Everyone in the test flight field was smiling.

The first flight was successful, which was of great significance to this aircraft and to Saxo Aviation.

The S-14 is the first fighter developed by Saxo Aviation, and its combat effectiveness is quite fierce. The performance of the Air Force version of the S-14 is even better than the F16 used by the United States.

The most amazing one is the vertical take-off and landing version S-14C. The various performances of the vertical take-off and landing version can reach 90% of the performance of the Air Force version. This performance index is too strong and very important.

Because this fighter can realize the aircraft carrier dream of a small country, and an amphibious assault ship can realize the aircraft carrier dream. Although the S-14C is a vertical take-off and landing version, if it encounters the US F18 carrier-based aircraft, the air-to-air combat capability can really be 50-50, and it is not inferior at all.

A fighter that can fight 50-50 with the F18 is already very fierce in this era. After all, the F18 is now one of the most advanced carrier-based aircraft in the world.

If it can fight 50-50 with it, then such combat effectiveness is very tempting for many countries. Coupled with the vertical take-off and landing capability, the temptation is too great. After all, not all countries can afford aircraft carriers, the technical content is too high, and the maintenance cost is too high.

But amphibious assault ships are different. For many countries, getting one or two amphibious assault shore ships, each with some S-14, can also be used as an aircraft carrier.

This thing goes out, as long as it does not encounter a serious aircraft carrier like the United States, it can easily defeat the opponent. Of course, the premise is not to encounter the new warships that China is developing, otherwise this thing will go up to deliver food.

The news of the successful first flight of S-14 was reported to Xu Huasheng at the first time. After learning the news, Xu Huasheng was very satisfied.

Now that the first flight is successful, according to the progress, the test flight time is likely to be completed within two years.

After all, the test flight of the No. 10 aircraft was very smooth, and the S-14 used a lot of the No. 10 aircraft's technology, which has been verified.

If the test flight can be completed in two years, then Saxo Aviation will have a super fist product in the international military trade market in the future.

Thinking of this, Xu Huasheng narrowed his eyes, then picked up the phone and called Xu Dafei.

"Uncle, how is the Hunter School going?"

Xu Huasheng asked.

"Xiaosheng, it's not going well at the moment. It's difficult to deal with the Pakistani military. After all, we have too few bargaining chips..."

Xu Dafei whispered. Things at the Hunter School are not going well. Although Pakistan did not refuse, the secret negotiations were not going well.

Even though Xu Dafei promised a lot of things, Pakistan had many other considerations. They also knew what this school represented. Once this thing was implemented, the influence would be very large. Pakistan also had to consider whether it could withstand international pressure.

Because according to Xu Dafei's plan, this so-called Hunter School is a changed mercenary base. To build a large mercenary base in one's own country, the pressure from both home and abroad would be huge.

"Uncle, please contact their military personnel and ask them to come to China secretly. I will ask them to look at a few things. After they have seen them, I think this matter can be finalized..."

Xu Huasheng said directly.

The Hunter School has not been finalized. To put it bluntly, it is because the bargaining chips are not enough.

If the bargaining chips are enough, everything can be solved.

As for Pakistan, Xu Huasheng does not believe that they can resist the temptation of aircraft carriers. Pakistan has always considered itself a great power. After all, Pakistan is a country with nuclear weapons.

As a great power, who can resist the temptation of aircraft carriers? In addition to this reason, Pakistan's mortal enemy India has aircraft carriers. And nominally it has two aircraft carriers. Although the combat effectiveness of this aircraft carrier is not very good, it is also an aircraft carrier.

The current Indian Navy claims to be the only country in Asia with a double aircraft carrier fleet. And India is also the first country in Asia to have an aircraft carrier. Because of this, Indians don't know how many times they have boasted to Pakistan.

Now, Xu Huasheng wants to use this thing to seduce Pakistan. In fact, in this era, let alone Pakistan. Even China itself can't resist this temptation.

The S-14 fighter jet that can take off and land vertically and has a combat power equal to that of the F18, coupled with an amphibious assault ship with a displacement of about 50,000 tons, isn't this a medium-sized aircraft carrier?

Such an amphibious assault ship can carry nearly 30 S-14 fighter jets, which is completely a medium-sized aircraft carrier. And the fighter jets are very advanced. If Pakistan has such an aircraft carrier, it can completely chase the two aircraft carriers of India..

After all, India's two current aircraft carriers are both light aircraft carriers, both of which were converted from aircraft carriers during World War II. The full load displacement of the Vikrant is only 19,500 tons. The other aircraft carrier, the Vitra, has a full load displacement of 28,700 tons.

The combined displacement of the two aircraft carriers is less than 50,000 tons. In addition to the relatively small displacement, the carrier-based aircraft on it are also relatively backward. Although the Harrier fighters carried can also take off and land vertically, their combat effectiveness is completely different from that of the S-14.

As vertical take-off and landing fighters, the S-14 can fight against the Harrier fighters, which is completely not of the same order of magnitude.

You must know that the S-14 fighter has an active phased array radar, and is equipped with advanced air-to-air missiles. Fighting the Harrier fighter is like a bully.

To be frank, if Pakistan has such a medium-sized aircraft carrier, it may not have much confidence in the face of the United States. But facing India, it definitely has the strength to beat the Indian Navy.

In the India-Pakistan war, Pakistan suffered from aircraft carriers. Even if India's aircraft carrier is not advanced, it has caused heavy losses to the Pakistani Navy.

Now that there is such an opportunity to obtain such a medium-sized aircraft carrier, the Pakistani military will buy it even if it sells everything. Such a medium-sized aircraft carrier, even if Pakistan has one, is enough to make Pakistan reverse the naval strength against India.

By that time, it will not be India that is showing off its power. It is Pakistan that is showing off its power. If Pakistan is more stubborn and finds a reason for conflict, they will even dare to go to war with the Indian Navy. At that time, China will give them some advanced weapons, and Pakistan can even sink both of India's aircraft carriers, severely damage the Indian Navy, and make India suffer a great loss.

Thinking of this, Xu Huasheng narrowed his eyes.

If Pakistan's military strength is stronger than India's, if Pakistan's economic strength is stronger than India. With the feud between the two countries, I don't know if Pakistan will find an opportunity to take revenge. If the two countries have a huge conflict again, I am afraid that the world pattern will change.

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