"Everyone line up, don't squeeze, don't rush, register one by one, get on the car on the left after registration, and we will go for a physical examination together later..."

Xu Huasheng came to the demolition site and saw a long line at the demolition site.

"What is this for?"

Xu Huasheng asked directly after seeing the line.

"Mr. Xu, this is our Tenglong Construction recruiting workers. These people are from the surrounding villages, which can be regarded as a benefit we give them. The demolished households will be given priority to register and be hired, followed by the surrounding villagers..."

The staff's words made Xu Huasheng laugh.

No wonder there is such a long line, it turns out that Tenglong Construction is recruiting workers.

It is normal for Tenglong Construction to have a large-scale recruitment queue. You must know that in this era, there are actually not many farmers who can really go to the city to work. Many farmers just guard a few acres of land at home all year round.

It's not that they don't want to go out, but there are not so many jobs. There are not many factories and construction sites in Huaxia now. It is not easy to find a place to work and make money, especially for middle-aged people who are a little older.

Now, Longteng Construction is suddenly recruiting workers in the surrounding area. How can these people not be active? Longteng Construction has high wages, good benefits, and wages are paid once a month.

As for whether it is tiring to work on the construction site, these farmers who have been farming for a lifetime are not afraid of hardship or fatigue, but they are afraid that they will not get paid after working hard and cannot go home to explain.

However, these problems will not exist in Longteng Construction. Longteng Construction has no contractors or black-hearted bosses. Longteng Construction is a huge formal construction group. Before joining, you must undergo a physical examination. After passing the physical examination, you will go through the entry procedures to become a formal employee.

Food and accommodation are provided, and the salary is high. There is also a lot of work. Basically, you will not work for ten days and rest for half a month. If you are lucky, you can also get a good thing to work abroad and make a lot of money.

Now the reputation of Longteng Construction has spread all over the country, especially after this Spring Festival, the reputation of Longteng Construction has been established in major rural areas across the country.

Many migrant workers of Longteng Construction who went home for the New Year had smiles on their faces. When these people came back, they not only brought a lot of money, but were also sent to their hometowns by bus directly from the company, so they no longer had to buy train tickets and squeeze on the train.

The happy days they described when they came back attracted the envy of many people in the village, and they were all asking if Tenglong Construction still needed people.

Looking at the envious eyes of others, these employees of Tenglong Construction who went home for the New Year were so proud. How could they not be proud?

In the past, they were the same as other people in the village. They all relied on farming to support their families. They worked hard all year round and were still poor. Although they could make ends meet, they lived a tight life, which was very different from the life of people in the city, and they could not save much money all year round.

It’s different now. Joining Tenglong Construction, you can earn an average of 600 yuan a month. Add the year-end bonus, you can get 8,000 yuan or even more than 10,000 yuan a year, and this is still net profit. Because Tenglong Construction provides food and accommodation, many people don’t spend much money on weekdays.

Eight thousand yuan is a lot of money in this era. Eight thousand yuan can build three new tile houses in the countryside.

Work for a year to build three tile houses, and work for another year to renovate the house and live a well-off life.

Life is very different from before. With money, you can let your family eat better, buy two more clothes for your children, and let your wife buy a set of cosmetics. Who doesn't like this life and who doesn't envy this job?

So after the Chinese New Year, when Tenglong Construction's car took these people back to the construction site, the villagers were very envious. After the Chinese New Year, they became the most glorious people in the village, and their relatives and friends all flattered them, all so that when Tenglong Construction recruits workers in the future, these people can recommend themselves first.

With this reputation, Tenglong Construction has no worries about workers. Countless farmers want to join Tenglong Construction, and they cherish it very much after joining. They abide by the company's rules and dare not mess around. And when the company has opportunities for learning and further study, many people are also very active.

The long line in front of us is the best proof of Tenglong Construction's reputation. For an enterprise, it is also the one who wins the hearts of the people. As long as you are a conscientious enterprise, you will not have a labor shortage.

As for those factories that say there is a labor shortage, how many factories have reflected on themselves? Have they reflected on how they have treated workers over the years? Have they reflected on whether they treat employees as human beings and give them some necessary respect?

Obviously not, they just use the lowest wages to squeeze their labor, and then find various reasons to delay wages. In the end, they can't recruit people and come out crying about labor shortage.

Xu Huasheng and his team came to the demolition site, the wholeThe demolition work has started. Some construction vehicles are busy.

Most of this area is farmland, and the farmland is full of green wheat seedlings. Many construction vehicles are clearing these wheat seedlings, and some people are cutting trees. Some local farmers are picking up these wheat seedlings. For some farmers who have cattle and sheep at home, these wheat seedlings are the best forage.

No one stopped the progress of the construction, and these wheat seedlings were compensated for the seedling fee. As long as the money is in place, there is no violent collection.

Looking at these wheat seedlings, and thinking about the team of farmers who just signed up to join Tenglong Construction, Xu Huasheng frowned slightly.

"There will be a lot of migrant workers used in our project, and most of the surrounding farmers will probably be drawn to this construction site. By then, the people will be busy with summer and autumn harvests."

Xu Huasheng couldn't help but say.

"Mr. Xu, this is unavoidable. People can't take care of both ends. When it comes to summer harvest, they are reluctant to take leave. The grain in the fields may not be sold for more than a few days' wages. The current summer harvest is very time-consuming. Summer harvest and autumn planting, it will take half a month to complete..."

The staff next to him whispered.

The person in charge has an understanding of the current rural summer harvest. The current summer harvest is almost entirely manual. The wheat is harvested with a sickle. After harvesting, it is pulled back to the drying yard with a rickshaw for rolling. After rolling, the grain must be taken out and cleaned, and then dried and stored at home.

After the harvest, the land must be plowed, sown, watered, etc.

From summer harvest to autumn grain planting, in this era, it often takes half a month or a month.

In this era, mechanical harvesting only exists in large state-owned farms. For small farmers like Henan Province, where each household has a few acres of land, let alone a harvester, it is good to have a thresher.

The staff's words made Xu Huasheng ponder, and then an idea came to his mind. As he thought about it, a plan quickly emerged.

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