"Dad, I think if we want to develop our industrial zone, we have to build a railway."

In the factory, Muhammad looked at Colonel Ka and said, which made Colonel Ka look at Muhammad, waiting for Muhammad's answer.

Colonel Ka likes Muhammad more and more. His son is getting more and more stable and is a good heir.

As a father and a hero, Colonel Ka also attaches great importance to his successor. After all, he is not young anymore, and there will always be a day when he will leave.

If the Libyan royal family can be established in the future, then Colonel Ka's family will become a member of the royal family, and the heir will be more important.

Colonel Ka is very pleased with Muhammad's growth, so now Colonel Ka is increasingly handing over Libya's affairs to Muhammad, even some military affairs.

"Dad, the transportation cost of sea and rail is very low. I think we can build a railway from Tripoli to here first. This will not only facilitate the transportation of raw materials, but also facilitate the transportation of industrial products from our industrial park in the future. In addition to building to the north, we can also build to the south. We can build a railway with Sudan. Sudan is rich in resources and has a large amount of mineral resources, including iron ore. If we can get iron ore from Sudan and then smelt it in our steel mill..."

Mohammed began to tell Colonel Ka about his ideas in detail.

Listening to Mohammed's words, Colonel Ka's eyes became brighter and brighter. Mohammed suggested that the railway should be built not only from the northern port to the new capital, but also from the new capital to the south.

Not only to connect to Sudan, but also to continue to build to the south if possible.

Connect Libya, Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, and Tanzania with railways. If possible, the railway can also continue to be built to other neighboring countries.

After the railway is completed, the corresponding raw materials can be directly imported from these countries for processing in the industrial zone, and then the products of the industrial zone can be exported to other countries.

Even if they don't have money, they can still barter.

Especially Sudan, which is rich in resources, not only mineral resources, but also oil and gas resources. However, due to its geographical location, not many mineral resources are mined in Sudan, and even fewer oil and gas resources are mined.

But Libya is a coastal country with an outlet to the sea. Now the Sudanese government is about to take over the southern region with the support of Colonel Kadash.

If the railway is built, Sudan's resources can be exported through Libya. At that time, Libya can suck a lot of blood from Sudan.

"Mohammed, I also know the benefits of building a railway. But our finances are a little tight at present..." Colonel Kadash sighed. He didn't have much money on his hands now. And building a railway requires a lot of funds. Although Colonel Kadash thought to himself, it's hard for a good cook to cook without rice.

"Dad, if we don't have money, we can borrow money. We have such a good relationship with China, and China also has technology. We can borrow money from them to build railways. At most, we can pay some interest. China must also want to expand its influence in Africa. And this industrial park is also the main investor of China. If there is a railway, China's investment in Sudan in the future can also make more money..."

As soon as Muhammad said this, Colonel Ka understood instantly.

Yes, if he doesn't have money, he can borrow money.

In the past two years, China has made a lot of money, and foreign exchange reserves have risen wildly. China now is not the China three years ago. China now has a lot of money.

China not only has money, but also technology, and the speed of infrastructure construction is very fast. Industrial parks are basically invested by Chinese companies. Coupled with the current relationship between Libya and China, Colonel Ka became more and more excited.

Now Libya is deeply bound to China. In Colonel Ka's view, if he can borrow some money from China, then the relationship with China will be better. After all, in this world now, the one who owes money is the ancestor. If something unexpected happens in Libya in the future, China will definitely support itself strongly because Libya owes it so much money.

"Mohammed, go to China and ask for their opinions. If this matter can be negotiated, I will let you be the mayor of Omar City and let you form a new national defense force..."

Gaddafi said directly.

Omar City, this is the name of the new capital of Libya.

Omar City will be completed by the end of this year. After the construction is completed, Colonel Ka will move the capital and live in Omar City. Now Colonel Ka is full of a sense of crisis, so he will feel at ease if he moves into the new capital as soon as possible.

The power of the mayor of Omar City is very large. Now Colonel Ka not only wants Mohammed to be the mayor of Omar City, but also to be the mayor of Omar City.The mayor also asked Muhammad to form a new national defense force, which is equivalent to letting Muhammad train his own team.

"Dad, I will fly to China today."

Muhammad nodded, and looking at his steady son, Colonel Ka was very pleased.

Colonel Ka left, and the news that Libya's automobile factory officially began mass production of automobiles was also widely publicized in the country by the Libyan media.

This news also made many Libyan people very proud. Automobiles are high-end manufacturing. Not to mention Africa, many European countries may not have automobile manufacturing industries.

Now Libya has it, becoming the first country in Africa to have an automobile manufacturing factory.

The basalt sea beast produced in Libya is also officially sold in Libya, but the price is not cheap. The price in Libya is as high as 320,000 yuan when converted into RMB.

However, for the Libyan people, this price is not high, because the price of cars sold in Libya is very high.

In addition, Libya's national income is very high now, and the per capita annual income is as high as 14,000 US dollars. Converted into RMB, it is more than 120,000 yuan.

In addition to high income, Libya also provides subsidies for people to buy cars and other products.

The same is true for the Sea Beast this time. A Libyan-made Sea Beast has a subsidy of about 120,000 yuan. That is to say, after the subsidy is completed, the price of the Sea Beast in Libya is only about 200,000 yuan.

Moreover, this Sea Beast is a 3.6 six-cylinder power and is equipped with a 5-speed automatic transmission. With such a configuration, the price even in China must be more than 200,000.

So when this news was announced, many Libyan people came to consult about the Sea Beast in several Xuanwu direct stores in Libya.

In the future, the Sea Beast will also be exported to neighboring countries. Although Shanhai Automobile Group has made a lot of money, Libya will not make much money. And it can also drive employment and drive their industrial development.

Colonel Ka is very satisfied with this. Sure enough, you must choose the right big brother. If you follow the right big brother, you will have meat to eat!

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