The situation in Myanmar has become tense. Myanmar's economy is on the verge of collapse and it is in urgent need of diverting conflicts.

This is also the reason why Myanmar and the United States signed a security treaty. Attacking Kunsha can divert domestic attention. Starting a war to divert domestic economic conflicts is what many countries often do.

And now there is a Shan State Republic, which has given the Myanmar government a reason to start a war.

The Myanmar government army is preparing for war, and Kunsha is also preparing for war. A large amount of supplies are accepted by Kunsha, and a large amount of intelligence is also shared with Kunsha.

And in Xu Dafei's Longbang, let alone. There are countless advanced weapons and the combat effectiveness is quite strong. Now Xu Dafei's Longbang has only shown its military strength, which makes the government army timid, not to mention the hidden strength.

Now, Xu Dafei is the largest warlord in Myanmar. It's just that Xu Dafei has not shown too much aggression now. In name, Longbang still belongs to Myanmar.

And now Longbang focuses on economic development, without showing too much aggression, and looks harmless. So now the most urgent issue for the Myanmar government is Khun Sa. If Khun Sa is not resolved quickly, other warlords will follow suit, and the whole Myanmar will be completely divided.

At a military airport of the Myanmar government army, several planes flew from afar and finally landed steadily at the airport. Seeing these planes, the people of the Myanmar government army were very excited.

F16, an advanced fighter of the US military, a standard third-generation fighter.

Such a powerful fighter has never been seen in Myanmar before. Now it has it, not only has it, but also in large quantities.

This time, the US military assisted the Myanmar government with a total of 12 F16 fighters, but these 12 fighters are not new fighters. Instead, they are directly drawn from bases in the Middle East.

And the bases in the Middle East have supplemented new models of F16. These old models of aircraft were directly assisted to Myanmar.

Although it is an old model, this aircraft is still a powerful existence in Asia.

12 third-generation aircraft are not too many, but they are not too few. Especially for Myanmar, using this thing to attack Kunsha is simply like using an anti-aircraft gun to kill a mosquito.

And this time, the United States brought not only F16 fighters, but also precision-guided bombs, air-to-air missiles, and air-to-ground missiles. It is so cool to use this thing to deal with Kunsha, which has no air defense capabilities.

The first batch of F16s landed, and the pilots of Myanmar came back with the plane. This batch of pilots has been trained in the United States for a long time and has mastered the operation of F16.

"Load the ammunition immediately, and launch an air strike on Kunsha's important strongholds tonight..."

A general gave the order directly. Now that the plane is back, they also want to let Kunsha taste the taste of being attacked by air.

Just when Kunsha was not prepared, they launched an air strike on Kunsha's important strongholds, and they also experienced the pleasure of mastering air supremacy.

The Myanmar Air Force began to act, and the coordinates of Kunsha's important strongholds were already clear to the Myanmar government forces. And this time, the United States will also provide them with intelligence support, including satellite guidance and other technologies.

But what they didn't know was that China had already discovered these six F16s before they landed in Myanmar. Now China knows the movements of these six F16s clearly.

So as soon as these six planes landed in Myanmar, Kunsha had already received an early warning.

After receiving the early warning, the four missile launchers had already separated and started to move. These four vehicles were hidden in four places and were carefully camouflaged.

As for the radar, the real radar is actually hidden in China.

China has built a radar station in Yunnan. The performance of this radar station is quite awesome. It can detect golf balls flying 4,000 kilometers away. The performance is quite amazing.

This radar station covers a very wide range. The whole of Southeast Asia, including India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, is within the monitoring range of this radar.

This radar not only has a long detection distance, but also has a guidance function. It can directly guide aircraft, missiles, drones and other equipment to attack and intercept the enemy through a two-way data link.

So now, these four missile vehicles don't even need radar vehicles. China can directly control and guide them remotely.

Now China has the Thousand-Handed Guanyin system, which enables Chinese weapons to achieve data sharing and multi-platform guidance.

Night Reward, at 1 a.m., at the airport in Myanmar, six F16s took off directly after loading bombs, targeting the base of the Shan State Republic.

Each plane was equipped with six Paveway laser-guided bombs, and the six planes were equipped with a total of 36 laser-guided bombs.

This laser-guided bomb has an accuracy of up to one meter, and the pilot can accurately send the missile to the target he wants to bomb.

Six planes took offAs soon as they took off, Chuxiong and his team received the news in the territory of the First Shan State Republic.

On their missile vehicles, the flight trajectories and specific data of the six aircraft can be clearly seen.

The data is very detailed, with precise coordinates, altitude, speed, etc.

"All missiles enter the launch state..."

Chuxiong immediately gave an order to remove the camouflage nets on the four missile vehicles. Everyone looked serious, and they knew that the next step would be a contest between spears and shields.

It's time to see whether the American F16 is more powerful or their own country's air defense missiles are more powerful.

At this moment, Kunsha, who had received the intelligence, had taken people into the secret base to hide. Kunsha was also very nervous, after all, the F16 was notorious.

In the air, six F16s formed a formation and flew quickly at an altitude of 15,000 meters.

The pilots were very relaxed, and they felt that it was not difficult to carry out this bombing mission. Kunsha did not have an air defense system, and at most there were some shoulder-fired air defense missiles that could hit helicopters, which could not reach the F16 at all.

The plane flew quickly towards the First Shan State Republic. When they entered the airspace of the Shan State Republic, Chuxiong and his team had already placed their hands on the launch button.

The plane was getting closer and closer to the capital of the Shan State Republic. When the plane was still ten kilometers away from the capital of the Shan State Republic.

The attack order was issued, and Chuxiong and his team pressed the button.

Four launch vehicles fired four missiles at the same time, and four missiles soared into the sky, and then two more missiles flew out.

The missile flew out, and the next moment the alarm sounded in the F16 cabin.

"No, we are locked by radar. It's an anti-aircraft missile. The other side has an anti-aircraft missile. Retreat quickly..."

The captain in charge exclaimed, pressed the button directly, threw the bomb under the belly of the plane, and then turned around and ran away.

The other planes were the same. They could no longer take care of this mission. They threw the bomb first and ran away quickly. They never thought that Kunsha actually had this kind of anti-aircraft missile. It was too bad.

At this moment, in the military base in Myanmar, the faces of the officers sent by the United States turned pale in an instant, because after the air defense missile was launched, their radar detected the air defense missile.

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