At the end of June, China launched two more island-building artifacts.

After the launch and sea trials, China's four island-building artifacts gathered at Dayuan Beach and began to blow sand and build islands on Dayuan Beach.

When the Philippines learned the news, it almost jumped up.

However, the Philippines was powerless, because the Philippines was in chaos during this period, and many militants were very active. These people not only updated their weapons and equipment, but also had funds for activities. During this period, these people made the entire Philippines very difficult, and there was a tendency for civil war.

China's four island-building artifacts gathered at Dayuan Beach. After many countries looked at the map, they were stunned by China's big hand.

It's really cruel, China is really cruel.

Dayuan Beach is too large, and it would be too awesome if it was built.

Now, China's actions are open conspiracy. I will build islands, build islands continuously, and build islands continuously. It doesn't matter that my warships are small now, but I build a lot of islands.

The Iron Triangle islands are already in the final stage of construction. Some time ago, a country released satellite images on which Chinese fighter jets were found.

The only country that can cause trouble for China in the South China Sea is the United States. But I don’t know what happened to the United States during this period, and it has not come to the Asia-Pacific region at all.

Now it feels like the United States has begun to play badly, but in fact, the United States is also suffering.

It’s not that the United States doesn’t want to intervene, but it is really powerless now. Originally, it wanted to make a move on China in Myanmar, but China used a group of drones and almost fed the entire aircraft carrier battle group to sharks.

This is still with the help of Myanmar. If the United States is really stubborn and turns the table over with China. Who knows how much China still has in its hands.

Let’s not talk about anything else, just that kind of drone, how many can they make? I’m afraid that millions of them will not be a problem by then?

How many warships will be enough for them to toss by then? Before finding an effective way to deal with drones, the United States dare not take risks.

But when they find a way, China has actually controlled this area. China is now building islands too fast, and large aircraft can take off and land on the islands, and various missiles can be placed. China's navy is not good, but the air force is now good, and the missile force is also very powerful.

The United States has been collecting intelligence on China, and they also know some of the new equipment in service in China.

For example, the J-10 fighter jet, they are not very clear about the specific intelligence, but they have already known the general intelligence. The performance of this fighter is not worse than its own F16.

Not only that, the US military satellite has also photographed China's twin-engine heavy fighter jets in the northwest of China, and it is estimated that this aircraft will soon be in service.

In terms of third-generation aircraft, the United States can no longer form a technological gap with China.

Now the United States has bet all its treasures on the F22. Now the progress of the US F22 project is very fast and it is about to make its first flight. Americans are very proud of this fighter.

They have formed a unified opinion internally, and they will deal with China after this fighter jet is in service.

But what they don't know is that China's J-20 project is also progressing very fast. At present, the J-20 project has entered the final stage and is expected to make its first flight next year.

By then, the two stealth fighters may be in service for about the same time. The United States can't even dream that China has what it has.

He can't even imagine that China not only has the J-20, but also the J-35.

China not only has two stealth fighters, but also has anti-stealth radars. The stealth fighters that the United States has bet on are no longer invisible in front of China's radar.

The United States dares not to come forward, and the surrounding small countries dare not jump.

So now China takes this opportunity to start blowing sand and building islands in the South China Sea crazily. Now China imports a terrifying amount of super coagulant.

Not only from Libya, but also from Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria and other countries. Huasheng Group has set up super coagulant factories in these countries.

These countries are also willing to export super coagulant because it is not included in the oil quota and does not need to be settled in US dollars.

Most of the time, they barter with China, exchanging super coagulant for arms, infrastructure, and other things.

And these super coagulants were transported by China to the South China Sea by cargo ships to blow sand and build islands.

Just when China was filling up Dayuan Island, Myanmar had completely lost control of the situation. Since the withdrawal of the US military, the Myanmar government army has become the target of attack.

Kunsha's rocket launchers have hit Yangon several times, and the 50,000 troops trapped in Shan State by Kunsha's troops were even more miserable. They were directly beaten and finally surrendered.

Under such circumstances, Myanmar was completely in chaos.Seeing this, other warlords in the country also became active one by one. Now several warlords in several states in the country have taken action.

But in Longbang, Xu Dafei is very stable.

During this period, a large number of refugees poured into Longbang and were properly settled. There is a place to live, food, and work. Although the money is not much, hard work can still support the family. Not only can the family be well fed and clothed, but there can also be some surplus, which is very good for them as refugees.

In the arsenal of Longbang, many workers are busy.

This arsenal is not small in scale, with a lot of equipment and many skilled workers.

During this period, the production of the arsenal is full of power.

A brand new AK47 was produced, and finally these guns were tested and directly packed and shipped away.

In addition to AK47, there are also pistols, bullets, mortars, and rocket launchers, which can be produced in this factory.

These things are all money, real money. During this period, Xu Dafei has sold a lot of weapons.

Sagaing Province, this place is next to Longbang. This is the area controlled by the Burmese government army, but it has been a bit uneasy during this period.

In Sagaing Province, several trucks came to the boundary between Longbang and Sagaing Province. After the vehicles stopped, some soldiers got off the vehicles.

After they got off the vehicles, about half an hour later, several vehicles drove over from Longbang.

"The goods are all here, take a look."

The deliveryman from Longbang said directly, and then opened the compartment, which was full of boxes of weapons.

After checking, several soldiers nodded, and then unloaded a large box from a truck. Open the box, and there were gold bars inside.

Arms trade, and this time Xu Dafei's trading partner was still the government army. It was just a general of the government army. This general had great prestige in Sagaing Province. Various signs showed that this general wanted to become a warlord.

In the choice between the warlord and the general of the Burmese government army, this general chose to be a warlord and the boss. Xu Dafei was very willing to have such a trading partner. Anyway, as long as he gave money and didn't fight himself, the more chaotic Myanmar was, the better.

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