Africa, Libya, an American cargo ship slowly approached the port.

Containers were unloaded one by one. Since the construction of the new capital by Gaddafi, Libya began to ease relations with the United States, and apologized and compensated for the air crash last year, and its policies also seemed to be very close to the United States.

Libya released such goodwill, and the United States also gladly accepted it. After all, Libya is an oil powerhouse, and oil will directly affect the petrodollar.

So last year, the United Nations lifted many sanctions on Libya, including sanctions on weapons.

Containers were unloaded one by one, and the things in these containers were some things that Libya bought from the United States.

Trucks loaded the containers one by one, and some of the containers transported this time were 40-foot containers.

After these large containers were unloaded, they were pulled into a warehouse by trucks. But there was a lot of secrets in the ordinary warehouse.

In the ordinary warehouse, when the container was placed in the designated position, the designated position began to descend directly. This is a giant elevator.

The elevator descended directly, and after descending for more than 20 meters, it appeared in a brand new room. The lifting equipment in the room grabbed the container and placed it on a special cart.

There was a railroad under the cart. After the container was placed, the electric-driven cart started slowly. There was a tunnel at the end of the room, and the cart pulled the container into the tunnel.

One by one, the containers entered the tunnel. This time, there were a total of ten special containers. These containers were not shipped in the United States, but were secretly replaced by two cargo ships on the high seas.

The container turned around in the tunnel and finally came to an underground base. This underground base is deeper, located nearly 60 meters underground.

The land above the entire base is not ordinary soil at all, but is made of super concrete mixed with sand and soil, which is equivalent to more than 60 meters of reinforced concrete. Even a super earth-penetrating bomb cannot drill through it.

"Colonel, here it comes..."

In the underground base, when the cart brought the first container over, Alcofi, who was next to Colonel Ka, also had expectations in his eyes.

The cart stopped, the container was hoisted down, and the container was opened. Inside was a cabinet that looked very tightly sealed.

There were wheels under the cabinet. In addition to the wheels, Colonel Ka's soldiers slowly pulled the entire cabinet out.

When the huge cabinet was opened, Colonel Ka couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

Because there were two big guys in the middle of the cabinet, two missiles ten meters long.

This thing was nothing else, it was the Granite heavy anti-ship missile purchased by Colonel Ka, with a range of 550 kilometers. The price was also relatively expensive, a full 20 million US dollars per missile.

And the other party didn't want US dollars, just the equivalent of gold. In order to buy these things, Colonel Ka even dismantled his own golden toilet and melted it into gold bars.

Not only did Colonel Ka spend a lot of Libya's gold, but many African countries also exchanged a lot of gold in various ways.

Originally, Colonel Ka was planning to establish a gold dinar system. But now Colonel Ka doesn't dare to play like this.

20 Granite heavy anti-ship missiles, with a total value of 400 million US dollars. And this is just the first order, and more will be purchased later.

"Colonel, this is the Granite heavy anti-ship missile, with a maximum range of 550 kilometers..."

A technician sent by China next to Colonel Ka introduced this weapon to Colonel Ka in detail.

The Granite heavy anti-ship missile is still top secret in Russia. The United States dreams of knowing the data of this weapon.

But now, Colonel Ka has it. But the Granite anti-ship missile he has is not produced by the Soviet Union or Russia, but by China.

The most important thing is that this missile is not the original missile. The technicians of China have modified this missile.

There are two main places for the modification. The first is the warhead. The high explosive in the warhead has been replaced to make the warhead more powerful.

The second and most important place is the radar part. China has upgraded the radar of this missile to make the radar have stronger anti-interference and detection capabilities.

The original cruise altitude of the missile was 70 meters above the sea surface. Now after the radar upgrade, this cruise altitude has been directly reduced to 30 meters. The lower the cruise altitude, the less likely it is to be discovered. At the same time, the detection range of the active radar on the missile has reached 100 kilometers.

The most insidious thing is that Chinese technical experts have also used several insidious designs on this.

The first is that when the radar loses its target due to strong interference, the missile will automatically lock itselfAttack the largest target within the attack range. If this is interfered with near the aircraft carrier battle group, then the final target of the missile is the aircraft carrier. Anyway, it must hit a target.

Another insidious design is that there is another design on the guidance head of this missile, that is, the anti-radiation design. If the active radar is completely interfered with, even the target cannot be searched. Then this anti-ship missile will become a heavy anti-radiation missile.

The radar on that ship has the largest power and the most powerful, so this missile will go directly to that person. This is called double insurance. After all, such an expensive missile, it would be a loss if it didn't shoot down something after going out.

As for other aspects, there are not many changes. It is completely a one-to-one imitation, but in terms of engine processing accuracy, the Chinese one is more accurate than the Soviet one, so the range and speed of this missile have increased a little.

One container after another was opened, and twenty anti-ship missiles appeared in the underground base.

China has also modified the launch method of these missiles. This cabinet is a launcher. This cabinet can be camouflaged in a container and can be launched on a truck.

There are also many guidance methods, radar guidance, satellite guidance, inertial guidance, and active radar guidance.

It doesn’t matter if there is no radar. You only need the approximate longitude and latitude of the target, and then enter the relevant data of the target, and then launch it according to the approximate direction.

At that time, the radar on the missile will automatically search for the target. As long as the deviation of the longitude and latitude of the target you enter is not too large, this thing can find the target by itself.

Looking at these missiles, Colonel Ka has an urge to try it.

How powerful is this thing? Although the data sounds excellent, no matter how excellent the data is, it is only paper data without actual combat testing.

Thinking of this, Colonel Ka’s mind became active. Looking at the secret personnel sent by China, Colonel Ka whispered a few words directly in the ear of the secret personnel of China. Hearing this, the secret personnel of China smiled.

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