"Uncle Xu, next time you come, can you bring me some more books of the teacher? I think he is super awesome."

The little guy looked at Xu Huasheng expectantly and asked.

"Okay, no problem. I'll call back today and sort out some information for you. In fact, there are many amazing people in China, and their stories are very exciting. I'll bring you more books then..."

Xu Huasheng said with a smile, and couldn't help looking forward to it. A person's beliefs and opinions can influence a person.

If this little guy suddenly applies to join the party in the future, what should I do then? This is naughty, the future may be a bit big. This little guy will not make a revolution in this land in the future, right?

Xu Huasheng was chatting with little Salman outside. After more than half an hour, Salman and his party came out of the conference room.

"Xu, we need to go to your China to see the real thing before we can make a decision."

Salman whispered, and Xu Huasheng nodded to show his understanding. After all, this thing is not cheap. Thirty million US dollars in this era is very expensive. If it weren't for the powerful anti-ship missiles that tempted them, they would definitely not buy a small boat of more than 200 tons for 30 million.

"Prince, that's no problem. When you go, you can contact our people directly. I will tell the military about this matter, and they will have special people to contact you."

Xu Huasheng said with a smile that he was just taking the opportunity to help introduce this business. As for how many ships the navy can sell in the end? How many missiles can be sold? How much money can be made? That depends on the navy's ability.

If this group of people really went to China, I don't know what the poor navy would take out at that time. The current navy also has some treasures that can make the dog rich people jealous. For example, the heavy anti-ship missiles on the big black fish, if the navy copied this thing and stuffed it into the missile boat, it would be exciting.

If the price offered by this group of people is high enough, do you believe that the poor rabbit dares to sell them even the conventional big black fish?

"Xu, can we talk alone?"

At the end of the banquet, Muhammad suddenly came to Xu Huasheng and whispered.

"Of course, Mr. Mohammed, I'm honored..."

Xu Huasheng nodded, and then the two said goodbye to Prince Salman.

The two went directly to the hotel where Xu Huasheng lived. In Xu Huasheng's room, Mohammed opened the conversation.

"Xu, we have a small land area in Dubai, and the underground oil reserves are not too much. It will not last long just by selling oil..."

Mohammed chatted with Xu Huasheng. When talking about the UAE, many people know that the UAE has a lot of oil. But most of the UAE's oil reserves are in Abu Dhabi, accounting for 94% of the UAE's oil reserves, while Dubai only accounts for 4%.

Although the UAE is an independent country, they are composed of seven emirates, and each emirate actually has a high degree of autonomy.

"Xu, today I saw the ecosystem you built, and I think this thing may also be worth trying in Dubai. So I want to consult you in detail..."

Mohammed's words made Xu Huasheng's eyes light up. Business is coming, which is a good thing.

Looking at Mohammed and thinking about the current situation of Dubai, Xu Huasheng swallowed his saliva and prepared to hit Mohammed with a heavy hammer.

"Mr. Mohammed, can you wait a moment?"

Xu Huasheng asked with a smile, Mohammed nodded, and Xu Huasheng directly asked Han Ying to go out and get something.

After a while, Han Ying came back with what Xu Huasheng wanted.

A few large white papers and a box of colored pencils. Seeing these things, Mohammed was curious.

Xu Huasheng didn't say much, just spread the white paper on the table, sharpened the colored pencils, and started drawing on the white paper.

Xu Huasheng's speed was very fast, so fast that Mohammed's eyes widened.

Xu Huasheng didn't even think about it, and never used a second stroke to draw a line, like a human printer.

A rendering slowly appeared on the white paper, and the colored rendering expanded a little bit, looking like an aerial photo, very delicate.

One high-rise building after another, one beautiful building after another, the whole photo was like a science fiction movie.

It was unknown how long it took before Xu Huasheng stopped writing. At this moment, Mohammed was completely dumbfounded, staring at the rendering.

"Xu, this is..."

Mohammed looked up and couldn't help asking Xu Huasheng.

"Mr. Mohammed, this is a simple design I made. Don't be surprised. I think that Dubai has a particularly advantageous geographical location. Since we can't just focus on the futureOil is the main economic lifeline, why not work hard in other places. I think you can be the financial center, entertainment center, and trade center of the Middle East. You can focus on developing tourism, aviation, real estate, finance, etc. Look..."

Xu Huasheng began to explain this rendering to Mohammed. In fact, this rendering was drawn by Xu Huasheng with reference to photos of Dubai decades later.

The world's most luxurious seven-star hotel, the world's largest indoor ski resort, the world's largest marine park, the world's largest shopping mall, the world's tallest skyscraper, the world's largest artificial port, the world's largest casino, the world's largest artificial island, in a word, highlight the word "luxury", the luxury of the rich.

"Mr. Mohammed, this plan highlights the word "luxury", because except for this route, you Dubai has no advantages in other routes. In terms of natural environment, it is all desert, the climate here is not good, and in terms of natural resources, there is no comparison. So I think we can only compare luxury, make this place full of money, let everyone in the world know that this is the richest place in the world, and make it the richest city in the world. Even the infrastructure should be like this, to make all the tourists who come here feel that they come here with insufficient money..."

Xu Huasheng's words made Mohammed's eyes light up, it makes sense.

If Dubai wants to be famous in the world, it must go its own way.

In terms of oil, it does not have much, and in terms of natural resources, it cannot compare with other countries. In terms of climate, it is not very good, and in the end, there may be only one thing left, that is, money.

And Xu Huasheng's plan is like this, no matter what it is, make it the biggest gimmick in the world.

"Mr. Mohammed, when the time comes, all kinds of facilities will be the best, most expensive and most advanced, and the main purpose is to shock. Even police cars, you can directly equip them with the world's top supercars. Those top sports cars are driven by the richest people in other countries, but here, the police directly patrol in them, and even taxis are this kind of car. If so, think about whether it will be very gimmicky when promoting it. Tourists come here to take a taxi and actually get a supercar worth tens of millions. Wouldn't it be cool? There are also policemen, each driving a supercar and riding the most expensive motorcycle. Even the policemen are selected according to the standards of models. The men are tall and handsome, and the women are all supermodel standards..." Hearing Xu Huasheng's words, Muhammad suddenly felt dry in his mouth, and the picture began to emerge in his mind. It was really beautiful to think about it.

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