"Colonel, Sudan is rich in resources, but its population is not large. This is a great treasure, but Sudan's infrastructure is too poor, and its industrial base is too poor. The initial investment will cost a lot of money. But we have the money, and most importantly, we also need security guarantees, at least we can ensure that our things will not be stolen..."

Xu Huasheng looked at Colonel Ka and said, which made Colonel Ka nod his head.

"Xu, don't worry about this. Whoever dares to touch our things, I will kill him..."

Colonel Ka said directly.

Although Sudan has a larger population than Libya and a larger number of troops than Libya now. But in terms of combat effectiveness, Sudan's army is really not as good as Libya's army now, because the equipment gap is too big.

Sudan's army is all land forces, and most people only have one light weapon, and not too many heavy weapons.

But Libya is different. Now Libya can even produce fighter jets. Now Libya has begun to produce the modified version of the J-7, and the production capacity is still very good, with a planned production capacity of up to 500 aircraft a year.

Although the J-7 is a backward model, it is definitely a high-end thing to fight Sudan. If Sudan dares to jump, Libya's air force can directly launch air strikes on Sudan.

The air force cannot be compared, and other things are even more incomparable. Now most of the equipment of the Sudanese government army is aided by Libya.

As for the combat effectiveness of the army, Libya has no need to worry about it.

Now Libya's foreign legion has been established. The foreign legion is full of excellent veterans, many of whom are retired Chinese soldiers, and their combat effectiveness is quite awesome.

At the same time, Colonel Ka has adopted a large number of orphans. These orphans have received military training since childhood and are also elite soldiers when they grow up.

For his royal dream, Colonel Ka has invested too much in armaments. It is not an exaggeration to say that the military force controlled by Colonel Ka is definitely the top in Africa.

"Mr. Colonel, this is not enough. We also need to cultivate agents internally to ensure the safety of our assets. If someone dares to disobey..."

Xu Huasheng's eyes made Colonel Ka laugh.

There is no need to say much to each other. Everyone understands that if you don't obey, you can change one. Isn't that the case for agents?

"Sudan has a lot of resources, and Omar City is not far from Sudan. I suggest building a railway. Sudan can get a loan, and we Huaxia can help them build it, and use the resources to repay the loan. At that time, we can build some basic industries in Sudan, process the resources simply, and then transport these resources to the industrial zone of Omar City for further processing. For example, build a steel mill in Sudan, only refine crude steel. These crude steels are then transported to Omar City to be refined into special steels, etc...."

Xu Huasheng began to plan Sudan investment with Colonel Kada.

Investing in Sudan must also give Sudan some benefits.

Infrastructure construction, basic industries and other things can be had. But better things depend on future changes.

To put it bluntly, Libya is now clinging to China's thighs, so it can get more soup.

But if Sudan does better in the future, maybe the opposite will happen, and Sudan may get more Chinese investment and support, etc.

Huaxia and Xu Huasheng know very well that Libya is just a chess piece.

In the villa, with Xu Huasheng's plan, Colonel Ka was full of expectations. Sudan's resources, after simple processing in Sudan, are transported to Libya to be processed into various industrial products, and then these industrial products are sold back to Sudan.

One in and one out, the profit is quite a lot.

As for the technology of industrial products, China is there. China invests and makes the most money, and Libya follows China and makes less money.

In this way, Libya becomes an industrial country in Africa, and other African countries are agricultural countries in Africa.

Using industrial products to exchange resources from agricultural countries, processing resources into industrial products and then selling them to agricultural countries is the simplest way to make money.

"By the way, Colonel, I plan to invest in agriculture in Sudan and buy some large manors. But the safety of the manor must be guaranteed, so you need to communicate with the Sudanese government and allow the manor to have a certain number of guards to ensure the safety of the manor..."

Xu Huasheng said directly.

Invest in agriculture and buy land on a large scale in Sudan.

Sudan has just stabilized, and there is a lot of work to be done. Moreover, Sudan has a lot of land, and a lot of land is unowned.

Now, as long as you give them some money, they will sell, which is a good opportunity to buy at the bottom.

Although agriculture does not make money as fast as industry, it is very stable if it is done well.

Especially for this kind of large estate, large-scale mechanization and even intelligent planting can be achieved. With the development of technology in the future, it can be directly unmanned.Planting does not require manual labor at all.

Sudan has 250 square kilometers of land, but now has only more than 20 million people. There are too many unowned lands.

Buying these things here is also to leave more fixed assets for his descendants. After all, the lands purchased are permanent property rights.

As long as he has the strength, these lands will be his for the next 100 years, 200 years or even longer.

But in Sudan, although the government army has now controlled the whole country. But Sudan is not safe inside, because there are too many ethnic groups in Sudan, and there is a huge tribal alliance inside, with countless tribes grouped together.

In the future, armed rebellion may occur, so Xu Huasheng needs to prepare early.

Buy land by yourself and establish a guard team by yourself.

As long as you can get this condition, even if there is an armed rebellion in the future, the strength of these guards will make those militants afraid.

"Xu, no problem, I will communicate with them and I will definitely get this condition for you."

Colonel Ka said with a smile. In Colonel Ka's view, this is not a big deal at all. Now Colonel Ka has a great influence on the Sudanese government.

Now Xu Huasheng wants to invest in the farm, which is to give money to the Sudanese government.

So much money has been given, so what's wrong with the farm having a guard team.

The guard team only protects the safety of the farm and does not do anything else. The current Sudanese government is very poor and urgently needs investment.

Moreover, Western forces continue to infiltrate Sudan and continue to support others. What the Sudanese government army wants to do most now is to get some money quickly, strengthen their own strength, and consolidate the fruits of victory they have won with great difficulty.

Now fighting is all about money, and without money, the government army cannot be stable.

And Colonel Ka is their biggest sponsor. The sponsor's small conditions are that as long as the Sudanese government is not stupid, it will not fall out with the sponsor.

Besides, the more Huaxia invests in Sudan, the more stable its rule will be. The government army still understands this principle.

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