Time passed quietly to 1995. In the past year, the international situation has changed a lot, and many major events have happened around the world, but this did not prevent everyone from entering 1995 with various moods.

At the beginning of 1995, Libya announced a major event.

That is, Libya will move its capital from the current Tripoli to Omar City.

In the future, Omar City will become the new capital of Libya and the new political center of Libya. This news made some countries feel very uncomfortable.

Especially European and American countries, they now have intelligence about Omar City and know what Omar City looks like.

Now European and American countries are scolding China every day, scolding China for being shameless and too insidious. This Omar City is not the capital, it is a super huge military fortress.

The whole city is an iron turtle, like a maze.

The most important thing is that the defense of the entire city is super strong, and the most ordinary buildings on the ground can be used as military fortresses. Whose residential building has a wall one meter thick?

For residential buildings with one-meter-thick walls, let alone ordinary guns. Even with 150mm heavy artillery, the effect is very small. This is just an ordinary residential building. There are some buildings with walls two or three meters thick or even thicker, and missiles are not very effective.

Not to mention that according to intelligence clues, the real horror of Omar City is the complex underground city. This underground city is dozens of times more complex and solid than the underground base in Somalia.

Even the giant earth-penetrating bombs of the United States are unlikely to have much effect. With such an iron bastard, Western countries have to think twice before they want to deal with Colonel Ka.

What's more, Libya now has a lot of advanced weapons and equipment, a large army, and a disgusting foreign legion.

The most important thing is that Libya has completely embraced China's thighs, and China's various policies make Western countries jealous.

In the past, the capital of Libya was Tripoli, and European countries could threaten Tripoli at any time.

Now, Libya has moved its capital to Omar City. It will be difficult for them to attack this iron bastard in southern Libya.

Libya has moved its capital, and Colonel Ka is already eager to move into his new residence.

Libya's actions are very fast. Colonel Ka quickly moved into the new capital with government agencies. Then the army and the families of these soldiers who are absolutely loyal to Colonel Ka entered Omar City.

For the residents of Omar City, Colonel Ka's principle is to have no one but not too many. The residents of Omar City must be loyal to themselves.

At the same time, taking advantage of the opportunity of moving to the new capital, Colonel Ka once again carried out a new round of cleansing and review of Libya. Many people who were dissatisfied with Colonel Ka were directly cleansed out, and intelligence personnel in many countries suffered again. The intelligence system that Europe and the United States had finally established was hit hard again this time.

In addition to Colonel Ka and his people, there are now hundreds of thousands of orphans that Colonel Ka brought from all over the world in Omar City.

These orphans are now very loyal to Colonel Ka and Muhammad. When these people grow up, they will be the most loyal fighters of the Kadazor family.

Finally, there are a large number of Chinese workers.

Although the construction of Omar City has been completed, Libya still has other projects. For example, railways, highways, agricultural areas, industrial areas, etc. are under construction.

In addition to Libya, there are projects in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Sudan and other countries. These countries are not far from Libya.

Libya's actions have attracted a lot of attention, but in northwest China, a very low-key project has started.

On January 11, 1995, in northwest China, Xu Huasheng and his party came here.

Because today, a project here will officially start.

The fourth-generation nuclear power test reactor project of Huabao Nuclear Power officially started today. Huabao Nuclear Power is a joint venture between Huaxia Nuclear Power Company and Huasheng Group. Its main business is nuclear power business.

This company has been established for almost two years. In the past two years, the company has been very, very low-key.

The entire company has no projects. What we have to do every day is to spend money, conquer technology, and research and develop. Xu Huasheng also gradually brought out the fourth-generation nuclear power technology he knew.

Especially the thorium-based molten salt reactor technology. In 2035, China's thorium-based molten salt reactor nuclear power plant has been officially commercialized and started large-scale construction.

The thorium-based molten salt reactor is a type of fourth-generation nuclear power technology with many advantages. The cooling medium of the thorium-based molten salt reactor is no longer seawater, but liquid molten salt.

At the same time, the pressure vessel of the thorium-based molten salt reactor is a normal pressure vessel, which is many times safer than the high-pressure vessel of the pressurized water reactor. The temperature of the thorium-based molten salt reactor is also relatively high.

In a word,In other words, compared with the third generation of nuclear power, the fourth generation of nuclear power has made great progress and has great prospects. Of course, the technology is also very difficult. Even by 2035, only China has started the commercial use of the fourth generation of nuclear power, and other countries are seriously lagging behind in technology.

As for the fifth generation of nuclear power, it is the legendary artificial sun. However, Huasheng Group is also secretly researching this project. Perhaps after thirty or fifty years, this technology will be broken through, and human technology will reach a very advanced level at that time.

"Mr. Xu, our experimental reactor is a two-megawatt experimental reactor. According to the plan, the construction period is one year. After the experimental reactor starts operating, there will be a 5 to 10-year technical verification period. When the technical verification period is over, the fourth generation of nuclear power can be officially put into commercial use..."

A middle-aged man said to Xu Huasheng.

The experimental reactor built this time has only two megawatts of power. Although the power is small, it is of great significance.

The construction of the entire experimental reactor is one year, and the entire experimental reactor will be tested at the beginning of next year. The test operation time is five to ten years.

If it is five years, that is to say, the fourth generation of nuclear power may be approved for commercial use in China as early as 2001.

Even if it is based on a ten-year operation period, the fourth generation of nuclear power will be put into commercial use in 2006 at the latest.

Once the fourth generation of nuclear power is put into commercial use, it will be a huge opportunity for China. The fourth generation of nuclear power does not rely on seawater for cooling, has a high degree of safety, and is very convenient for miniaturization. It can not only build nuclear power plants, but also build nuclear-powered ships, including large commercial ships, etc.

By that time, China can develop nuclear power on a large scale. China's thorium resources are very rich, and China's own thorium resources alone can be used by China for tens of thousands of years.

The fourth generation of nuclear power plus new energy can directly cause the whole world pattern. At that time, the demand for oil resources may change dramatically. Once the energy demand changes, the world pattern will change at any time. The dollar tied to oil may collapse at that time, and the big change will come completely.

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