guerrilla warfare, such as pickup trucks and 107, pickup trucks and dual-purpose machine guns, etc. When you have a territory over there and have a firm foothold, I will get you some weapon production lines..."

Xu Huasheng and Xu Dafei started chatting.

When they first went there, Xu Dafei and his men would definitely fight guerrilla warfare. Fight guerrilla warfare, seize territory, and then expand the team.

Once they have a stable territory, they can develop slowly. Xu Huasheng will get them a few weapon production lines. Not to mention other things, at least they should be able to make bullets and shells by themselves, because these things are consumables.

Develop little by little, first conquer the territory, then develop the economy, and then develop the industry. After slowly developing, you can accumulate strength and expand the territory little by little.

"Uncle, let me show you something else..."

After looking at the weapons and equipment, Xu Huasheng took Xu Dafei to another room. When the lights in the room were turned on, Xu DafeiCompletely confused.

"What is this?"

Looking at these devices, Xu Dafei was completely confused and didn't know what these devices were for.

"Uncle, this is a way to make money for you. You have gone to the forest to be a warlord, you can't just do legitimate business. You can't miss the side business there. This is a set of money printing equipment..."

After listening to Xu Huasheng's introduction, Xu Dafei's eyes widened.

Damn, are you going to print money directly by yourself?

Yes, print directly, and the kind that is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

The things printed by this set of equipment are difficult to distinguish between true and false. Xu Huasheng dares to guarantee that their bank's money detector can't detect the true and false.

However, Xu Huasheng did not prepare mainstream printing plates for Xu Dafei, such as US dollars and British pounds. Instead, he prepared three printing plates for Myanmar Kyat, Hong Kong dollars, and Taiwan dollars.

The reason why the more valuable currencies such as US dollars and British pounds were not prepared. Because these currencies are backed by powerful countries, once a large number of such currencies appear on the market, they will immediately attract the attention of these powerful countries.

Making a fortune without doing anything is the right way. The three currencies that Xu Huasheng prepared for Xu Dafei were considered based on Xu Dafei's situation.

Xu Dafei's current power is in Hong Kong Island and Formosa Island. In these two places, Xu Dafei's people are constantly fighting for territory. This is when Xu Dafei was busy with Soviet affairs during this period. Now that the Soviet affairs are over, Xu Dafei will return to Hong Kong Island and will definitely expand his territory quickly while expanding his legitimate business.

These two places are Xu Dafei's base. It is easier for Xu Dafei to ship goods in the base. The most important thing is the economic survival of these two places. Not many people care about it at this time.

As for the Myanmar currency, it is even more convenient. At that time, not only can this currency be used to stimulate their economy, but also to buy people's hearts with this money.

Take this money directly to Myanmar to buy supplies, and then distribute them to the people in the controlled area, and use Myanmar's meat to feed the people in their own territory. This is a two-pronged approach.

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