"Dear directors, if our products are produced by OEM and all are handed over to Huasheng Group, the cost of our personal computers will be greatly reduced. Under the premise of improved performance, the cost of our personal computers will be controlled at around $1,200. You can imagine what will happen if the cost of our computers is controlled at $1,200..."

In the conference room, Akers' words made all the shareholders in the conference room take a deep breath.

If the cost can be controlled at $1,200, then the price of their personal computers will be greatly reduced.

Now in the United States, the price of personal computers is very expensive. The cheapest IBM personal computer costs three or four thousand dollars, and the more expensive ones even cost tens of thousands of dollars, which is not something that ordinary families can afford.

Now, with a cost of $1,200, the price of their personal computers can be greatly reduced.

At that time, even if the price is $1,500, it can still have a very good profit. Small profits but quick turnover, earning $300 from a computer, if millions of computers can be sold a year, the profit is also quite terrifying.

And a $1,500 personal computer, this price can be snapped up in the United States.

OEM computers are not only cheaper, but also have better performance and better systems. They also have powerful office performance and entertainment attributes.

Axe has demonstrated to them the power of Huasheng Group's laptops in the conference room.

This operating system is much better than the Microsoft system used by IBM now. It has strong performance, and the games are very addictive. Many office software are very convenient.

They are also visionary people, and naturally know what kind of reaction this product will have once it is launched.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the cheap computer plan. In the past, we paid too much attention to enterprise-level customers. Although enterprise-level customers have large profits, the number of enterprise-level customers is too small. I think that with the advancement of technology, the reduction of personal computer prices, and the development of the Internet industry, the personal computer business is our IBM's future growth point..."

Axe looked at all shareholders, and all shareholders looked at Axe.

The plan that Axe brought today was too bold. However, although it was bold, it was very tempting. At least the prospects were very tempting, and it could really greatly reduce costs.

Large-scale layoffs, directly reducing 60,000 people, after these 60,000 people were laid off, the monthly salary expenditure alone would be greatly reduced. By outsourcing the products to Huaxia, IBM will only focus on branding, which can greatly reduce product costs.

As for the independence of the company, IBM only needs to retain some technical personnel and channel after-sales personnel. In this way, IBM's annual expenditure will be greatly reduced. Even if the profit growth is not much, the financial report will be very beautiful, and it will not continue to lose so much.

"Directors, I know you are looking for a new president. But even if a new president comes, can he come up with an effective strategy given our current situation at IBM? We must now admit that we are already behind the Watson Group in terms of product technology. Don't forget that the Watson Group is the product supplier of the Wosheng and Robertson brands, and the Watson brand also has sales channels in the United States. They can use these brands to sell their personal computers. If we don't cooperate with the Watson brand, with the product strength of the Watson products and their financial advantages, can we really compete with them? By then, whether it is our personal computer business or the personal computer business of Apple or other companies, I am afraid that they will be completely snatched away by them. By then, all our energy can only be on enterprise-level customers, but is this foolproof? Who dares to guarantee that they don't have enterprise-level technology?"

Ax looked at the directors, and the meaning was very clear.

Yes, I submitted my resignation because of poor business performance. You can let me take the blame, yes. But can you find a new president to improve the current situation?

Don't you know what IBM is like now? As a shareholder, who doesn't know what IBM is like now?

With bloated staff, low efficiency, too many people eating and too few working, and a lot of worms, it would be strange if IBM's stock didn't fall in this situation.

Can you change all this by changing a new president? If not, why not try my method and cooperate with the Huasheng Group?

If you can change all this, is it the same as my strategy? Then what's the point of changing the president? Anyway, you still use the same trick and spend more money.

In the meeting room, all the directors fell silent after hearing what Axe said, because what Axe said made sense.

"Actually, I think we can give it a try.Let's order a batch of computers from Huasheng Group first to see how the market reacts. If the market reaction is good, we can proceed to the next step..."

A director suddenly said, and everyone nodded.

Yes, let's try it first. Order a batch of computers first to see how the market reacts. If the market reaction is not good, we can continue to change the leader and do this and that.

If the market reaction is very good, we can increase the order quantity and step by step increase the cooperation with Huasheng Group.

"Ex, you go and discuss cooperation with Huasheng Group. Let's order a batch of goods first to see how the market reacts..."

Finally, the board decided to let Ex give it a try.

Ex looked at all the directors and nodded.

It's better to give it a try than not to give it a try. Ex is trying his best now. He hopes that this cooperation will be successful, because only in this way can he keep this high-paying and decent job.

After the meeting, Ex didn't sleep well all night.

But he went to meet Xu Huasheng early the next morning. Last night, Ex had contacted Xu Huasheng, and Xu Huasheng agreed to talk to Ex.

Around ten o'clock in the morning, Ex came to the hotel where Xu Huasheng was staying, and met Xu Huasheng in the hotel room.

Ex told Xu Huasheng the decision of the board directly, and Xu Huasheng smiled and nodded after listening.

"Mr. Ex, I also understand the decision of the board. It doesn't hurt to try it first. The price for each desktop computer is 1,200 US dollars, and the price for each laptop is 1,600 US dollars..." Xu Huasheng directly said a price, and this price made Axe nod his head. This price is very low. Now IBM itself can't achieve such a low cost price. Not to mention IBM, all computer companies in the United States can't achieve such a low cost price.

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