In the room, Xu Huasheng's words made Clinton and Hillary very excited. The look in their eyes when they looked at Xu Huasheng was completely different, full of love.

A huge order worth tens of billions of dollars, this order is too important for Boeing.

Boeing is in a very bad situation now, and it can even be said that it is struggling on the edge of life and death, and it may be finished at any time.

There are many reasons for Boeing's situation. On the one hand, the Iran-Iraq War caused the international economic recession, resulting in the shrinkage of the international civil aviation market in recent years, and the number of orders for global passenger aircraft has dropped a lot.

On the other hand, since the late 1970s, with the support of the Carter and Reagan governments, the US aviation industry, which has been under government control for a long time, has been loosened, the entry threshold has been lowered, and price controls have been lifted, giving birth to a large number of new airlines.

With more airlines, the price war between them has become increasingly fierce, resulting in them being unable to pass on the cost of purchasing aircraft to passengers through ticket prices as in the past, so they require upstream aircraft manufacturers to reduce costs and reduce the price of aircraft to further increase their return on investment.

With the lowered price of aircraft, Boeing can no longer develop new aircraft at any cost as it did in the past, and its technological innovation ability has also been curbed. Coupled with the direct challenge from Airbus, Boeing now attaches great importance to aircraft costs and profits. The entire Boeing company used to revolve around technology, but now revolves around stock prices, losing its original backbone.

And this is not the most fatal to Boeing. The most fatal thing is that after Frank Schlontz was promoted to CEO of Boeing in 1986, Boeing suffered four fatal air crashes in just three months from December 1988 to March 1989. In the same year, the production of 747-400 was delayed. This series of events caused Boeing's stock to plummet all the way, directly bringing Boeing into a deeper crisis.

In 1990, the commercial aviation industry was in a slump again, and orders for all aircraft worldwide fell from 1,662 in 1989 to 439 in 1991. Airbus, funded by the European Union, had no choice but to play a price war with Boeing, hoping to survive for a while longer.

At the same time, the Soviet Union collapsed, the Cold War ended, and the Pentagon's spending on military systems also dropped sharply, which directly hit Boeing's defense department. A large number of military orders were canceled, and Boeing was hit hard again.

In response to the crisis, Frank began to lay off employees. From 1989 to this year, Boeing's workforce has been decreasing every year, and a total of 40,000 jobs have been lost.

To be frank, it is not an exaggeration to describe Boeing as hanging by a thread. In fact, it is not just Boeing that is hanging by a thread. Airbus and McDonnell Douglas are now having a very difficult time.

If Airbus had not been revived by Germany and France, it would have been finished long ago. McDonnell Douglas would have been finished long ago without the UK's revivification.

This period is a cold winter for global aircraft manufacturers.

Now the US government is also discussing how to renew Boeing's life. They are preparing to launch the Freedom Space Station plan again. NASA is preparing to use Boeing as the main contractor of the International Space Station to renew Boeing's life, but this plan has not yet officially started.

For the United States, Boeing cannot collapse because Boeing is too important to the United States. Boeing is not just a manufacturer of passenger planes, but also very powerful in the military industry. If Boeing is finished, it will be a fatal blow to the US aviation industry.

At this critical moment, Xu Huasheng suddenly told Clinton that he wanted to purchase 200 passenger planes, which is Boeing's lifeline.

If Boeing can take over this business, then Boeing will be able to survive directly. 200 aircraft is a very large order, and these 200 aircraft may be the first batch of orders. China is so big and has such a large population, and there will be too many passenger planes needed in the sky in the future.

If Boeing can take over the huge Chinese market, the Chinese market alone will be enough to make Boeing the greatest company.

"Mr. Xu, do you really want to buy 200 passenger planes?"

Clinton couldn't help asking again, looking at Xu Huasheng with a serious face.

"Mr. President, China is developing, and our people also need to travel by plane. China has a population of 1.2 billion, and 200 planes are just the beginning for us. In the future, we may need 2,000 or even 2,000 passenger planes in the sky. But China does not have the ability to manufacture passenger planes now, so we can only buy them. This is also one of the important purposes of our inspection team this time, but we will consider it comprehensively. You also know that China is very poor. We need to see who offers better and more suitable conditions, and finallyWe can make the decision to give this order to that company. Our people have already started to contact Airbus and McDonnell Douglas, and they are also paying attention to it now..."

Xu Huasheng said directly, which made Clinton take a deep breath.

We must help Boeing get this order, and we must not let McDonnell Douglas and Airbus take this order away.

This order is too important for Boeing. This order is a heart tonic and a life-saving pill. As long as I help Boeing get this super order, Boeing will be able to survive. In the future, the consortium represented by Boeing will definitely support me, which is too important.

And for me, this is also a top political achievement with a good start.

If Boeing can continue to get more passenger aircraft orders in the Chinese market during my term in the future, then my achievements will be great, and the chances of winning in the mid-term elections four years later will be even greater.

Thinking of this, Clinton's face was full of smiles.

"Mr. Xu, our Boeing company has the best passenger aircraft in the world. It is a very good choice for you to buy Boeing's aircraft. Tomorrow I will help you make an appointment with Frank in person, and I believe he will also look forward to meeting you. Mr. Xu, I will remember the friendship between your Huasheng Group and our American companies. I also welcome your Huasheng Group to invest in our United States. We welcome more excellent companies in the United States..." Clinton said with a smile, and the polite words were very beautiful. Xu Huasheng smiled and said nothing more. He could say polite words, but in the end, it still depends on the specific actions. He gave Boeing such a large order, so he must get something from the United States. As for Boeing's order, Xu Huasheng has dug a series of traps waiting for Boeing to jump in. Once Boeing jumps into this pit, it will be difficult to jump out. The food Xu Huasheng feeds is not so delicious. After eating these things, you must pay something in the end. Xu Huasheng is not an honest businessman. Xu Huasheng has never relaxed his vigilance against the United States, and he has never believed in the fair trade advocated by the United States.

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