The entire convoy left and finally arrived at a secret base.

After entering the base, Xu Huasheng got off the car and carried the computer into the interior. After passing through layers of inspection, he finally came to an underground room.

This base is located deep underground, with mountains above it. It is heavily guarded. It is an underground secret base to prevent nuclear war, and it is probably a very high-level military base.

Xu Huasheng walked into the room and laughed when he saw the people in the room. There were not many people in the room, only a few people, but the identities of these people were very powerful.

These people are the highest-level leaders of China's navy, army, air force and space force. Several people were very curious, curious about what Xu Huasheng had done in a week.

"Hello, leaders..."

Xu Huasheng smiled and nodded. Several people looked at Xu Huasheng with a smile. Xu Huasheng was not polite and directly connected the computer to the big screen in the conference room and opened the information he had sorted out this week.

"Comrades, this is the Thousand-Handed Guanyin system I designed. For your reference only, the entire Thousand-Handed Guanyin system is composed of space-based, air-based, sea-based, land-based, and submarine-based. The space-based system mainly consists of various satellites, including reconnaissance satellites, communication satellites, navigation satellites, high-resolution satellites, etc., and also includes various space-based weapons..."

In the room, Xu Huasheng began to explain how to build the entire Thousand-Handed Guanyin system.

Land, sea, air, space, and submarine, five in one, to create a comprehensive network command and combat system. As Xu Huasheng spoke, the room was silent, and several old men listened very seriously.

This is all dry goods, real dry goods.

Today, Xu Huasheng has explained the entire system thoroughly, how the entire system is built, and what kind of equipment each system needs.

What types of satellites with what functions are needed for space-based, what types of aircraft are needed for air-based, what kind of ships are needed for sea-based, what kind of radars are needed for land-based, what types of submarines are needed for submarine-based, and so on. All these things were listed in detail by Xu Huasheng, which made several people drool. They wanted to pry open Xu Huasheng's head to see what was inside.

"Dear leaders, in terms of weapons and equipment, I think we should vigorously develop unmanned equipment. Drones, unmanned ships, unmanned submarines and various submersibles, unmanned combat vehicles, unmanned individual combat units, with the development of technology, unmanned will be the ultimate form of war. For example, in air combat, we can directly use drone groups and use swarm tactics to wear down the opponent..."

When Xu Huasheng described the unmanned combat system, the room was silent, and even the breathing sound disappeared.

This unmanned combat system is too terrifying. There are drones with swarm tactics in the air, unmanned ships and unmanned submarines with Sea Wolf tactics on the sea, etc.

There are various unmanned combat vehicles, unmanned combat robots, etc. on the ground. In addition to satellites in the sky, radars on the ground, and various monitoring equipment deployed around the world, the whole world is transparent, and at that time war will be like a game.

By that time, war will no longer be a war between people, but a war between systems. At that time, it will be a battle of whose unmanned system is awesome, whose troop explosion speed is fast, whose industrial manufacturing capacity is strong, and whose production capacity is strong.

"At the same time, we must vigorously develop various stealth equipment, stealth aircraft, stealth ships, stealth missiles, etc. In addition to stealth equipment, we must also develop hypersonic weapons, laser weapons, electromagnetic weapons..."

In the room, Xu Huasheng described in detail what he had made in this week.

After listening to Xu Huasheng's story, everyone sat there quietly, staring at the information on the big screen.

This is not a thousand-handed Guanyin. If this system is successfully built, this is a thousand-handed butcher. Especially the unmanned combat system, once it is established, then the foreign war will not be a war between people.

At that time, there is no need to consider casualties at all. The war only considers your own industrial production capacity and technical capabilities. A large number of unmanned equipment directly poured into the enemy country like a tide. This is too terrifying. If the enemy does not have this system, it will be scared to pee.

And if the enemy also has this system, it will be a war of attrition, to see who can outlast the other in the end, just like playing a game, and at that time the war will become more cruel and ruthless.

"Xiao Sheng, isn't this too advanced? Can we achieve it?"

An old man couldn't help asking, and several other people also looked at Xu Huasheng. This is indeed too advanced, directly making unmanned, isn't this something that only exists in science fiction movies? Does China have the technology for such equipment?

"No, leaders, this pointNeither is ahead of the times. The United States has already started developing this system and has produced a number of products. The United States has already accumulated a lot of technology in drones. They are currently developing an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft that can stay in the air for 42 hours at an altitude of 20,000 meters and has a range of more than 25,000 kilometers. This drone will be mass-produced and put into service in a few years..."

Xu Huasheng said directly that the US Global Hawk drone will be available in a few years. This aircraft is quite awesome, and all kinds of data are also very awesome. The only drawback is that it is too expensive.

When Xu Huasheng said the data of the Global Hawk, everyone took a deep breath. They didn't expect that unmanned warfare was so close to them.

If the United States takes the lead in building this unmanned combat system, with the current industrial and economic strength of the United States, it can completely manufacture unmanned equipment on a large scale. At that time, if the United States and China go to war, how will China respond? This kind of unmanned equipment is even more deterrent than nuclear bombs.

If a real fight breaks out, you have no way to fight at all. It is meaningless to fill it with human lives, because what you destroy with human lives is just some orders on the production line for the enemy!

"As for technology, we are actually very strong in this regard. Our company has a strong technical reserve. The core of unmanned equipment is processors and AI algorithms, which are our company's strengths. We are confident that we will be at the forefront of the world. As for electromagnetic weapons and microwave weapons, we can also take our time. As for laser weapons, we are the world's number one in this area. Our research on laser weapons is the earliest in the world..."

Speaking of laser weapons, everyone in the room laughed.

Yes, China's laser weapons were the first in the world to be developed. In March 1964, China launched the research on laser weapons. This is the great strategy of the teacher.

The future use of laser weapons is very large, especially for satellites. Before Xu Huasheng traveled through time, China's laser weapons could easily destroy satellites. Not only satellites, but also the ability of laser weapons to defend against ballistic missiles. At that time, China had mastered it. The technology was 20 years more advanced than that of the United States.

And now, with Xu Huasheng's plug-in, China will be faster in laser weapons. In a few years, China will have laser weapons that can hit satellites. If there is a war with the United States at that time, China will hit the US satellites in space accurately and destroy them directly with a laser.

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